broucoffle's Post
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U Community

Welp, that's that.
I haven't been on here in two years, just remembered this exists. Sad to see this place go. Yall gonna miss this place?
Monster Hunter™ 4 Ultimate Community

Custom Quests?
So everything was okay, then i got a Mystic Talisman when im currently HR4. Then I joined a group about 4 days later, some HR999 dude named Katachi came in. We wer...
Terraria Community

I know this is off topic, but...
How can I put screenshots on to the part that says User Profile on my profile?
a lot of this stuff here was made back when i was a cringy a**. you can laugh at this stuff befor...
a lot of this stuff here was made back when i was a cringy a**. you can laugh at this stuff before miiverse ends
p.s. this place sucked anyways