Users Corn Is Following
ant accele-orz
butts jr imaginarybanana2
high quality content for VIP only
Patrice :/ xXNekopupXx
I will continue posting till the final day...not as much though :c R.I.P Miiverse (Nov 8, 2017)
le potato luna.sakamachi44
age: 15 #imasophomorenow :'^)))) bi i love: -anime -video games -drawing -music im socially awkward... i play piano hope we can be friends lucky number is 8 OVERWATCH IS LIFE dont make me bash on your waifu... cause i will waifu bash im a walking meme
WB▲Crunchy MudkipCrossing
01000111 01100101 01110100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01100110 01110101 01100011 01101011 00100000 01101111 01110101 01110100 01110100 01100001 00100000 01101000 01100101 01110010 01100101 00100000 01101100 01101101 01100110 01100001 01101111 00100000 00101101 00110111 00110000 00110111
IKA_Haley snowman4826
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ςροοκĠнΔςт GhostyAlt
im gettin a switch boiiiiiss
SirPixel CornyBen1
17 | ♂ Favorite Nintendo franchise: Zelda I draw sometimes I play Smash Bros competitively I play PC games and stuff so... yeah..... meme
JambeeBot SemiSauce1999
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Papa Ω PheenieWeen
So, miiverse is coming to a close, huh? Well, darn. Gonna miss y'all and such. Thanks for yeahing my pictures, the follows and the comments. They mean a lot and I've grown a lot because of y'all. Thanks once again.
Red Strawberries02
Offline Online [Who cares.] Me in 4 words. +Ew. +Meme. +awkward. +Sad. don't expect "real art" on here. it all half done because i don't care :^)))
BONKERS iwonderaboutlife
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Chibiart 92087marbury
LOL...Hello. My name is Ashley. I'm a gamer, very odd, unique, short, and I'm a huge fan of the Nintendo Community. I used to animate, but my dsi was in bad shape. So, I've decided that being here is a good option for me to share my derpy yet unique art to everyone. It's fun here... although I do miss animating. /w\
Volcanic VolcanicFires
Maxie | They/He | Big nerd Hello hello! I'm just here to draw and play games! I try to answer to everyone as best I can, if I didn't get around to it, it's either because I put it off for too long, or I don't know what to say, sorry ---- You can also find me on Miiverse as VolcanicWisps, which is shared by me and my brother, thewispguy.
Ariel ShadowofColossus
Hello! I'm a gaming artist who is very obsessed with Zelda games and youtube, and has read too many mangas. I would love to write and illustrate comic books in the future. On here, though, I only hope to make others happy with my art. If you're a fan of anything I do fanart of, don't be afraid to ask me to draw more of it. Also, feel free to talk to me! :D Have a wonderful day! muda muda muda
Useless... la_derangee
Hi, my name's Deborah I'm 18 years old... And I'm french . I'm pretty weird. I'm not naughty but I can be '3' I'm serious. ...A lil bit sταlkεr to be honest. ._. Iης†α : la_derangee
Sid Sydvicious17
HI THERE I'm Sydney BUT, you can call me sid for short....:V I draw stuff and other stuff I guess.... thats all for now goodbye. my uhh other account: Siddd FunkyFresshhh
Richard BrosAndCons
It's the end of an era, my dudes. s0 my dude5 7'm not 6onna lie, i'm di5appointed. thi2 wa5 a place w4ere 7 could 4ave fun, where 7 could draw comics, where I made frien9s. It was a treat to know you all. Thanks for sticking with me to the end of the line. 2012-2017
Nevan pikminthrow
*CHECK ============== Nevan *ATK: 1000 *DEF: 1000 *A gamer and a small youtu8er. *Currently Undertale and Homestuck trash. *Favorite songs: Megalovania *Favorite songs: Galaxy Collapse *Favorite songs: Be Gone Mr. Gawne =============================== Sm4sh 'Main' Mains: Mario, Falco, Shulk, Kirby (best main), King DDD, Samus now repent or i'll use my joke attack. well. i have no space...
kiwi MoonlitWolves
i'm kiwi :3c I’m only available on a place that lets you INSTAntly share images, I’m under the name queenkiwi.
Jae Tsuriri
Name-jae young(you can just call me jae or whatever nickname) I like-anime,cosplay,animals, sweets,drawing,and making new friends I don't like- rude or closed minded people
naeem fast2furious221
- self taught artist õuõ -ill be an animator one day! believe it ˜³˜ -15 y/o boy -OPPAI! -prepare for weirdness éUè and dont be shy!!
Méline Meline222
salut ! jm´appelle méline jai 18 ans et jadore les jeux video d'action,aventure,horeur... et les manga,jadore dessiner et plus tard jaimerais etre game designer. en couple <3 jai une wii u,une gamecube,une ps3,une 3DS XL,une new 3DS XL(bientot nintendo nintendo switch)Gaming,dessin,abonner vous svp ;).
tami tami.nyan
Hi i'm tami, Welcome to my page. I'm learing japanese, and I can speak Spanish and English fluently, Please be kind, and love yourself a lot♪ Have a nice day (/v/) *tami*
←↑Vinniε↑→ RebbyJR
HOw'S It HANgIn' mY CRrRRaNKy cReW? I'VE StARTED wOrk aGAin & mY BoSS iS lOVelY. I'LL PASS YOU SOME SPAGHETTI TOTS WITH MY MAN-CHILD ABILITIES! FOLLOW: o0jessica0o o0vincent0o BECAUSE ASDGFHJKSDFGH #RebbyJR I Am A Bi Father Of 5 And A Zillion… Constantly Drinking Soda… My Age Is… Toaster You Dingus -Throws Book
Bryan ToxicTwisterC
"Facts" about me: *trash bag *short *weight-conscious *I have a constant art block and writer's block *fav color is red *Aquarius 4 life *bored as heCK *paranoid about literally EVERYTHING *I don't do Wii U Chat *OW THE EDGE!!!1! *Selectively Social *I'M A TOTAL TRASH MAMMAL! *I'm bi ♀♂ *FIRE POWERRRRRRRRRR *Pretty Pessimistic *EndMySufferi
Tsuyu destipop
hey! the name's geo, a dumb 13 year old who screams a lot a huge nerd for all sorts of things. osomatsu-san, OFF, wadanohara, danganronpa, yOUTUBERS (mark jack felix and game grumps mostly,,) and rick and morty (PROTECT MORTY PLS) tomblr: kabanyanners > I DON'T ACCEPT RANDOM FRIEND REQUESTS < [daily thoughts] danganronpa: what? you had a favourite? lol nah they're dead sorry
Joobie nightanddae
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sue me krumpy101
dude chandler riggs is older than me--fRICK appearently i like too semi draw complain cry and watch the walking dead while crying
I've slept for a whole year. What happened?
22 y/o Swedish idiot named after a vegetable. I'm ju...
I've slept for a whole year. What happened?
22 y/o Swedish idiot named after a vegetable. I'm just here to doodle and ramble my beans.