Users Lily Is Following
Michelle Twilight-Okami
Goodbye I loved being here. Thanks if you ever talked to me, yeahed any of my posts or followed me. Chances are you made my day. You pushed me to improve drawing and it was super fun spending time with you! Thanks for being amazing! Thanks for the memories! *Hugs* ‹3
tuyuga tuyuga
ゼルダの伝説トワイライトプリンセスのミドナをメインに気まぐれにお絵描きしています。 よろしくお願いします(^0^)/
AlexisFrix AlexisFrix
My name is Alexis, and I enjoy drawing video game characters, mainly Nintendo characters. I occasionally chat here, or I try to at least. :•]
Magic Zant Magic_Zant
'Sup Gender: Mage Type: Illusionist 20 yrs. Fav. type-games: FPS (CoD) MMORPG (Aura Kingdom) ND¶ MZant HR100+ on MH3U, i'll help ^^ -Divine Bloodlines division "DLMs"
Kurr DarklingJarl
I love Zelda and I love to draw/paint. I'm mainly a traditional painter, but I still like to draw digitally. I love to play video games in my free time! :D
Omaru DragonSoulSCS
Hey! I'm Omar, we can play videogames or just talk about stuff here! let's be friends! Let's see... I like drawing videogame and anime characters and I'm a little competitive in games too. I actually own a Nintendo 64, Gamecube, Wii, a 3DS and of course, Wii U xD I love playing Mario kart so if you wanna challenge me... just add me :D (And brawl too!) Favs: Pkmn, Mario, Zelda, Sonic, and more!
Nikki nikkiloveszelda
Case File #:???? Name: Nikki Member since: December 2012 ▲™ ▲ ▲ May the Triforce be with you. Welcome to the train to NopeLand! Enjoy yer rideeeee!! Warning: Horrendous Comedy galore I speak English & Spanish ˇωˇ~ ♥ this account is now an alt. for Kamelia admin of team blood storm
Meli BlueAppleDysah
¡Hola! Soy una fanatica de La Legenda de Zelda, y probablemente voy a poner muchos dibujos relacionados a la serie ^w^)/. Lo siento pero no acepto solicitudes de amistad de gente que no conozco. Sorry but I won't be accepting friend requests from people I don't know.
moon™ moon5027
Databit Databit
Hi, im 31 and a HUGE Jrpg fan, i also love Zelda and 3D Marios. Check my drawings and leave some feedback if you like them (or if you dont). I usually dont take requests, sorry :)
Emily Emmy1996
Kits vyk7hime
PolarBear PolarBearNinja
Just a nerd who plays games for fun and loves to share this experience with my son & friends FAVORITE WII U GAMES: 1) DKC Tropical Freeze 2) Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE 3) Pikmin 3 4) MK8 5) Wonderful 101 6) Splatoon 7) Super Mario 3D World 8) Xenoblade Chronicles X 9) Bayonetta 2 10) ZombiU
Marius mikko9398
Hello Miiverse! I ♥ drawing more than anything & I also ♥ my followers and I really appreciate every 'yeah' and every comment! Requests have been opened. I can't accept everyone but I'll most likely accept those who have shown interest in my posts. ♥Thank you for 50,000 'yeahs' & 2,000 followers!♥ ☆You guys are awesome!☆ -No Wii U chat-
Billie Billienochmal
Mireja 2597mimi
Nothing is true.... Everything is permitted... We are Assassins ˇ–ˇ What's up! My name is Mireja :) Nothing special to say about me just like to play games, chat with friends, make music and drawing ^^ ■Less active on here due to new updates and university, sorry >-<■ Stay old Miiverse plsssss! See ya ^^\
Sakurai SakuraiMasahiroA
Hi, I'm the director of Super Smash Bros., Masahiro Sakurai of Sora. I'm working on the latest Super Smash Bros. game for the Wii U and the Nintendo 3DS. *Our staff is translating my posts.
Nintendoer Nintend0er
ATTENTION: It’s the end of days; please contact me if you wish to stay in touch! My top 10 games (in no particular order): LoZ: Majora's Mask LoZ: Wind Waker Final Fantasy X Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword Final Fantasy VI Dark Cloud 2 Pheonix Wright: Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations Kid Icarus: Uprising Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn Xenoblade Chronicles
Stephi The_Serenity
Aonuma NintendoAonuma
任天堂の青沼 英二(あおぬま えいじ)です。 「ゼルダの伝説」シリーズのプロデューサーです。 Eiji Aonuma, Producer of The Legend of Zelda games, Nintendo
らきろ rhomboid
Bot♪ Owl_Town_Mayor
This user's profile comment is private.
Amelie Ganodor
I'm a longtime Zeldafan...*smile*...Super-Nes-Generation!!! I love Fire Emblem, AC, Monster Hunter, Xenoblade ,the Black Butler-manga, Horror movies, driving motorcycle,the colour red and Italy ^¬^
adam adamisawsome
im adam and i love fish im also a whovian and if you follow me i will follow you back.
ウッディーWoody g-wood
Let's enjoy Miiverse!!! \m/(^^)\m/ ミーバースを楽しもう! 【My favorite communities】 MK8: Viva Miiverse☆(Creator: エナ/Ena) MK8: Rumi's Roomy Room Rs(Creator: るみ) " Printing Miiverse "(YouTube) Yeah!!! <XD3 僕はWiiUが大好きです :D Miiverseで世界中の人々とコミュニケーション出来て嬉しく思います ! よろしくお願いします :) I love WiiU :D I am glad to be able to communicate with people around the world Miiverse ! Thanks in advance :)
looygi looygi
あららぎ geminass01
ドラクエ11やってます。(もちろんPS4版) 50時間以上やってるけど終わりが見えない……。 じっくり絵心教室では適当になんか描きます。 最近のハマリモノ ゲーム(主にPS4とVITA) 閃乱カグラPBS、スパロボV、四女神オンライン、NEW GAME、ゼルダの伝説BoTW、ガンダムバトルオペレーションNEXT アニメ(基本バンダイチャンネルで視聴) ガヴリールドロップアウト、怪獣娘、ラブライブ!サンシャイン!!、ゆるゆり、きんいろモザイク、ハナヤマタ、ご注文はうさぎですか?? マンガ(4コマ多め) おちこぼれフルーツタルト、ゆるゆり、NEW GAME、きんいろモザイク、ご注文はうさぎですか?、ハナヤマタ
Hailstorm simmons1001
Hello there, my name is Hailey, but you can call me Hailstorm. I'm here for some fun gaming times and posting drawings when I have the spare hours. With so many people making such great works of art, I can only hope you enjoy my mediocre works of Sonic, LoZ, and anime. Feel free to follow, and give a yeah if it so pleases you. ^_^ P.S. Do not friend me for the sole reason of WiiU chatting with me
Mike Mike-CoolMiis
I am CoolMiis→! Follow me for reviews, tips (if you want any), and pics from the games I'm playing! Go Luigi!
Li Kovacs LiKovacs
✦ I love Nintendo games and I love to draw, Miiverse is the perfect blend! My favorite video game series is the Legend of Zelda. ✦
NFG NinFanGirl
Hi Miiverse! they call me nintendofangirl~ Feel free to follow me, but i only accept friend requests from people I know, sorry! Hope we meet again in-game!
Mr.Oinky Mr.Oinky
checho quicnm
bamos amigos