KoopsMagoo's Play Journal

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User's Nintendo Network ID: KoopsMagoo

Tomodachi Life


09/12/2017 8:38 PM

"Nothing could possibly ruin this beautiful, Golden Age of friendship!" "Nothing at all, nothing at all, NOTHING AT ALL!"



12/01/2016 8:31 PM

Oh man, can't wait for Mother 3... RIGHT Nintendo?! Seriously though, incredible game. The style, the humor, the story, and even the gameplay felt perfect for me. I can't believe I didn't play this...

Super Mario Maker


11/03/2016 3:08 PM

You know what really bugs me about NSMBU's airship theme? At the beginning and end of these levels are nice looking ground "tiles" that would be absolutely perfect for athletic styled courses. The ...

Super Mario Maker


10/28/2016 12:24 PM

You know, ever since the update that separated stars from comments, I thought "Well hey, now people don't have to worry about leaving a star to tell me why they didn't like it. Fine by me!". Nah......

Super Mario Maker


10/27/2016 10:33 PM

#1 on the Normal difficulty Star Rankings this soon? If I keep this up then lucky medal #7 will be mine in no time! Thanks again for playing my levels to get me here!

Super Mario Maker


10/20/2016 4:38 PM

"Hey… that's pretty good!"

Super Mario Maker


10/14/2016 12:41 AM

You know, I'm fine with trolling in this game. Heck, I even advocate for it and love to see people get their jimmies rustled in a bunch once in awhile. The problem here though is that it's not crea...

Super Mario Maker


09/24/2016 3:19 PM

Ice, moving ice blocks, grinders, spikes, a single mushroom, and even more ice. What do you get? My newest level "Coldsteel Chill House"! In this level the main objective is to get from the beginni...

Super Mario Maker


08/23/2016 3:40 PM

Looked at my notifications and saw that I earned my 5th medal. Thank you all for playing and enjoying my levels to help me get to this point, it means a lot!

Super Mario Maker


08/16/2016 10:12 PM

My newest level is now uploaded, and it's a speedrun one no less! It's my first time ever making a level like this so please feel free to leave some feedback/criticism on it if you get the chance t...

Super Mario Maker


08/16/2016 9:32 PM

Does this look too barren for a speedrun course? Never made one nor played many, but I feel like it could use a total revamp...

Super Mario Maker


08/15/2016 1:29 PM

Zero stars and over 400 footprints? That ain't good...

Super Mario Maker


08/05/2016 3:10 AM

#81 on the (Regional) Makers Star Ranking list? ...Not bad!

Super Mario Maker


08/03/2016 9:17 PM

Looking for a platforming level where it's just focused on well-timed jumps and quick reflexes, and NOT on pixel perfect one-block jumps and Hammer Bros barrages? Well I introduce to you… "Finicky ...

Super Mario Maker


07/24/2016 6:44 PM

Aw man, now it dropped down to rank #28 (and it's still falling). I'm actually really surprised at how difficult it was for people. The amount of clears after the boost was abysmal, and it looks li...

Super Mario Maker


07/23/2016 3:38 PM

*gasps* I made it onto the Star Ranking list at #1! Thank you all so much for this!

Super Mario Maker


07/21/2016 11:14 PM

Just got my third medal and I'm pretty happy about it! It's not much to get excited about, but it's always a good feeling to know there are people out there who enjoyed my levels. I just want to sa...

Super Mario Maker


07/18/2016 9:05 PM

That's it, I'm done with this Eldritch Abomination known as 100 Mario Challenge now. Is there truly any point to continue now that I have the best costume in the game? NO, there isn't!

Super Mario Maker


07/18/2016 7:00 PM

Just finished up my new level, and this time it revolves around tanks! I never made an auto-scroller before, so please let me know what you think about it. Any feedback and/or criticism is apprecia...

Super Mario Maker


07/13/2016 1:36 AM

Looking for a traditional SMB3 level but with a challenge? Then have I got a level for you! Skewers, Thwomps, breakable ground, note block jumps over grinders and a boss fight that'll send you home...