TemmieU's Followers
りの(^∀^) rinoishizaki
こんにちは。これからよろしくね。 どうぶつの森好きな人は、ぜひりののトピックに来てね。良かったら、フレンドリクエスト下さい。お願いしや~す。 みんなと仲良くなれるといいな~ いっぱい語ろうね! フォロワーしてくれたら必ずフォローします。 フォロー数300になりました。 ミーバースであったらタメで話そうね!4649 ミバ友にぜひ、なりましょう。 なりたい人は気軽に言ってね。募集中だよ!! ミバ友になったらプロフに書かせていただくよ。 りの の目標 ミバ友→フレンド みんなでミバ友からフレンドになりましょう! 時々、プロフを更新するので、たまにでいいから見てね。楽しもうね!! フォローやフォロワーしてくれてありがとうございます。 ミバ友 ☆ゆい☆ のあ U.A=>ARS ここあ ゆめにゃん ・・・ 嵐友 A.U=>ARS のあ U.A=>ARS ここあ リア友 kokoa
oj Ohjams
Bad Bich mcollins639
i love cats dogs and farrits! my name is aeryana you can coll me aery or aer i'm your worst nightmaere ;)
I'm Bored dpzane06
I love mario and luigi games so much! Including New Super Mario bros. And my favorite number is 11. :)
ang ang7878
jim jimclay
emilio emiliogabyalex
★♭ ČāȚ ♭★ LindaLing18
♥CALL ME WII U CHAT!!! ˇ^ˇ♥ **I from cold Russia BRRRº.º, No summer ¦<** I in Vk, Twiter, You Tube, skyipe, Miverse♡•♡ νķ/ Линда Котик (Russian) ÝÖŪ ȚIJΒΕ/ Совушка Тв (Russian) ♥♡♪I like Japan♪♡♥ ♡♡★★I LOVE OLEG AND VADIM★★♡♡ ›‹My favorite food Rice and Sushi›‹ My realy name°°° Linda(›ω‹) Thank you >_>!
Edwin1 EdwinGoku
◆YS◆Woomy◆ PikaPlayer2K4
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mikenna Koopakenna
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pandaboi14 tamcleveland
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girl chara Charalovesherbro
hi im 13years old im also friendly
るーくん Haruna-0511Rui
welcome to my profile imEггогКгίς -------------------------- i like games like ƒηaƒ pokemon and a super mario super smash bros and the Γegeηd of zelda mario kart --------------------------- See you later k!
Keithen Keithen5
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Michael snipe_snipe123
i take friend request so if you need a friend request/regist supersmash bros mario and sonic at the rio 2016 olpmicis game splatoon by the way i also do squad battle splatoon squad battle come join my squad we also play private battle. super smash bros if your my friend we also do smash every saterday im starting a you have calfornia time any time just join any time you we do tornamment im
Jay jahjah78
hi my name is jay and i am 11. my favorite youtuber is dantdm. i like fighter and music as my favorite game type oh and raceing. my goal is to get 100 friends and 92 followers.ps i hope i reach my goal
1moo624 moo624
I am moo624 I dont say bad words when I am mad. I am good sport. I like to play soocer. I love games.
Cactus Joe Dumpsterdude
Hello everybody! I am FortAwsome's brother, "Dumpsterdude."
buthoe calebhotdog
amazing now follow me please an give me a yeah please that would make me feel beter if you do and you have splatoon or minecraft or mario cart or mario party 10 Or supper mario 3D Or 2DS Or 3DS If YOU ANY OF THOSE GAME OR THING YOUR THE RIGHT FOR ME SORRY ABOUT THE UPER CASE LETTERS MINECRAFT RULES
adan jgonzalezsilva28
hey there I am adan or call jesse i am a 10 year old that like games i stared miiverse in 2016 and you can play with me in minecraft mini game and call of duty ghost multi player and mario kart 8 or pokken tournament and you can join my tournament in mario kart 8 called the big battle have fun :) and get prepare for the the big battle and i can really need some follower bye thanks for following
Charcho Greninja222222
Greetings, my name is Emily. Yes, I'm a girl. Nicknames: Percy, Charcho, Crow, Mew Machine, Emmy. If you see me mention the following names, I'm talking about my characters: Charcho, Takina(TOCK-EEN-AH), Percy, Cleo, Milo, Rowan, & Crow, Lyra. (Charcho & Percy are my fursonas, Crow is my superhero persona.) I really wish I had more room, because I would add much more buuuuut... I can't.Oh well.
ArmOUT ejj2004
I trigger people with Verlis posts/quotes. It's a living. Red and Gladion of the Tr4sh Brethren And Lucario of the Rebel Allience.
Percy LuigiOrSomething
Aye, how you be fellow readers? I'm the same person who's runnin' Charcho's profile! If you want to see more of me, go put in "Charcho" in search users, and there you go! Simple as that!
JPLMASTER chosmaster
Hey everyone JPL MASTER HERE! so this is my profile picture but anyway I love playing video games and watching Youtube so yeah but also I am a author of a few novels the main ones being Bloodstain, Worlds colide, Future sodier, and a fight series called Quirky fights so yeah I am incredibly friendly so chat to me if you want to but as always have a grand day ★My girlfriend is the lovely Grithis★
Brianna 25MiiMii
Yeah ---------------- Music is the one incorporeal entrance into the higher world of knowledge which comprehends mankind but which mankind cannot comprehend.
C.J ·ω· evo.72
My Mii will stay like dis till the end of October. FAMALAM, If any of my followers are reading this, thanks for following a pile of trash (aka ME) and if any of my friends are reading this, then: I Iove y'all. W. wins at nothing. NOTHING. E . easily distracted I . I'm awesome ' n' I know it! R . risky D . dumb as friсkin hесk
Neoflash Neoflash123
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☆★Nick★☆ HockeyIceGoalie6
Hello Guys and welcome to my Miiverse Profile :D! I post frequently, and some times I also draw pictures, and I think there's a picture as my favorite post! I hope you like the post that I make, and if you don't it will make me sad and you won't care... Also I do that follow4follow thing...... Well no one's probably going to read this, oh well... Also #SAVEMIIVERSE!
Lia lianoonan123
yo im back on miiverse. im lia and i play: miitopia tomadacgi life acnl smash bros mario maker yokai watch2 runbow pocket ac:hhd pokemon sun. i hope to get a wiiu acount!! bye am i le only 1 who lieks teen titans go? ;[
A-Bizzle Sheway0ut
Frick. It's that one hø3 named Anna who used to be a troll since the beginning of times. I'm barely active anymore. Find me elsewhere. Amino: Virtual Space Name: Sass Master Supreme I'm the user with that princess peach aesthetic and dumb posts.
最強破壊神ひげじい e8eu3ishru
どうも!ひげじいでーす! 年齢:?歳 出身:? 好きなスポーツ:サッカー、バスケ 好きなゲーム:妖怪ウォッチ 趣味:YouTube鑑賞 まぁこんなかんじの人ですがよろしくお願いします! 皆さん!せーの!アデュー!