Zadiee's Friends
Lakyu LakyuX
Brasileiro, Mineiro, Nintendista, jogador de partidas rankeadas de Splatoon. Procuro por amigos e amigas no Miiverse para jogar tanto Splatoon, quanto outros jogos online de Wii U.
Caleb CalebTime1
Hey, What's up? My name is Caleb. I love Gaming. I love Art. Ball is life!! I have a 3DS. ◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆◆ My Games: ◆Nintendo Land ◆Super Mario Maker ◆Splatoon ◆Minecraft ◆JustDance 2016 ◆MarioKart 8
Will Stopinski
pumpkin PumpkinPiscopo
CN●Lucas lucarriel1
TorviC xTorviCx
Brayer brayer.souza
Ricardinho ricozzy
Guto gus.azv
Who let the chomps out!? Play my Super Mario Maker course and find out: 3D4D-0000-01ED-AC94
trin lsthatu
qadara77 nessgraeves
Clark basketball1119
Hi! My name is Clark and I love sports and video games and my favorite game is Sonic Unleashed! I will play with you guys on MK8, Splatoon, Smash or... some other game!
Patrick Icestorm23
vinnie fattyfuzbear
©best™ mario69100
Balut les gars,je voudrais connaitre des personnes qui sont sympa est bon joueur je serait très rigolo si vous me plaisez.Bye!
Gabriel Gabriel712
Marcyiello Marcyiello
Kinhos_BR fernandoarthur
afis1120 afis1120
Popper Clops: Clops that Pop your Clopper!!!
JulioMegax JulioMega
Hello, My name is Julio Cesar and I am 17 years old. I like very much Nintendo Games! My dream is to visit the Japan, to speak japanese and to be Game designer!
Carlos CdGamer1986
MCW UK MCWuk1985
Currently playing super mario maker. If you have played/starred/commented on some of my levels and leave a comment asking me to check out your levels then I am more than happy to do that :)
†Jonata† JBR1204
Jeff Jeff_Yoshi
Xeze xezemaster
I'm Xeze and I'm a staff member of Smash Bros Portugal. I'm a Smash player and TO. I also play Splatoon, Mario Maker, Pokémon and other Nintendo games.
Matt XLumpySpaceKingX
Hiya! My name is Matt, I'm a dorky, single (helloooo ladies!! ;) Haha!! ^o^ ) twenty-something year old, that is a HUGE Legend of Zelda fan! I'm also very friendly, so don't be a stranger, shoot me a "howdy!":D
FirzeN Firzen592798
Carlos Carlosapj7
mau maucalabro
D is 4 Dan D_is_4_Daniel
Don't think me unkind, words are hard to find. They're only cheques I've left unsigned, from the banks of chaos in my mind.
Bia Beatrizmikos
Oi! Meu nome é Beatriz, tenho treze anos! Curitiba/Paraná/Brasil/Terra/Via láctea/Universo/
Rivalseekr Rivalseeker
This user's profile comment is private.
LK Knight-LK
Amante dos jogos. Jogo em todas as plataformas que posso e tiro máximo proveito de todos os mundos virtuais que exploro. Como grande fã de Zelda e Mario, meu relacionamento com a Nintendo vem desde pequeno com meu NES e o cartucho de Super Mario Bros. Outras empresas fazem trabalhos que me surpreendem bastante, mas a magia da Nintendo não consigo encontrar em nenhum lugar que não seja aqui!
Ayumi Shintastics
Luigi was always better than Mario. Same goes for Wario. The only one Mario's better than is Waluigi.
Miguel Mchess7
SauloSan saulosan
Chris housey87
Lucas LUCAS_Pira_BR
Oi sou de Piracicaba-SP quem quiser adicionar fique a vontade Tenho 32 anos e jogo video game desde o velho nes
Martin jamesRainbowBoy
Been gaming here since the NES days... owned a NES, Game Boy, SNES, Nintendo 64, Game Boy Color, Game Boy Advance, GameCube, DS, Wii, 3DS and am now the proud owner of a Wii U. Nintendo through and through!!!
Bubbles89 Saved_Gamer-07
scatyfan ScatyFan
hi, i'm Rocco, a big Nintendo fan and also like Rock music. sometimes i am totally crazy :p
olp Platon
Kevin Aqua_Express
Mario Maker is my main game right now. Let's create!
I love Nintendo. Come back to Brazil. Amo a Nintendo. Volte ao Brasil.