Corn's Followers
ant accele-orz
AbduGriGri abdu2.0xl
Salut les amis ! Alors dèja les potos Lounes Nael :) Fathallah Momo C'est tout et un truc si t'es pas abbonner re monte . Maitenant le top 3 de mes meilleur jeux! 3: FNAF 2:Minecraft. 1: Splatoon (1-2). Merci a vous tous mes abonnés!! A la prochaine!!! ♥-♥
SξNSξi U Francis-DaBest
Hey guys! The name is Francis! I have loved Nintendo and still do ever since I was a little child. MK7 VR: 13k MK8 VR: 35k I played on my 3DS from 2011 - 2014. long time. My real name is Francisco but, I normally get called Francis. I love tech (computers), art and sports so. Just before I go, does anyone watch The Flash? (Sεnsει) (Zσσm) (Adrenalyn) ^ My names
Kenny PrincessKenny224
Hi im Kenny McCormick just here to do random things... things about me 'ONLINE: ★★★★☆ HAPPY★★★☆☆ MAD:★★★☆☆ AGE:10 THINGStoDO:anything mostly draw undertale thank god for undertale im sure you and i would be great freind please we can only wiiu chat if i know you in school or best freinds... but some times yeah ... stalkers... ok bye!
Jaxson JaxsonSchilling
My name's Jaxson and I'm FTM trans. :) Things about me: -I love wolves and dragons -I'm adopted -My real name was Cassie -My preferred pronouns are he/him Thanks for officially stalking me. XD Nah, just kidding. STALKER!!!
le potato luna.sakamachi44
age: 15 #imasophomorenow :'^)))) bi i love: -anime -video games -drawing -music im socially awkward... i play piano hope we can be friends lucky number is 8 OVERWATCH IS LIFE dont make me bash on your waifu... cause i will waifu bash im a walking meme
SirPixel CornyBen1
17 | ♂ Favorite Nintendo franchise: Zelda I draw sometimes I play Smash Bros competitively I play PC games and stuff so... yeah..... meme
ςαηςραι Princesshdf
Ok so hi, my name is Heather and I'm 13yro. Art requests are available if you like junk! So here is a list of things I like: Undertale!! Sanspai :3 MLP: too lazy to spell, Dashie! Minecraft: Xbox360 and PE. FNAF:again too lazy,Foxy Bae to. Gravity Falls: Bill why you die! Steven Universe: Lapidot 4 evah! ACNL, ACCF, ACHHD. Animal Crossing! Ok now Leave. U passed the test!!
Red Strawberries02
Offline Online [Who cares.] Me in 4 words. +Ew. +Meme. +awkward. +Sad. don't expect "real art" on here. it all half done because i don't care :^)))
Miss Kpop Styles-5
Hello mon ptit loup! Je m'appelle Laura mais tu peux m'appelé Miss Xoxo et je te réponderait Tsunya ... Sorry jm'emporte J'aime plus que tout au monde les ΕΧΘ & BTS . Je déteste qu'on me cherche ! Vous chercheriez pas une wolf hein? Sinon tu peux t'abo si c'est pas déjà fait , bref Slt! hé oublie pas je suis une WOLF <3 Team Chanyeol <3 <3 Team Sehun <3 Jung SUBSCRIBE! Kook
WaffleWolf mysticshewolff
* Turns around, a little surprised* Oh! H-hello, thanks for clicking on my face.. I guess... you know that really hurt... ow... :c..BUT anyways... My name is º·* WaffleWolf*·º *º ƒA¢†$º* ~* female *~ socially awkward ~* a little shy *~ 12 Oh! I also play a game called animal jam, you can buddy me if you want, im~ thatnerdykido3o~ I also do art on there if you'd like to see it :D
Benny joshrains
Hello my name is josh, i am 10 years old and live in the uk with my 2 brothers and mum and favourite game series is mario. I appreciate all the support i get from you guys . i just wanted to let you know :) Thank you so much for 480 followers i am so happy! i would like at somepoint 1000 followers but dont follow if you dont want to. i dont like forcing people ok.
♪Naylaaaa♪ nmchan13
Started: Aug2015 ☆—☆—☆—☆—☆ |She/Her♀| -Doodle -Game -Occasionally write ☆—☆—☆—☆—☆ What are somethings I play most on the 3DS? -Animal Crossing (NL&HHD) -PAA -SSB -Pokemon ☆—☆—☆—☆—☆ blue_rabbit13 <--- :33333 ☆—☆—☆—☆—☆ No more school. ¯\(°¯°)/¯ my life is now boring & my parents are forcing me to go outside everyday. (τωτ") yay...
steve icarewhatuthink
Deviant: noncurses Hi, I'm the guy who apologizes too much and flirts with everyone. Yeah, there's guys kissing here. Don't like it? Just avoid it. Simple. 👌
Victor Victorcybertron1
Life is a game
Richard BrosAndCons
It's the end of an era, my dudes. s0 my dude5 7'm not 6onna lie, i'm di5appointed. thi2 wa5 a place w4ere 7 could 4ave fun, where 7 could draw comics, where I made frien9s. It was a treat to know you all. Thanks for sticking with me to the end of the line. 2012-2017
Sid Sydvicious17
HI THERE I'm Sydney BUT, you can call me sid for short....:V I draw stuff and other stuff I guess.... thats all for now goodbye. my uhh other account: Siddd FunkyFresshhh
Can i just have a tiny little Edd to cheer me up...? IM AN ARTIST BTW I JUST CANT DRAW ON TINY SCREENS! Expert roleplayer also hungarian speaking trash Fandoms: Eddsworld, Minecraft, Homestuck, Creepypasta, League of Legends..etc over 47 ocs....i might have a problem.. c:'
Jakil jaja703
Hello everyone, my name is Jakil Day. I'm someone that wants to become the world's best successful person and a top-notch leader. I may be at the bottom, but when I'm at the top, My life will change into a whole new level. I care for everyone and that means you too, and try to support. The caring moments that people give me, i start loving. What will the world be without me. Jakil Forever!
flopbun psychedelicmeow
UwU no touchy my wife plz SHES BACK AA A A AA AA AAA lol i rarely draw on this haaah- M O V E I M G @ Y
Tsuyu destipop
hey! the name's geo, a dumb 13 year old who screams a lot a huge nerd for all sorts of things. osomatsu-san, OFF, wadanohara, danganronpa, yOUTUBERS (mark jack felix and game grumps mostly,,) and rick and morty (PROTECT MORTY PLS) tomblr: kabanyanners > I DON'T ACCEPT RANDOM FRIEND REQUESTS < [daily thoughts] danganronpa: what? you had a favourite? lol nah they're dead sorry
Bryan ToxicTwisterC
"Facts" about me: *trash bag *short *weight-conscious *I have a constant art block and writer's block *fav color is red *Aquarius 4 life *bored as heCK *paranoid about literally EVERYTHING *I don't do Wii U Chat *OW THE EDGE!!!1! *Selectively Social *I'M A TOTAL TRASH MAMMAL! *I'm bi ♀♂ *FIRE POWERRRRRRRRRR *Pretty Pessimistic *EndMySufferi
Globby glory-glob
I'm Globby. Oh-- Glubby (Psychrolutidae) is my twin sister. •INFP•♀•Bi•Filipino•Gemini•Ram•6.46 sweeps• As terrible as this place could get, I had a lot of fun during my time here! Thank you so much! Glory_Globs
Alexis Alexa921
Thank you to my 153 followers for your undying support. I cannot describe in words how much I care about you all and the Miiverse community. I will try to stay strong until the end...
Angie MissFrance107
Drawing on this thing is hard... But I still do it. I hope someone out there finds some smiles or enjoyment out of taking a glance at my little sketchies~! Thank you to anyone who has! ‹3 Recent Tunes Provided By: Jason Mraz's A-Z, personal rap/hip hop playlist Last Drawing Inspired By: Please Don't Tell Her, Jason Mraz
Vango SikTornado
Salutations, I'm Vango pleased to meet cha! Relax and be easy we all chill here yo. Be the Raptor.
Ťħεδ=ì-í hockeyguy3369
HEY PEOPLES THANKS FOR BEING THROUGH EVERYTHING dear kids: lifes not a game. make the most of it while you still can. thrive on every moment, and reach for the stars. And if you don't grb them at least your on top of the world. AND LERN2 REED MKAY Heres some things about me. ☆13 ★Blue=Boss ☆Curly hair ★5'7" ☆Enjoys ice hockey ★Kinda depressed tbh LATER YALL 💕
Omq.Anna KawaiiTurtles
Welp, I quit. But I guess people still follow me, dunno why. - 14 - They/Them - Bi - Freshman - Emo - Singer/Dancer/Songwriter - Artist - Gamer (horror, action, FPS, visual novels, etc) - Easily Provoked - Very Inactive
I've slept for a whole year. What happened?
22 y/o Swedish idiot named after a vegetable. I'm ju...
I've slept for a whole year. What happened?
22 y/o Swedish idiot named after a vegetable. I'm just here to doodle and ramble my beans.