Zadiee's Followers
Zed gianlumorgan
LET'S BE FRIENDS!!!!! :-D I love playng: Mario kart 8 Mario maker Splatoon Minecraft Almost 400 followers and 80 friends THANKS! :-D GOODBYE
EmmanoelBR EmmanoelXD
⇒ I am nineteen year old, nintendist and fan of the games from Super Mario, Kirby, Super Smash Bros, Ice Climber, Xenoblade Chronicles, Earthbound, Shantae, Fire Emblem, Cities Skylines, SimCity, Rollercoaster Tycoon, Arkanoid, Bomberman, Plants vs Zombies, Chip n Dale Rescue Rangers, Duck Tales, Mega Man, Pokémon, Sonic and more! Hyped for the Nintendo Switch!
*~Conor~* gerhard.e
ich bin Youtuber und mag zelda,mario,renspiele und mehr auserdem heise ich conor und bin 10 jahre alt (^o^)
davisito reinald2911
Lakyu LakyuX
Brasileiro, Mineiro, Nintendista, jogador de partidas rankeadas de Splatoon. Procuro por amigos e amigas no Miiverse para jogar tanto Splatoon, quanto outros jogos online de Wii U.
elvis321☆★ jicunwang
bonjour m apèle peter ou laësse comme vous voulez .j ai 10 ans .je suis genty(4%5) geek(3%5) SW-815989760194 mes jeu préférer sont splatoon,minecraft mes team ses P321 Fï™ et SF# meulleure ami : ,mohamed ,loucas77 scaniou♥ . meilleure ami:MrAdiisan,ruse,eauvive,legamerdu34,celinetewen.mon amour scaniou25♥ pour toujours JTM mon♥ mon voeu rencontrer scaniou25 dans la vrai vie a+l ami
trin lsthatu
Marcyiello Marcyiello
Tiago TOMorais
Sou Tiago, também conhecido como TOM, fanático por Nintendo e Zelda. Tenho 34 anos, sou casado, professor de Inglês e cinegrafista de eventos em Tatuí-SP. Nas horas vagas, adoro partidas de Splatoon e Mario Kart 8 com amigos. Minha esposa curte minigames do Nintendo Land, Mario Party e jogos de dança. Ela também tem sua NNID e perfil no Miiverse: DPMorais.
_Emo_Girl_ Thatdude14
Wassup Call me ''BabyDoll'' or ''Baby'' for short.Im 14 years old and Im a female.Im bisexual.I ♥ playing video games.LOVES friez. Netflix & Chill.My house tonight at 8pm. Dream is to get 666 fallowers ;) "Love is for ever" ~Makayla Im not single ;) hits person with leaf* Runs away*
Caleb CalebTime1
Hey, What's up? My name is Caleb. I love Gaming. I love Art. Ball is life!! I have a 3DS. ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆ My Games: ◆Nintendo Land ◆Super Mario Maker ◆Splatoon ◆Minecraft ◆JustDance 2016 ◆MarioKart 8
Brayer brayer.souza
CAP capsystems
Ricardinho ricozzy
pumpkin PumpkinPiscopo
SauloSan saulosan
dylansugoi d4v1br
Bruno xxBrunoxBRxx
Tristan thegameryouknow
subscribe to my search tmont and click the yoin channel help me to 9999999999
Patrick Icestorm23
qadara77 nessgraeves
Martin jamesRainbowBoy
Been gaming here since the NES days... owned a NES, Game Boy, SNES, Nintendo 64, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, GameCube, DS, Wii, 3DS and am now the proud owner of a Wii U. Nintendo through and through!!!
Bubbles89 Saved_Gamer-07
mau maucalabro
Guto gus.azv
Who let the chomps out!? Play my Super Mario Maker course and find out: 3D4D-0000-01ED-AC94
yuribt yuribt88
Gabriel Gabriel712
[SK] Yuno JadeMassey
Lets get 1000 followers LIKE A BOSS! Online:♥ Offline:♡ They call you crybaby, crybaby. But you dont even care. Crybaby, crybaby, so you laugh through your tears. Crybaby, crybaby. Cause you dont even care. Tears fall to the ground, you just let them drown♪ Bff's: Nissy, Mia, Alpha, Fran, John Rambo, ☆E-Liter (aka Traxxas) and Luigi Relationship: John Rambo ♥♡♥ He is mine and only mine ♥♡♥
LuigiKing mcduffie55
vinnie fattyfuzbear
ilan buffetbob
Ayumi Shintastics
Luigi was always better than Mario. Same goes for Wario. The only one Mario's better than is Waluigi.
Matt XLumpySpaceKingX
Hiya! My name is Matt, I'm a dorky, single (helloooo ladies!! ;) Haha!! ^o^ ) twenty-something year old, that is a HUGE Legend of Zelda fan! I'm also very friendly, so don't be a stranger, shoot me a "howdy!":D
Clark basketball1119
Hi! My name is Clark and I love sports and video games and my favorite game is Sonic Unleashed! I will play with you guys on MK8, Splatoon, Smash or... some other game!
Stubbs mike_stubbs1
RICK languimorris1125
N/A I DON'T WII U CHAT. i am a good gamer i play mariocart 8. i keep friends. if they are nice and they play games . i have splatoon. 3 amiibos. i play alot of super mario maker. my favorite pokemon is MIMIKYU AND WOBBUFFET.WELP SEE YOU LATER WUBBA LUBBA DUB DUB (¬■_■ ¯\_● ●_/¯
I love Nintendo. Come back to Brazil. Amo a Nintendo. Volte ao Brasil.