Users broucoffle Is Following
Jack Jack10M
Joseph Durpguy05
What are you talking about? Nothing happend, i șͪwear.
Joekster joethegenius
Hello there! I'm Joe, and this is my profile. I play Terraria and the Binding of Isaac. I spend most of my time on Miiverse drawing. Follow my friends! Manman - madman405 мıxεd - VBlitz Яевеιιë - LadyRogers Hushed - HushedNow
barry sherbertsi
uh hi i'm barrу pan-poly // trans guy // he/him ↓↓i like these things↓↓ • kin friends • chubby people • the color blue • drawing • youtube • equality • memes • vent barry#79¹³
Sakurai SakuraiMasahiroA
Hi, I'm the director of Super Smash Bros., Masahiro Sakurai of Sora. I'm working on the latest Super Smash Bros. game for the Wii U and the Nintendo 3DS. *Our staff is translating my posts.
Krishna 9¾ kawaiioshawott
here some somethings random about me!!! i want to be an Artist when i grow up i am vegatarian,NOT VEGAN!!! i love cookies!!! [don't ask] i like learning knew things 3 is my lucky number!!! i play the flute in band! i am an otaku!!!:] age:unkown all hate comments will be deleted
ghostybudX lovelyashley2610
hi! im ashley! (aka bloopy) ^w^ i came here on 3/24/15.I like drawing,anime, mitsudomoe, homestuck, games, splatoon, bravely defualt, rpg,southpark,and foxs. you may ask me questions,and comment, but plz do not ask me personal stuff. (i also draw very weird stuff so get ready for that) Dont be afraid to talk to me i love talking to pepole! ¯ˇ¯
a lot of this stuff here was made back when i was a cringy a**. you can laugh at this stuff befor...
a lot of this stuff here was made back when i was a cringy a**. you can laugh at this stuff before miiverse ends
p.s. this place sucked anyways