fi's Friends
mamalama12 entitie303
dylan wilsonaveschool
i love super mario maker
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OscarJai04 OscarJai04
my name is oscar and i love minecraft and fnaf and Terraria and if your friends with J-Cool08 tell him i'm sorry that i didn't join him and if you know how to de-block someone then tell me
Karina KLRrox
ZomBrex ZomBrex77
jimmy tonyarnold
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tanner tanner668
Gavin fisch1245
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Dmitri dmitrirocke5963
hey everybody my name deric and i love to play games with friends and friends friends so please dont be shy to join rayman minecraft and other games with me and thanks for friending
tanyn2009 tanyn2009
harryLs harryletchfordLs
hi guys im harry im 10 i have a brother called rowan he is 11 plz frend him:rowancraft2006 i have got minecraft and splatoon and call of duty-black-ops2 i am free to wiiu chat with strangers im very active 98/100 plz dont frend me if you have a sqeeky voice i find it aynoying im verry good at finding cool glitches youtube channel is called harryletchfordLs ive got 22 subs
Jaymoss123 mossp23
Cass mariosans
hi im mariosans. i think of things that might make you think of sugar. i like mincraft. undertale, splatoon, mariokart 8 and nintendo land. pls freind me.
ash xoluvcheleox
SeaFlower1 delina2008
This is im waiting to buit with my big friends! how ever but it gets weird but its sitlll awesome!;)
erika mamalama123
he lol lol lol omg lol
CLASSIC.S sonic111103
HI guys fastest thing alive SONIC THE HEDGEHOG I HAD A FIGHT OF Rosecure as doctor Eggman or EGGHEAD I Save the animals in history 1991 TO 2017 my games were popular then mario at the 1990's but i was going down with SONIC 06 AND RISE OF LYRICS BUT SONIC FORCES WII BE COMING IN NINTENDO SWITCH IN 2017 BYE GUYS GOTTA GO FAST AND THANK YOU MY FREINDS FOR COMING I LOVE YOU ALL ROUND THE WORLD PICE!!
END MASTER Daddyandflash
babyniyah★ Taniyahbear21
Hello everybody please friend me and pick marie when you play splatoon
gamerboy27 gabs09
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J.J DangerousDog
Chris games2007
I love cats and dog
sj tripleh12321
A-train wkalunji99
i can you be my friend
Billy lucasajones
Hey everyone! Anyone wanna play Minecraft with me?
Alex alexmartin99
Hi I'm alex I'm 13 years old I'm playing super smash bros for wiiu,mario kart 8,sonic lost world,super mario maker,plus 3d world,donkey kong country tropical freeze and ninja gaiden 3 Razor's edge that was me everybody all of it and another doing playing my friend at online ok,and the plus side I have my brother his name is martin,ok.
polar bear Tutucky
hi my name is# lps cat lover ! my friends named willow #BessieK1
brezzy miaheron26
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jj juniorzunig
Darlene deedee7851
yassssss hoeny dlay it sike im lonely there ending miiverse wow im sad but now im okay im deedee well thats my NICKNAME well im ten years old i luv minecraft and splatoon witch i LOST AND I LOVED THAT GAME TO PICES well now im a lonely noddle witch no one cares about exsept echo and turkdajerk there both my BFF
Bubba bubbakilgore
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anthony Ashley23128
hello everyone!
becca becbecca1
izy custodio2007
Link mike130107
hi,i'am 10 years old and i'am good at battle. i'am kind and name is mike. i like to play and help survival worlds.My best friends are antoine,mlbarry16,diamondcake,prismarinerose and kelsey.i speak luxembourgish,german,english and french. (^-^) thank you for reading my profile comment and have a fantastic day and night.My favourite youtuners are LDshadowLady,stacyplays,ihascupquake.
fire redO8 bonnie1515
Keagan cjxing
Hey guys play minecraft wii u edition minecraft is so awesome play it it's really fun!:)
KyRissa! qikyka
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dylan tabatron86
batman christianfaria
dorien DorienRox
I can't wait to become a youtuber! I wonder what it's like.
progamer kaan2105
hey i am kaan and i am 13 years old i love minecraft and mario kart 8. are you not friends with me give me a friendsschap are your 7 days not online than i kick you bye
gata boca2000
can i play with you minecrafters
onlyDanny jaca641
hi my name is Daniel and I am 11 years old I live in U.S.A but my dad likes Puerto Rico sow now I live in P.R and I now to speak spanish
Archie Minecraft895
Hi I like gta 5 online, COD Zomies and stuff like that Mario Maker and Minecraft as well
Jεss coolspike80
R.I.P. Miiverse, it had a good yet cringey run. I'm still obsessed with Zane and feel like attacking Ein. Check these people out: Noelle (lego_ lover96) Ed™(Edward_Wetter) Paedric † (PaddyE) •~нειεηα~• (awesomeness-ari) Bent ςock (PhoenixUnity0.6) maseface (Snowbunny1990)
Harypotter phoenixfire30
julian julianmatambira
lorddan509 LordAwestin
what up nintendo dudes! i make mario maker cources and play smash and other fun games! make shure too check out my levels there great! stay awesome i know you will!
Herobrine rozaki62
georgesuck lundengilmore123
robin judy1385
sergio sergiodiaz2
hi do u won't to be friends
Patience♪★ simindemon
Patience 8D :3 ??
gabryxj gabryJ
ciao!mi chiamo gabriele mi piacciono molto i giochi di one piece di calcio e insomma anche i giochi di avventura e azione.
Cris32123 Cris32123
hey see you've stumbled across my account clans i am apart of DG★ TS★ games i love Xenoblade Chronicles X Minecraft Splatoon Disney Infinity 3.0 Lost Reavers Shovel Knight Super Mario 3D World Nintendo Land Non wii U games i like Roblox Besiege Gmod Overwatch Paladins Team Fortress 2
leland Noodles333
Ivy dorinivy
hey yall im play all sorts of games freind me:)
Bunny Dj DJTJisthebest
you are ausom!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Adrian LilA420
afro cman1760
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brooody Memo.ladiges
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Taylor R tgirl2204
Hey guys! my name is Taylor. my favoritewii u games are minecraft and mariocart 8. add shauna07pearce. and any of my other friends you come across. i am grade 7 and im almost 13 yrs old. That is it for now all i check ya later. BYE!!
weird aidan21010
h Jello-jam
kissybettr roebuck5
Harry thomas211298
woomy☆lily EmmaFess
i love splatoon i play it ALOT!!! its my favorite game! i have a squad called the woomy force. i accept any friend request that i get. and i do not draw very good so you can know. and my real name is Emma! NO WIIU CHAT!!! team pokemon moon!!! woomy!
Mad Denis Supercollider666
Hello everyone! Im Denis! Im 25 years old. Bye! :D Bye Miiverse. T-T WHY NINTENDO????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! IM SO MAD AT NINTENDO FOR DOING THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dracunyan jittle11
all my mascot yokai me darkyubi wickeds illumnoct jibanyan S komasan S and my fav dracunyan komajiiro S gargaros. there my best buds blood thirst *slurp*
wolfboy ahutchins83
leggy Leggyrain31
hey guys i have a nintendo switch and breath of the wild and still playing splatoon and super mario make so keep up if u wanna be my friend im right here
joeypikew? gwpike
Logan lshaffer728
Hi, I'm Logan and I love Minecraft! I even have my own minigame club called Lgames. Come join all my maps and play survival with me!
MarkIsGame MarkHergott
FlameKid mega11231
hi my name is FlameKid and i love so many games like mario, kirby, zelda, star fox, and metriod i hope you anyone were accept me as an friend thank you oh and don t worry that mii is actually joseph.
sans gamer Keremcan3010
Anna otolaryn
Guys! Miiverse is coming to an end due to the discontinuation of the Wii U. We have to hurry and find a way to keep in touch in our minecraft world. I have minecraft on my computor, and my username is mousegirl101. I love to play on a server called towncraft that offers a variety of fun games and activities such as bedwars and the hunger games. Message me if you are interested before its too late!
HarlyQuinn dave101
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tiny Poyla23