Well, this was the community I made my very first post in back when it was added to Miiverse on Feb 14, 2013, so I figured this would be the fitting place for my final post as well. GOODBYE MIIVERS...
Link's Yeahs
Super Smash Bros. for 3DS/Wii U Community

Goodbye miiverse. Im moving on, like a bird
More in the comments...see my latest post I yeahed too.

Ok cool, cool. Because my 3ds just died. I hope you all like my final drawing!! I'm glad I have one more day to finish it. I hate being rushed.

I just checked, and Miiverse closes November 7th at 10:00 pm Pacific time. (11 pm Mountain time, 12 am Central time, and 1 am Eastern time, if I am calculating correctly)

I think people just want to say goodbye a bit early so as many of their followers as possible can see it... At least I hope that's the case and Miiverse isn't ending sooner than I think.

Wait wait, I'm doubting again. There are like 5 or 6 people I follow that are saying goodbye and all that. ..... is the date of Miiverse's end wrong????????

Wait, don't you have more time to finish it? I thought Miiverse ended in just over 24 hours now... Best of luck either way!

It's the apocalypse, my dudes. It's Majora's Mask wooooaj. Lol I'm tired? Also, gonna say again, I love all you people a bunchhhh
The Legend of Zelda Series Community

Ohhh you guys better get ready because I'm staying up til the end of Miiverse to finish this last drawingggg.
Hobbys-games and knife throwing
Physical Description-annoyingly attractive
Favorite Color-...
Hobbys-games and knife throwing
Physical Description-annoyingly attractive
Favorite Color-green
Favorite Games-EOU / EOU2 / LoZ Twilight Princess
Favorite Quote-(Shawn Spencer) We are men Gus the world is our toilet
Favorite YouTuber-Matthew Patrick (Game Theory)