Lily's Followers
Dab Dabestjoshy
Some say everything has an end, but the good memories will last forever. Thank you, Miiverse. :) Salutations! I like to draw a bunch, I spend most of my free days lazing on a seat staring at a screen. I still enjoy my , but my Nintendo Switch is consuming my time. Feel free to chat with me. = Birthday: 04/04 Age: 15 Thanks for visiting my profile! Smell ya later! (^ο^)/
MαJυ irmasMJ
Mario and Donkey K. forever "With great powers comes great responsability…" Hey,Smile!This isn't a bye-bye, this is a see u soon! Ryne, Geigus, Rhett, Julien, John, Link, Bryan, Rosie, Donna, Maddy, David, Gengar, Kadu, Biozin, Zack, Geronimo, Tokito, Alejandro, Tiger, Gabi, Liam, Isabella, Mike, Negima... You're a nice people, guys! ♥Thanks, dear friends, for the races, battles and good time♥
Natalie NTBR10
Hallo! \('v')/ I'm pretty borring, just to let ya know. I love to draw trashy art, ovo)b play video games, and watch anime! Nothing special. I'm Also a very shy person. ~v~)b But I hope to meet many people and make some friends ^^ Well thats all I got, Thank you for reading this trash! 'v')b
hello peoples my name is Gabe....yes,i don't care if u know my real name...-_- im a youtuber ¦D im 14 and..... Here are some things that entertain me... ANIME------------------Im SENPAI Super heroes (DC & Marvel) Volcaloids WIFI (DUH) Arguing (dont judge me..) so thats it.....oh and a heads up my nickname isn't just made ur back peoples.... GOOD BYE,LEAVE....
Josi EulemitBeule
NEUES PROFIL!! Freunde:Profil YouTube:Zombey,Paluten,GLP,JulienBam LieblingsSpiele:Minecraft,Splatoon,ArtAcademy.. Ich:^.^ YouTuber und Super Heldin(schaut bei supertalent12345 vorbei es ist war!) Alter:13 Lieblings Farbe:orange,blau Lieblingszahl:5 Hobbys:Fußball,Schlagzeug,Leichtatlehtik Freundschaft gerne mit ID Wer Rechtschreibfehler findet darf die gern behalten Bye!!^.^
Ashley GZ ashley002
A very nice and cool person to be around. Also on everyday!! (^o^) Favorite Games: LoZ, Mario, Splatoon, Minecraft, Smash, Fire Emblem Favorite Animal: Cats!! My OCs: Ashley GZ, Ashlyn RZ, Asher AZ, Luke the Purple Inkling and Marcus the Green Inkling Also I have a Switch K bye! (>^.^<) Meow!!
◆ I've been YEAHing Miiverse since it's 20th day with over 30K given to well deserving & talented people! ◆ I follow a lot of cool people. You should, too! ◆ Over 6,000 Yeah's received! Thanks! ◆ Friend me? It's all ending soon! ◆ Well, I didn't get to draw much and it's almost over! :( ◆ Rep'ing Arthas Horde/Kel'Thuzad Alliance! ◆Also on Steam, Switch and PSN!
Matt PostmanMatt
(checks hobbies) uhhhhhhhhhhh........ CARTS....not quite.... OH FARTS!!!! no.... oh yeah art im bored help me.
Ðαηīει.Δ Dannekid
Hi, I'm Daniel. I'm 13 and I like video games, music, and drawing. I speak Swedish, Spanish and (obviously) English. My favourite game series is The Legend of Zelda. You will usually find me in the Zelda community except when i'm in the NSLU community posting random stuff. That's all... Have some smileys ^-^ ●-● ^•^ (It's dangerous to go alone, click 'Follow'!)
Michelle Twilight-Okami
Goodbye I loved being here. Thanks if you ever talked to me, yeahed any of my posts or followed me. Chances are you made my day. You pushed me to improve drawing and it was super fun spending time with you! Thanks for being amazing! Thanks for the memories! *Hugs* ‹3
Marc wiiboy2410
Welcome to my profile. The new home for my random drawings and: •IDRAW4U- Art Requests (253) CLOSED Playing: WiiU •BOTW (11) ★★ •Mario Maker (9) •Paper Mario CS (9) •SF Guard (9) •Splinter Cell Blacklist (10)★ •TMS #FE (10)★ 3DS •FE Fates (10)★ •FF Theatrythm CC (10)★ •HW Legends (9) ·Metroid Prime FF (8) •MH Generations (10)★ ·Pokemon Sun (10)★ •SSB4 (10)★
Steve Warlockpunch01
Out of Posts yes[] no[X] Hey you look like a cool guy... or girl... my name is actually Stephen but you can call me steve (cuz ur speshal) Fire Emblem is my favorite series but I also like Zelda, Mario, and Smash! I can't promise I'll follow you if you follow me but I probably will... Hablo algo español. Soy media fluidez. "Anyone in the mood for adventure?" me- 5.30951 seconds ago
Serenity marioparty2254
Hello! Clouds bring rain. After Rain there are Rainbows. Always know that the sun will shine in the sky. But do not expect sunshine always because clouds will come eventually. Blossom Skyward~! Never intentionally hurt others, because as a community we could be much better if we came together instead of pushing others away. ♪Come on and share this Jam with me!♪
Aimiyuuka* Barbara_Aimi07
This user's profile comment is private.
Kuina ToonLink230
Check out Toony Chan the ID is:ItzToonLink _______________________________________________ Hey, ich bin Tiriki-Chan, was geht ab??? Neben bei, ich bin riesiger Anime Fan ^-^ _______________________________________________ Hey, whats up ??? I'm Tiriki-Chan and love Anime's ^-^
Ichigo★☆★ Saoryxwiiu
º°Ezzy°º RupeeShardGirl
aaAAh people can be so great <3 Thankful for all of my incredible friends or simple acquaintances !! y'all are such amazing people ☆ User Since 12/10/13
Madison Chicki
Hello, welcome to my profile! I'm just a 20 year old college student who like to draw. You'll mostly see Zelda, Tokyo Ghoul, and horse drawings, but I draw anything that perks my interest, so I always have variety in my posts! *I do not take drawing requests, but thanks! *I also do not video chat, so please don't ask, I will not repond. Thanks for visiting, yeahs, and following! :D
Emily NINTIE50
Hello! I'm a gamer who likes a wide genre of games; the Pokémon series being my favorite! Currently, I'm spending the most time with Fire Emblem Fates. It's not that important, but my goal is to have at least 80 followers by the end of 2016! If my number of current followers exceeds this amount by at least 10, I'll set a new Follower Goal for 2016! Thanks for the support!
Rуan TheRhynoMan
Never tell me the odds
Jp KyuSakamoto
「こんにちは 私はテキサスのジェイクです。私は日本語を勉強しています」Hi im Jp. Im a member of SLA. I'm a member of the Disney clan code name Captain Jack Sparrow. Miiverse friends are NAFateWolf Yukko Wolfy NA Kitsune Dazza Noa Bob Clara Emily Rachel Ella Τřσυъιε Nova Sp Ahmed. I love Studio Ghibli movies.My favorite kinds of music are classical violin mostly 50's and Japanese . Le vent se lève, il faut tenter de vivre
A1 JOnny5.7732b2c
Most call me A1, others knew me as Cool Boy, and others still know me as Jon. I've had fun in my 3 years of being here, but the time for me to go is upon us. I sincerely thank all of you for making me who I am today. I owe a lot to you guys. Truly, thank you. - Jonathan / A1 Final SD peak: #45 on OU ladder. 1853 elo rating. #TheNinamoriNationWillLiveOn #RoSForever
Gabes QuirkyQ42
Ellie★♪☆♪★ nazarioe001
online:♥ offline:♡ hai! im Ellie ;-P and i usualy(lol missspelt) do rps, request,random stuff like IDK, etc. and,I DO NOT MIIVERSE DATE ITS JUST stupid so, yah, i play LoZ, tomodachi life style savvy,mario, etc. tons more... thats really it. bye! you still here? be gone! really? just go plz...›o‹ *Yawn*
Nikki nikkiloveszelda
Case File #:???? Name: Nikki Member since: December 2012 ▲™ ▲ ▲ May the Triforce be with you. Welcome to the train to NopeLand! Enjoy yer rideeeee!! Warning: Horrendous Comedy galore I speak English & Spanish ˇωˇ~ ♥ this account is now an alt. for Kamelia admin of team blood storm
Ervin CyberDragonHD
Whytewolfe Whytewolfe
I love Zelda games. I have almost every one. I don't have Oracle of Ages, Link's Awakening, or Hyrule Warriors. Honestly, I probably play videogames too much, but that's okay... They are fun... lol
Vic MOSiaA
Vic here. "I'm the kind of person who doesn't feel like talking about his likes and dislikes. My dreams for the future are none of your business... but anyway, I have lots of hobbies..."
Julie LilJ.2
Always remember, you are loved. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Favorites: Legend of Zelda, Animal Crossing, Mario, Professor Layton... One Piece, Mlp: Fim, Adventure Time, Disney... etc. :)
Jario Jariotan
I love being a nintendo fan like mario, zelda, kirby, pokemon, megaman, and donkey kong that can be played the games and most important is Jesus! And mostly I like retro, modern, and future videogames! And I like hyperdimension neptunia series! I love the gonna be the twin-tail anime series! I love the idolmaster series!
Raydenhawk Raydenhawk
!! I only speak German !! Alter: 36 Sternzeichen: Zwilling Planet: Merkur Element: Luft Farbe: Gelb-Orange und Grün Steine: Bernstein, Moosachat, Goldtopas, Tigerauge Chinesisches Sternzeichen: Hahn Element: Metall Planet: Venus Farbe: Weiß-Silbern Fabeltier: der Tiger, der uns Stärke, Kraft und Aktivität vermittelt Indianisches Sternzeichen: Hirsch Hüter des Geistes: Wabun
Emily Emmy1996
Mireja 2597mimi
Nothing is true.... Everything is permitted... We are Assassins ˇ–ˇ What's up! My name is Mireja :) Nothing special to say about me just like to play games, chat with friends, make music and drawing ^^ ■Less active on here due to new updates and university, sorry >-<■ Stay old Miiverse plsssss! See ya ^^\
Banned 2 Tessa1121
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SilentMous SilentMouse
WARNING! This Profile Comment may cause the death of a few brain cells. Viewer discretion is advised.
Sean snug123
hi me names sean and i LOVVVVVVEEEEEE Zelda, Mario,and everything that's nintendo i also love PIE!!!!!!!!! i dont do wii u chat! pie pie pie pie pie pie pie pie pie pie pie pi... FLAMINGO
Hunter Blootroid_90
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Martín √ Rafer300
Todos mis dibujos estarán hechos en 3ds Ya no hago dibujos. Amo jugar Smash Bros. :) 31-10-2016 : No estoy muerto. :D
Mary¹ Delia2014
I'm a big Nintendo fan. Some of my favorite games are the Animal Crossing series, the Zelda series and Mario games. I'm currently addicted to Splatoon for the Wii U.
Ď~ρнαżε~ξ DarkPhazonElite
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