anyone have any dank maymays for me to snort
KoopsMagoo's Yeahs

The manga has a different artstyle though However everything is there (slice of life,Coming of age etc.) I recommend the manga since the opening spoils a lot of stuff without you even knowing it.

"how to get a fire long sword." You craft it. Ask the Blacksmith. Good fire longswords are Wyvern Blade "Rose" and The Adjudition. "And what is the best dual slicer tree " It depends on what you ar...

In case you don't know: Wyvern Blade "Rose" is obtained by first crafting Wyvern Blade "Fire", and upgrading Wyvern Blade "Fire" several times. The Adjudition is obtained by first crafting Megiddo ...
Hello! The name is Julian and I'm 19 years old. At the moment I'm hunting some monsters in MH3U. ...
Hello! The name is Julian and I'm 19 years old. At the moment I'm hunting some monsters in MH3U. Come on and join in on the hunt if you'd like!
-Mario Kart 8
-Smash Bros.
-Xenoblade Chronicles X
-Super Mario 3D World
-Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze
-Super Mario Maker
-Bayonetta 2
-Wind Waker HD
-Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate
-Pikmin 3