Chee■★Moon's Followers
TheKing FasterGiant
True gamer in the house if your my friend call my FG
BJBat FloppyDude
Hi, This Is BJBat, And I Love Gaming! You Can See Me Online On Minecraft, Mario Kart 8, Wii Sports Club (East Midlands UK) And Splatoon! I Am Extremely Grateful For All My Followers! Also Please Take Time To Follow My Brother NitroBoy And My Friend Raj! Sorry For My Bad Spelling. Also Thank You So Much For 420 Followers Miiverse Friends! Bye For Now!
☆penguin★ mlccay
my character for role play name: alexander penguin age: 20 rates: super strong , funny , kind , nice , caring and sometimes weird in a good funny way and power over water and steam machine steampunk mech like body with 4 big copper gears on back and 2 big titanium hands race: gento penguin gender boy wears: steel toe boots leather jacket and a white top
#RYDERDOG# Ryman74
hello my friends like a shooting star in the spot light im Ryder sills with my bey sharpedo thats right!!!!
black cat Ilovemusic1018
顔ポチ、ありがとーです。 ♡自己紹介♡ 誕生日 10 18 中2 スプラトゥーンがすき 絵は下手です。。 フォローしてくれたら、100%返します!! あと、勝手にフォローしてる場合があるので、その時は返して下さったら嬉しいです。^▽^ ミーバース終わるのは寂しいけど、出来るだけフォローワー様を増やしていけたらいいと思っています 最後までお願いします!!♥
Milo supermilobro
Oh man, I can't believe the end of Miiverse is already here. We've had a good run and its been great getting to meet you all. I hope to see you all again soon. Thank you all for the support and may God bless you!:)
LGFPO Beth210504
hello l'm LGFPO and l like to draw. My favourite games are mario,pokémon,animal crossing,kirby,tomodachi life,sonic,yo-kai wach,bakugan and NOW the legend of zelda. l hope l can keep drawing and getting likes and followers l'm also 13 years old favourite youtubers jacksepifai ava g SMG4 see ya ps my pals ƒεłιχ,miley,real cat boy,~nomy,karolina,rosanna,☆★kaity☆★,Dr dough and ma9▲cookie
ジョンレノ(○ー○) seri920
ミーバースへ 今までありがとう。最高の時間をありがとう。 いっしょう忘れません。 悲しいけど、フォロワーがこんなに増えるなんて思いませんでした。 他の人も、新しい友達がたくさんできたと思います。お世話になりました。 フォローしてくれた方へ こんな私をフォローしてくれてありがとう!!すごくうれしかったです。 とても楽しい時間でした。 すごく感謝しています!。ありがとう…忘れません。
さいらん sairarara
ミバが終了しますね。 私はミバが終了する1日前にミバ卒業しちゃってます。 理由はその頃チリは夜中なので…w 今までありがとうございました。 2年間、通報とかされたけど、 いろんな人と出会えてよかったです。 特に、ミバ友の人、たくさん喋ったりしたのが心に残りました。 ミバ友じゃない人でも、私と仲良くしてくれて本当にありがとうございました。 ミバ終わるまでにフォロワー400人! 残念ながらあと6人という結果で終わりました…(11/7現在) でも、400人近くまでいくとは思いませんでした。。 これは、ある人のお陰なんです。 RYOGAさんです。ありがとうございます。!! 最後に、 皆さん、2年間本当にありがとうございました!!!!! 2017/11/7チリにいるさいらん より
wolf25 stevenwolf2244
im furry i like anime and video games im 26 my mains marth and cloud side main zelda and lucario cloud is best dlc character in my opinion
lusie melissa.pelon
je m´appele Mélissa et non lucie
Bonjour! I am jazz. My real name is jasmine braswell but you can call me jazzy for my nickname. My favorite color is blue,yellow,white I am a big fan of bryshere gray,and keith power. I'm eleven years old(11) if i'm one of these grounded(#) offline(*) out of post($) online(@) follow my boyfriend fazbear
∞MR TNT∞ drboom17
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Ty Ty_Noodles15
makaiden Makaiden09
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Чάmэκσ zizou711
♥♡•…‹_~ºHello !°~_›…•♡♥ ¥¦¶ My name's Чαmέκο~ I 11 years old ¶¦¥ ★˜~* I love Pokémon, Mario and Acnl *~˜★ ¤$∞▲ I speak French and English ▲∞$¤ §⇔♀♥ I'm a girl ♥♀⇔§ →†— RIP Miiverse. We love you :'( —†←
gael GaelMaytorena
hola soy gael mandenmen una solisitud de amistad y la aceptare asepto wiiu chat tengo 11 años y mi mascota faborita son los conejos y mi comida favorita es el espajeti y mis juegos favoritos son minecraft.mario 3d world y mario kart 8 y mis amigos favoritos son emmy.jose.paulina.cony.pikachubug y alfredo y busco novia si quieren ser mi novia madenmen solisitud de amistad porfa y jugaremos mucho :)
TrailBlaze Rachelfrico
Hey it's TrailBlazer the Hybrid Dragon and welcome to my profile! I love... -Music! -Dragons -Wolves -Eddsworld [favorite character: Edd] -Harry Potter [My house: Hufflepuff] -Writing -Drawing I do interactive drawing posts so if you like that, go ahead and follow me! I'm in the Eddsworld/ Ellsworld group! Remember to always blaze your own path in life!
sara yapura
Holiwis he vuelto y esta vez llena de nuevos dibujos e ideas tambien ire haciendo una serie con textos ponedme de que quereis que sea la serie, la mas votada sera la gandora , arre y os quero I love u guys and the series will be in engish too ( las series estaran en ingles también ) BYE :›
Peter petercuteness
hi im peter im nine and i like minecraft becuz we get to build anything
●Stella● chaddowell
lol Thanks for touching my face or something. Senpai: someone;) 540+ followers?! Thank you! I'm honored! Open for art trades I'm 15. #CertifiedWaifu First day:7/11 2014 Pronouns: any :P Follow for a free dose of WoAh! rip miiverse
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yanou matoury97351
salut les amis
michael TennisPro29
mario kart 7 doodler BY MICHAEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE PLAYING MARIO KART 7 I HAVE A WII LOVE PLAYING ON WII WII PARTY
Saria♪ EnchantedMay
Hi, I'm May but I prefer to be called Saria♪I'm a big fan of Legend of Zelda Ocarina of time and currently playing Majora's Mask. Here are just a few of the amazing people I've met on Miiverse: Grαcie Cαт, Taylah, Didi, Cade, Carson, Young Link, Maria, Ruby, Sofia, ~αηηα~, the x king, JroVeins, Lochstar, Jer, Shawn, ♪Kat♪, Cat, Coco, Kira, Eve, Sonya, Emma. Please follow them! Goodbye everyone.
Vanxces Villeybear
name vanxces age 10 im a ♀ i love final fantasy 8,im fun and funny, im a gamer and a drawer have 4 cats i like to watch Naruto,final fantasy,One punch man Blech and Fairy tail high school host club.I love Kingdom hearts.i could win a Nintendo a bests fan of Naruto and i love Sasuke his cute
joshua Foxc047237
Jeremy Jeremy_851
Hey! I'm a 13 year old boy from north germany :D Best Friends :3 :PoptartCat,•ΔК★αмαιg•,cohen,kommandant,...ςħıñý...,Θяεσż,òдó,weronika,Luna,PαrαYEET,GamerKitty,alexxwoomy,Jessi★βíp :) Languages I do speak: German,English and a bit French. Guys let's be honest everyone will lose his/her mind when Miiverse were shutted off... but it's also a Thing we could look forward to Miiverse can't stayhere:(
Mololongo uiitg7
Latias1738 Aclauburg
My real name is Aiden I am 10 years old I like mario kart 7 and pokemon rumble world I love sports If you follow me i will follow you back I want 100 followers before Miiverse ends even though that is probably not going to happen Go follow my favorite user on Miiverse JAKE
LOL★★DJ alcino1
Bonjour je mapelle killian600 et je suis un grand fanne de splatoon et de minecraft meilleur amis: lol judy- chat julia- gik lenny -kev-dalton-jessy et jennie méchant 10% quand on membete gentil 90% objectif 1000 abos abonne vous sport: cross trening instrument: guitard électrique style de musique:pop,rap,metal,rock et musique des année 60ou80
R3tr0 D1eg0.0710
Æther 4ever
kamryn za6987
TBone idahotbone
Hello! You should go follow SpookBerry @BluePlush1 Also go follow βrαixεη @enchantedgirl07 I'm just a lonely and depressed person :( Will you follow me? So I can no longer be depressed? CATSSSSSS BOI I'm watching u If you want me to stop watching you, then follow me! I am very bad at drawing I like video games Plz like my posts Please don't end Miiverse Bye
Coy H2bUsters
bluefalcon KeyCrest
miiverse is ending so i want the approximate friends in my friend slot before the end of miiverse so enough of that let me introduce myself: hi my name is bluefalcon i like minecraft anything pokemon anything mario anything and super smash bros for 3DS/wii U im 12 and my birthday is actullay 10/31 but it just got mixed up with my dad's:-) AND STOP ASKING ME TO GO TO WII U CHAT, CAUSE I WON'T!!!!!!
vitautas papaeselmejor123
Hello and welcome to my profile my name is
Fav animal: Cat
Fav show: Family Guy
Fav ...
Hello and welcome to my profile my name is
Fav animal: Cat
Fav show: Family Guy
Fav food: Spaghetti
Fav snack: Cookies (Chocolate Chip)
I really like powerade I don't care which flavor
my friends always go to subway
Oh! speaking of which my fav restaurant is apple bees and mcdonald's
I like apple pie and cookies
What's your favorite foods and restaurants?