Users Chee■★Moon Is Following
[ςς] B u g waves4
yo EVERYDAY WE LIT YAH! Follow meh LIT FREINDS: joshua zoe NBG-doalan SupaEpicXD (me) \{*_*}\ ←DIS GUY IS AS LIT AS IT GETS U need to cut it follow4follow IM STILL LIT! GETTING EVEN MORE LIT!! NOW IM MORE LITTER THAN DIS GUY→\{*_*}\ BY FAM...!
LOL★★DJ alcino1
Bonjour je mapelle killian600 et je suis un grand fanne de splatoon et de minecraft meilleur amis: lol judy- chat julia- gik lenny -kev-dalton-jessy et jennie méchant 10% quand on membete gentil 90% objectif 1000 abos abonne vous sport: cross trening instrument: guitard électrique style de musique:pop,rap,metal,rock et musique des année 60ou80
loco jeanpablo0112
jeanpablo farensa si...forlos... :\/ Jeanpablo......:\ (forlos)......loco :\/ooooooouuuuuuuuuuu...
gold mckinney313
★Wolfy★●ω● XxBriarxX
Kanichiwa! Wolfy here! I've been on miiverse since...IDK but im here now so enjoy it! (or not) i like Pancakes:3, Naps and Lizards (p.s im getting a Bearded Dragon) if you wanna know about me: I loves RolePlaying •ω• i like sharing cookies i loves oreos Welp, Bai thx for wasting your time on meh! ●ω●
temmie bluefirebird21
Salut, mon nom est rose, mais vous pouvez m'appeler temmie. J'ai 11 ans et en 6eme année, dans le band je joue de la clarinette et mon amie jennifer m'apprend comment jouer de la flûte. also i speak english
jazmyne★★★ FireBoyWG13
sacra hugothedragon
*you walk in to a dark cave you feal like you are being wached then you see a pare of amber eyes and long black snout* o hi there is no ned to be scared i will not hurt you my name is sacra welcome to my cave/den/home i hope i did not frighten you and that we can be frends. IM BACK
junior junior3325
Jaydon Ggangster2004
hi guys now you probaly wanna know stuff about me right ok so i like pie and dragons are awesome and i like games ok im JK Favorite animal: cheeta Favorite games: sonic,mario,ratchet and clank Favorite hobby: running Favirote sports: basketball,football,baseball,soccer Favirote food: pizza I hope you have the best life ever cause i know i do all of you are amazing and never give up!
→NaH← midnight_magic
Cаггот ♪'s alt. yo >▼> … I probably left my anime running QAQ ♡♡PEARL IS MY WAIFU PRINCESS♡♡
merqueen mermaidqueen1
Luma kamkam101
OW! OW! OW! Oh sorry guys but hi! My name is Luma! I have a cupcake! His name is Mr. Cupcake! I like everybody! Including whoever the heck poked my face. I like Kirby, King Dedede , Jigglypuff, and All characters in FNaF. I love Toy Chica and Mangle. PIIIIZAAAAAAAaaaaaaaa! Well I wuv qwupkaks! See you wayter! bye-bye
Ĺιζ syu_can119
Lyn' 3DSNetworkA
Adieu! T^T I thank you all, I love you, that was the biggest and funniest experience I have ever seen...;( ‹3 ;-;
Gypsy rosieroo2014
Hi Guys my name is Apothecary.....its not my real name but a nickname......Love splatoon and making friends so follow me if i battle you.... If you need squad recruits I am a passable sniper but my skill is in rolers and paintbrushes....thanks.....Love you all..
Camo☆ BlueCamo02
GirlyGamer cupcakequeen13
l ♥ My Fans Welcome to my GirlyGamer profile! Miiverse name: GirlyGamer Real name: Kate Hobby: Drawing and listening to music Have a dog named Rocco •ω• PS I'm a Gamer otherwise i wouldn't be GirlyGamer! Be different ;)☆★ No Wii U Chat, Minecraft Dreams! Omg pink donuts!! l love the song Meow Meow (Nyan Cat Theme) Yes l am popular in school l have many friends! #Winter On! Peace out♥ Get out plz
Amaani MinniMooMoos
Melo MagicalGirlMelo
Hello! I'm MagicalGirlMelo! Age: 21 (I'm old..) I'm a cosplayer, artist, and new to voice acting! I love to play Minecraft, Splatoon, Smashbros, Animal Crossing New Leaf, and Fantasy Life! Stuff I do for fun: Cosplay, watch anime, watch Korean dramas, draw, Watch Youtube videos (I love LDShadowlady's channel!), play video games, and read manga! (^♡^)/
Llamacorn dayannemelgar
Hello Person It's you lovely friend :) Thanks for all the suport and thanks for fallowing me i am very happy because you guys supported me all throughout these years :) But sadly miiverse is leaving :( So as me (LLAMACORN :3) will miss miiverse becuse the creators did so much for us! GOODBYE MIIVERSE :(
Llamacorn Perpetual-oddity
Llamacorn PotatoLord12
Llamacorn usmc007
wolfy-.-12 BrianGamezYT
*jumps through window* Hi everybody! I am BrianGamezYT! My best friends are Monsterrebel, McStylez, Ian, not so much klutch XD, and Nathan. I like to play football, punch people, and bleed. I also love parkour, and stunts. More things I like are Racing, Racecars, and cussing. Before i go, Here *gives wolf necklace* *jumps through other window*
ƒεłιχ CutieGirl990
Here are some cool people I think I should mention: »MILEY« Chee■★Moon (Ma9★Cookies) LGFPO Dr.Dough (Doughboy) Liam (Liam 2.0) Simew Angel Neko •●Nathan●• ***** (BlueBird) Alexa Autumn Λsħes˙˘˙ Jay Heart Orbz Amaterasu (melon) DaArtPixel ★ρσκεήεгd☆ Moona! ☆ωαffle☆ ¿καгмα-ςαη SkyKat1o1 IRL (potato) Peter (BigBunny) Thank you EVERYONE 4 making MV the BEST thing that has ever happen me <3
Shadesdude anybody133
Follow me for a free sock follow me if you like like #420 #thiscringy #hastag #followformemz #sellout #ripmiiverse #Thejohncenamemeisdead #nospaceforwords
Owen Owensthebest
Profile content hidden by those times where you buy a bag of chips and less than half the bag is actually chips. Hello I mainly just post about one game at a time [and youtubes community] Also don't like all my posts at the same time its a bit hard to sort posts and likes. Clans: ↑ Clan member ask Chance ↑ to join Well now Miiverse is Club Penguin confirmed. There both dead.
Hazel Chip SophiaD2002
Welcome to my profile! I'm Sophia, and I draw stuff. 私のプロフィールへようこそ! Bienvenue sur mon profil! ¡Bienvenido a mi perfil! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ ¤15 years old ¤Christian
Luly Chiquilino
Hiya. Name's Luly. I love videogame, especially The Legend of Zelda and Professor Layton. I like movies, especially animated. I also read, mostly adventure books, and everything How to Train Your Dragon. But my greatest passions are animals and nature. I also love drawing and...well, sleeping. I always search for some new friend and anything to break the routine. So welcome to my profile.
GanjaGal GanjaGal247365
Hi, feel free to call me GG! WARNING: Aquired taste required! A little about me...I'm painfully shy & have a severe, incurable, rare case of sarcasm. ~>~ KushQueen is my alt..looks nothing like this.
ブランさん Brand_New_Day1
H29.11.06 またしても完全にノリと勢いで投稿してみましたw 絵と内容が、全く噛み合ってない、いい加減なとこは自分らしいですね。 ブルーバードカモン! しました。 最高記録S+45 まだまだハイカラシティ防衛隊として活躍してます。いつか、スイッチ買いますが、当面買えないかと(金銭的な意味でw)
Jay Kraver KraverJay012
Hello! ^ω^ I'm a person who loves to draw, but I'm lazy… -0- I don't why, but I'm happy to only hehe 497 followers, especially I don't have my 3DS these days... -^ω^- I only know 2 Languages, so please have mercy on me~ (Filipino & English) Jay Kraver is NOT my real name… and I'm using it… -ω- Joined: May-11-2016 Thanks though!! ^ω^
Lil Kitty♪ sasunaru15
hi im Angel and i follow everyone including werid people i dont care who are i will be nice and generous please follow me i love everyone so have fun friends im 13 years old nice to meet you all i love splatoon,art,and drawing sometimes i can be boring because i read books and research a lot of things Crush:Uhhhhhh, My weird friend Michael ^^" Pray and love Jesus everyday, Plz Bye!
***** Raichu786
Hi, I draw. Love your art, by the way. My name is David and I like birbs. :o 16 ~ ENFJ ~ Male Don't follow me; You WILL cringe. I want you to smile. Talk to me; I love making friends! Join Date: December 10th, 2013 at 6:02pm CST Crazy to see how much time changes someone. I feel as though old friends would just push me away. You're not forced to talk to me, y'know... Follow your heart!
ANDREW propotopski
$tö®m-San dengtwins
Sup im Storm 9 years old and a anmie drawer and a great gamer. fav food: sushi, root beer(any type of root beer candy). i go to china in June or July. Real name Kevin Deng. My fav shows Boruto/Naruto, Yu-gi-oh, and Detective Conan. so Bye
Chan NordicWiiU7
Thank you for support to my profile! I am pleasure for having fun of Miiverse! Goodbye Miiverse forever. Merci pour votre soutien à mon profil ! Je suis content de m'amuser de Miiverse ! On ne revient plus au Miiverse. Goodbye forever Miiverse. My posts remaning for today: 1 Comment OPEN:
Hello and welcome to my profile my name is
Fav animal: Cat
Fav show: Family Guy
Fav ...
Hello and welcome to my profile my name is
Fav animal: Cat
Fav show: Family Guy
Fav food: Spaghetti
Fav snack: Cookies (Chocolate Chip)
I really like powerade I don't care which flavor
my friends always go to subway
Oh! speaking of which my fav restaurant is apple bees and mcdonald's
I like apple pie and cookies
What's your favorite foods and restaurants?