Yes~♪♭♭^^ Yoroshikuonegaishimasu♪♪ Penny-san's instargarm follow owatashi wa shimashita:]♭ Penny-san's pohoto's very Kawaii-desu♪:] 12gatu(=12月) ni X'ams-cards okurimasu♪ X'amsに届(とど=todo)けられなかったらご...
Keeper's Yeahs

Stop spamming this poor verified Person. He is from Lightwood, not Nintendo! He can't stop them! Just because he's verifed doesn't mean he can save the horrible Social Media for a bunch of cringy w...
Play Journal Entries
Word Puzzles by POWGI

We're all sorry to see Miiverse go, but it doesn't mean we can't still be friends! Follow us to find out the latest on our upcoming games for Nintendo 3DS and Switch, and to see pictures of our cat...

since my explaination is burried under some other comments, I say it again: Ok guys! So this deviant guy isn't MacGyver anymore! He's MacsCorner!!
I've used the name "Keeper" online since 1985. I've played videogames since the '70s. Yes, I'm ol...
I've used the name "Keeper" online since 1985. I've played videogames since the '70s. Yes, I'm old!
I've owned:
Magnavox Odyssey, Atari VCS/2600, Atari Pong home console, Intellivision, Atari 5200, Vectrex, VIC-20, C64, Amiga, PC, Wii, 3DS, and now Wii U and Switch.
「とびだせ どうぶつの森」で、夢見の館アドレス4C00-0017-1F2Cです。デザインをどうぞ。←"Animal Crossing: New Leaf" Dream Suite Address. Designs available.