Keeper's Followers
へぁんきょエミリアん chackn6601
(2017/5/23追記) (とある方の話)うらで「謎共感な奴」よばわりしてるようなのでブロック確定です。こういう方と交流したいとは思わないですね。 (2016/7/9追記) ゆきだるまがヒラヤマで静養中の為、当面の間Team WS専用アカとします。 キャプテンはメンバー内で持ちまわるようにします。 対外でお会いした時はよろしくお願いします! <登板表> (月) ようこ (火) たくみ (水) さくら TeamWSのリーダー 別名さくらプロ (木) りん (金) あさみ (土) みさき (日) あきら けっしてゲ●ドウ、マ●オではありません
Oliver OllieOK2008
Reagan reagan4406
Boy Wonder PrinceIney
Faves... Consoles: NES, Atari 2600, SNES, Dreamcast, Wii U Games: SMB 3, Doom, Ms. Pac-Man, GTA Vice City, Dig Dug Musicians: Bowie, DEVO, Sparks, John Foxx, Gary Numan Movies: Suspiria, Dawn of the Dead, Reanimator, Pee Wee's Big Adventure, Robocop Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to return some videotapes before my meeting with Cliff Huxtable.
Nesty nestito154
Hola, soy Nesty. ¡Bienvenido a mi perfil! Soy un Gamer desde que era un pequeño. Soy de Puerto Rico. Suelo publicar dibujos y....ahora que lo pienso, ya ni recuerdo lo que suelo publicar. Me encanta hacer amigos y charlar. Así que no dudes en escribirme, ¡Nos vamos a divertir! Siempre estoy activo...casi. Usuαrιο de 2DS: NesTVZ Bueno, ¡Eso es todo! Sigueme y envíame solicitud de amistad. ^^
Wolfy wilyokie
Hi Im sylvia im 10 years old and I play splatoon mostly and i love to make friends. I usually change my name often too, make sure to send me a friend request any time!! See u soon!! :3
rage MxM benjamin429
Profile comment hidden by admin.
iPete(r) LuoSonata
yumio ian.vil
Neon Genesis Miiverse: The End of Miiverse if you want to see more of my art: DA: mitsukiharune t: harunemitsuki
▲τφжψς▼™ seahawks20014
∞–∞ im secretly a doge in disguise (º¸°) ps4 too Destiny, Batman Arkham Knight, Uncharted 4, CoD, sometimes Pvz Gw, Splatoon, Minecraft, ! and... drumroll... !! can't draw, can't build stuff in minecraft, but can win in CoD and Uncharted. The life skill that I will need later on. ;) hi there lel i watch u (¤–¤)
jaske Jasked
This user's profile comment is private.
johnson isaiahjohnson126
goodbye wii u
mario mariorioscheca
rtegsfj delmerrocks
hi how are you doing do you want to play minion rush
PandaLover HaydenMint
Hello there, my name is Hayden.I love playing Terraria, I also play Minecraft and build a few minigames with my friends. My Best Friends: BrockieC,Lilpapas111,Dougmaster22 and Rohatch391 (Bill Cipher) I also like Gravity Falls But anyway guys & girls i'll cya later \(^o^)/ Btw feel free to follow me i'll follow you back.
Kaleb kalebcarsen
My profile is dead R.I.P. 12/25/16 - 11/5/17 #Savemiiverseplz and a shoutout to my woonderful friends that made miiverse a better place for me, from the bottom of my heart, I say thank-you, and god bless you, you shall be missed, Goodbye forever - Kaleb Linn
Yui PikachuGirlgames
Hi there... I'm yui
michael thetipmaster123
What's up I'm Michael and I love to play Nintendo games. My favorite games to play are WWE, NBA, YoKai Watch , Pokemon and racing games, so if you need help completing anything in these games just ask.
Pavel chackninusa
☆BDM_068☆ BDM_068
Hi, im ☆BDM_068☆. Here are some things about me... I love dog's and ocelot's. Minecraft and splatoon are my favorite games. I love green! I like tomatoes. I don't do WII U CHAT. Sorry.:(. Make sure to friend request me! Stay fresh!;)!
Max★☆★☆ maxianddaisy
Heeeeyyyyy!!! This is Dreamy★! My second account!! Please go follow my main and second account!!!!! Main account nnid:maxwellandamb Second account nnid:maxianddaisy Peace!!
ぽきまる(´ω`#) ririri0327
はじめまして!!こんにちは♪ 『°*.RISE.*°』のサブの『りぃ』です.。 °♡*ミバ友*♡° ミィ←め~っちゃ優しい♪ ミィのこといじめたら許さんぞ!!(`^´*) もしいじめたらブロッコリーめ~っちゃ投げつけるからな`^´ *フレリクについて* こちらではフレリクが受けとれないので. サブの『.°*りり*°.サブ』にお願いします。 『りぃ』のはフレリスで教えます! *最後に一言* いつも.共感フォローありがとうございます! 3DSの方の『°*.RISE.*°』もよろしくお願いします! これからもよろしくお願いします!
MOMO ririka0214
twice大好き ツウィが一番好き 好きな曲SIGNAL メンバー9人 日本人*ミナ*サナ*モモ 韓国人*ナヨン*ジヒョ*ダヒョン*ジョンヨン*チェヨン 台湾人*ツウィ 皆ダンスがキュートでかっこいい!! 他に好きなグループ *防弾少年団 *AOA *BLACKPINK *GOT7 フォローあんがと^_^
りはれ ika1031
[HXD]Jorge catman280
Hello I'm George I'm part of SSS and βιρ(A Splatoon clan) I'm a S rank Splatoon player
ひらお honokiki
3picman343 3picman343
Hey Guys Im 3picman343 i have a pokemon clan called pokexbrawl if you want to join just follow me and comment to me Also you can battle me or trade me at ANY pokemon game i will give you a decent pokemon if you can win me in a pokemon battle !!!
Cceider Cceider.ZiquamHR
Harvey harveybragan7194
hi my name is Harvey please follow me and i will follow back and 1s you got a ps vita will be frends on the ps vita and if you want to play inf 2.0 you can invit me and i got splatoon so if yo want to play with me chest start it ok biy
Alek lilmister7
BCNagl BCNagl
It's dangerous to go alone... Take this... PROUD GAYMER HERE! 41yrs old. Began gaming on 2600 and never stopped (NES,GB,SNES,Genesis,PSX,GBA,DC,PS2/3,GCN,XBox/360,DS/3DS,Wii/U) 4EVR GAYMER! Luv 80s hair bands(don't hate)+90s grunge(Soundgarden;AiC..) Also luv Vicious,Ru'sDragRace,AbFab,Daria,SNAPPED,JudgeJudy+FactsOfLife! Games,RollerCoasters, Music&Beer RULE THE WORLD! No N64! Never was a fan!
P~B Yoshi PitchBlackYoshi
Hey guys?! IM PITCH BLACK YOSHI (NOT PEANUT BUTTER YOSHI) AND IM GLAD TO BE HERE! I like all sorts of things (Unicorns being my favorite)...But i hope we can all be friends!
ƒαβ~ςрιατ JacksonMitchell
Hi my name is Jackson. I have 9 amiibo's and I love splatoon. I want to have every amiibo in the world!!!!!!! I also have a little brother named Jack and a little sister named Jakie.Plus a twin sister named Ally I'm also part of the ƒαβ clan
vale familiacossio
espero que tengan un buen día. los quiero mucho :)
Tadeo TheCrazyN00b1
im not really active here since i don't really care about miiverse anymore. i might get on once in a while. i'll still do follow for follow here but if you somehow find me anywhere else, no. never again. also if it isn't obvious, i really regret having a miiverse.
Luke ldmiddle
Hi my name is Luke I like many games here are some games I like: All Mario games All sonic games Minecrat Wii U All sports games All racing games All fighting games including Super smash bros Wii U And that about it my main friends are Wells 123 Briggz boy,who like to go by PSI Power. just remember if you follow me I follow you :)
たぬ・ミカりんファン k.n1201
終了してもまたどこかで会いたいですね ミーバース、大嫌いで大好き!!!笑 ありがとう。 たぬ・ミカりんファン
jayden4321 jaydenstar12
bjack 123bj45
Tarzant V£ 1337GamerBCU
I'm Outta post's today(XX/XX/XX) Sup?....this is my 2nd account:) b/c my old 3DS is broke;( for some reason it doesn't want to turn on;(.... So, with that out of the way.... Im 26 and I'm happily married to my wife: Juliet with 2 Beautiful kids:(Sarah Mary & John Oliver)... Have you found Senpai? cus I haven't;-;.... Follow 4 Follow:)...
Angel Rocketpower13
I love morio maker and more follow me too i love YOUTUBE peace guys tell me more stuff on my posts thanks and i love nintendo games morio and stuff like i always say by and peace leave now!
Derp teague5657
Hi there, I'm Derp. Try not to slam on my face as hard next time though. I like junk food, such as pizza, donuts, and dorritos. I like nutricious foods like wasabi, chicken, apples, Panda Express and Subway. My TV shows are Percy Jackson, adventure time, WWE, ed, edd, and eddie, Steven Universe, Codename Kids next Door, and Crashletes. Alright go but please have a choc chip cookie
I've used the name "Keeper" online since 1985. I've played videogames since the '70s. Yes, I'm ol...
I've used the name "Keeper" online since 1985. I've played videogames since the '70s. Yes, I'm old!
I've owned:
Magnavox Odyssey, Atari VCS/2600, Atari Pong home console, Intellivision, Atari 5200, Vectrex, VIC-20, C64, Amiga, PC, Wii, 3DS, and now Wii U and Switch.
「とびだせ どうぶつの森」で、夢見の館アドレス4C00-0017-1F2Cです。デザインをどうぞ。←"Animal Crossing: New Leaf" Dream Suite Address. Designs available.