Users TemmieU Is Following
Lilly WoloFan
Heyo, hope u have a great day :3 I like vocaloid, drawing, food.. joined miiverse(old acc): 26.3.2015 Bye (òωó)/
Lara-Marie FieserMop
Whazzup, guys!? LaraMarieDragon here and welcome to my profile! I loooove drawing and sharing my art with the world :3 You can find here: -Five Nights at Freddy's -How to train your dragon -Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles -Pokémon -Yandere Simulator -Some other Indie-Games My fav YouTubers: -Markiplier -Jacksepticeye -8-BitRyan -Laurenzside -Jay from the Kubz Scouts -JT Machinima Have Fun!
あるえ RaiAzuma
ジャンプ下手な永遠の初心者Splatoonプレイヤーです。 お絵描きが大好きで、みなさんが投稿するイラストを楽しく拝見しています( ´ ▽ ` )ノ 肝が小さいゆえ、無言フォロー申し訳ありません。 webブラウザからmiiverseの投稿に共感を押すのが毎日の楽しみです。WiiUのログインが不定期で、メッセージ等の返信が遅い時があります。
Toaster GameGirl2002
God I want to die
SynthΞtic Cybernetics
Hello and Welcome to SynthΞtic’s profile. -Self thaught artist, who is mainly focused on videogames/cartoon releated things. -Is always experimenting with new shading techniques to improve and give the gallery some variation. -I enjoy animated movies/fan creations of any kind and videogames. -Appreciates every kind of feedback, critique and conversation. ★Have a nice day, everyone!★
InkMatthew Matthew3030
I'm going to miss miiverse. "This game is epic. Especially the hub and charas" ~ My first ever post.
Anncario Ann662000
Hi there, Im Anncario (Aka Ghoulcario) and Ima shiny Lucario ghoul I love: •Tokyo Ghoul •Lucky Star •The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya •Miss Kobayashi's Dragon Maid •Pokemon •Senran Kagura •Yandere Simulator •Vocaloid I have huge obsession with Touka (Tokyo Ghoul) and Lucario. Its been a lot of fun on Miiverse so thx for 800+ my friends & followers :>
PaRappa☆ Crazedccoon14
"Now all I wanna hear is you come over here! Ain't no foolin' with deers!" Hiya! I'm Tayah. (My real self lol) I'm a huge nerd and I love to draw! If you want an art request, feel free to ask me anytime you like! My fandoms: The Binding of Isaac, Pokemon, Earthbound/Mother, Psychonauts, Overwatch, PVZ, FNaF, Undertale, PaRappa/UJL, Yo-Kai Watch ye im trash :')
Zippomiker Mattyboy331
Fabulous SweggyPotato
I am a pro gamer who has the hottest ankles on the planet and I can speak fluent German. Bonjour, amigos. I also know the first 7 letters of the alphabet. A B C E G π ф. Official ally of Phantasma and hater of Mii Queen.
☆★Nick★☆ HockeyIceGoalie6
Hello Guys and welcome to my Miiverse Profile :D! I post frequently, and some times I also draw pictures, and I think there's a picture as my favorite post! I hope you like the post that I make, and if you don't it will make me sad and you won't care... Also I do that follow4follow thing...... Well no one's probably going to read this, oh well... Also #SAVEMIIVERSE!
Lia lianoonan123
yo im back on miiverse. im lia and i play: miitopia tomadacgi life acnl smash bros mario maker yokai watch2 runbow pocket ac:hhd pokemon sun. i hope to get a wiiu acount!! bye am i le only 1 who lieks teen titans go? ;[
Soup'n™™™™ PeanutButterYeah
Dedede is always the answer (Following list for Nintendo Strudel's arrangement of numbers that allow you to become an ally to a certain individual whom some refer to as "Soup'n™™™™") @IFELLFORHOURS
Andrew! MookaAntoin
Profile comment hidden by admin.
A-Bizzle Sheway0ut
Frick. It's that one hø3 named Anna who used to be a troll since the beginning of times. I'm barely active anymore. Find me elsewhere. Amino: Virtual Space Name: Sass Master Supreme I'm the user with that princess peach aesthetic and dumb posts.
JonRetro retrog97
† Welcome to my profile! Not much time is left for Miiverse... So let's the most of these last days!
Caleb CalebCox
Just TRY to beat me in a video game! I'll always win... unless I unexpectedly lose. Anyway, I'm a huge Nintendo fanatic. Need tips on a level or want info on upcoming games? Just ask. *Interesting things about me* • Collected over 80 in the box amiibo. • Submitted a winning entry in the final Smash Bros. photo contest. • Thinks Ridley should be in Smash Bros. • Nursing student.
J.P. J.P.Lloren
It’s been fun, guys. Let’s carpe diem. The self-proclaimed renegade and the absolutely flawless master of puns himself. Current Status: Goodbye Miiverse Brother to Alma No random Friend Requests or Wii U Chat. I MEAN IT. Arrived on: 3/29/14 Follow these people (they're way better users than me): @Sanctus Pk @Alma @Owen @Ketsia @mooogZ @G.Blue @steve87 @D.JR @Darcy @Hasrat @Mel
☆さびしんぼう☆3 sabishinbou3
☆ 出身地:北海道K市(現在:新潟県K市) ☆ 職業 : お母さん ☆ 好きなゲーム : 妖怪ウォッチ・戦国BASARA ・ ポポロクロイス物語 ・ ドラゴンクエスト ・ 戦国無双・テイルズ オブ シリーズ ☆ 大好きな ご当地キャラ : くまもん♪ ☆ 好きな声優さん : 子安武人さん♪ 杉田智和さん♪ ☆ 変顔 面白い Mii顔の人 大歓迎!! ※ new3DSを2台 所持してます! ※ このあいだ夫と姑に北海道に里帰りしたい!って言ったら 別に帰る必要ないじゃん!って冷たい言い方されてショックでした! 我が姑の実家は3軒隣にあるから姑には私の気持ち分からないんだろうな!って凄く悲しい気持ちになってしまいましたね! だから来年里帰りしたら逆に新潟に帰ってきたくなくなるかも!? 2017.10.16
∵*のっち*∴ 967mio
∵*のっち*∴ と言います!! 兄と私の両方使います。 アニメ大好き! ソードアートオンライン、銀魂、黒子のバスケ、進撃の巨人、青のエクソシスト、ハイキュー、等々... たくさんあります。 土方、キリト、緑間が特に好きキャラです 夢100とかパズドラしてます 。Perfume好きです。夢100では、ギルバート推し 犬 シェパードの竜と一緒にミバの日々 I am notti 狼大好きです!! イラスト下手ですがよろしく! フレリク、どんどんどうぞ!!!!!!! アイクも好き... コメント、共感は嬉しいです! ウルフさんに会うため、スマブラX超してますw あのボイスを聞くだけで萌えますwww(病気w) WiiUアカウントのみです。
~ψBill~ψ HOii_im_Temmeh
Nothing I say on here will matter. I make low-quality posts and randomness. Age : Age Gender : cHiCken nUGgET Silly Rabbit , Memes are for kids.
Gabe Gubbafett
I am friend to all memes.
Bailey Bailey1014
I'm just an 18 year old who loves to play video games. I joined Miiverse in June of 2013. R.I.P. Miiverse (2012-2017) Find me on other places. ↓[Favorite Mario Characters] ➢ Wario ➢ Yoshi ➢ Luigi ➢ Ludwig ➢ Roy ↓[Other Info] ➢ Likes to find glitches. ➢ Huge fan of the Tony Hawk series. ➢ Featured on a vid called "Evil of Miiverse 8". ➢ Has a Nintendo Switch. That's pretty much about it...
★autumn★ng aaAutumnMc
hi im autumn age 15 grade 9 *fav color purple *luv animals *i luv rp *im nice untill u hurt my friends *im very competitive especially in soccer *follow 4 follow *a huuuge thx u to my 450+ followers @every1: hi, how r u, im soo srry i haven't been online in a while, i didn't have any wifi T_T
Soragop Soragop
Creator of the Amiibositting series. Willing to be given any criticism about the story if anyone feels the need to do so. I would like to learn how to improve the story. I don't own a 3DS by the way. I'm not allowed to Wii U Chat.
Ahoy, amiigos! I'm PK, a lifelong gamer since the NES days. Nowadays I play games and surf media for a brief escape from the responsibilities of adulthood. Other hobbies include sleep, reading books, learning German, and fitness. I enjoy sketching with the gamepad, and I'm always trying to improve. Anyway, feel free to like, follow, insult, etc.
rc-ashton RedKing11
<img src=""></img>
Maple PrierCat
Thank you all,you have made my time on here a blast and a half,hope to see you all around out there on the interwebs!!!!XD
ParappaFan KloeDoll
My name is KloeDoll. I am a carefree kid who loves drawing. I love SSB, Zelda, Katy Perry, Aviicii, Sia, and so much more! Warning: A HUGE Kirby fan. So IF YOU DON'T WANT TO HEAR A MILLION THINGS ABOUT KIRBY PLASE BACK AWAY. I am also a fan of Parappa the Rapper. I have THE BIGGEST CRUSH ON PARAPPA LIKE OMG and he is mine XD Parappa has a little sister who lacks swag. ''Lawl'' -Kloe, 2017
.•★E.J★•. coolmenotis
hi my name is coolmanotis join me on luigi mansion my name is emma on it by!!! ;–D $$$
Bolo sonicheroes1996
Thanks for the 511 followers. I really appreciate it. Miiverse is going to end in November 7th. It was great while it lasted.
Pumpsquid Mishka4
Ack, well, bye! I loved all of you! blubird/da: KaynasKingdom Warriors uh-mean-oh: Spottednose-Cheetahpelt Yoo Toobe: Rare Ghazt
Chris zack45
Thank you so much for making me love miiverse. I've met so many amazing people on here. I love you all. I will miss you guys so much. Good bye miiverse.
Ryan RTx1013
Hi! I'm Ryan Smith but you can call me Xyan. I'm GREAT with videogames like Mario, Pokémon, Sonic, Kirby and others. I also love videogames and anime as much as everything that I do, like riding a bike, go outside or doing my series, RHX. I don't like to use Wii U chat that much. I can be friends with anyone who likes me and/or likes any games that we both play.
TuTu Bernita1985
NικσNιlsσп The_Enforcer19
Just a big chubby guy with a heart of gold in his big belly! Plays Mario, Mario Kart, Sonic, Kirby and Zelda.
Ben michelle7601
Welcome to my profile!!! Sweet Tea Cherry Pepsi Root beer Mario kart ds Mario Kart 8 WWE Monday Night Raw Amazing Spider man 2 Minecraft switch Dean Ambrose-favorite wrestler Chicken Pop Pie Chicken stripes Chicken Fried Chicken favorite songs Last dance with Mary Jane It's my life bonjovi One Thing~Finger Eleven Thousand Foot Klutch- Running With Giants Thousand Foot Klutch- Be Somebody
Dextra Dodawario
Hello I am a Aipom, I'm the Long Tail Pokémon! My National Dex Number is 190 I evolve into Ambipom Joined on: 6/03/2014 Johto is my Home Region. I can be found by Headbutting trees, But I want to stay in my tree. It's Cozy and I get all the Bananas I can have! • • ˘ I love Pokémon Puns c: Smash Main: Jigglypuff, DDD, G&W Overwatch Main: Lúcio, Mei, Roadhod, D.Va
Josh luigiblade
Heya! My name's Joshua. But you can call me Josh, Dweeb, or Dr. J I'm just a 13 year old boy that makes posts. I come from the United States, and I love puns. I like to play video games. I guess here's some stuff you should know about me. LOADING... I'm ambidextrous. Favorite food: Mac & cheese. Favorite game: EarthBound. Favorite drink: Mountain Dew Baja Blast. I love puns. They're very punny.
joeguy joethehuman245
i am a awesome gamer