Link's Followers
Miles Miles-100
Hi, I'm Miles! I'm 14. Joined: March 2016 I play MK8 and Smash 4 regularly I've played DKC:TF & TLOZ: WW RIP Miiverse, thanks for all the good times (Discord): 10Miles#8336
Storm crazy4halo
Justin sisybeth
This user's profile comment is private.
steve DrD642
This user's profile comment is private.
Herobrine Herobrjne
Hey everybody! I have a dog that's a chuwawa that's named Trouble. When I grow up I want to beat usian bolt in a race! Everyone is my BFF and I don't have a girlfriend. I have brother's and sister's and they are not near me at all! I don't know there names either. Oh and also Have a nice day!
Eve Evegirl
☆Hello dears! Thank you for looking at my profile page! Thank you for 1600+ followers! *I do not take requests. I am a self-taught artist who loves to draw characters from LoZ and other random stuff I find interesting. ;) I always will try to respond to your comments, and I hope to bring a smile to your face with my drawings and other posts. :) 2294-8135-2533
dipsquit hyruleroyale
Cosplayer*seamstress*artist* ^_^ let's play! *i follow everyone back! <3 *page may contain horrible drawings 95% of the time if you join me in Splatoon it will be a squid party! If i've deleted you from my friends, it's only because i made room for active users or we don't play together often. Don't take it personally. Sorry. :( If you ever want to play again, feel free to readd me!
Zeldablade TheSevenLights
Hello, I'm zeldablade. I'm 19 years old and currently in college. I like action rpgs(kingdom hearts, tales of series), action adventure games(the legend of zelda series,platformers(mario series),and adventure visual novels ( zero escape, phoenix wright and fates stay night series)
KC kctheawesome
I wuse coolness but know I am ck
Message Follow_To_Tell
It seems the European/Oceania YouTube community is a less than desirable place to hang out nowadays. I have followed you to direct you to a place you can find a more suitable community. Simply go to the Miiverse wiki, known as Le Miiverse Resource, where you can find information on communities that could be your new hangout. Be sure to choose one where you'll get along with people there.
BLEACH好きすぎてやばす 織姫の5回とも同じ人を好きになるよこのシーンtvでみたいあああーーーーーーーーー
Sarah Neo_Sis0793
Hi I'm Sarah! I love The Legend of Zelda series and many other nintendo games and have grown up with them since I can remember... I don't post much but I try and post relevant pictures for the games I play and try and make it fun! I will always follow back! :) I'm always up for playing any games I have with any of you so don't be afraid to ask! ^^
Zeldablade Zeldablade7
If you guys haven't realized yet this is kaito.
Silent-N SilentN
With Miiverse ending, I'll be moving to other social networks that allow art to be shared. I'd like to tell you where I, Silent-N (now spelled with a hyphen), will be posting my DEVIANT works of ART, but Miiverse's Code of Conduct doesn't allow it. But if you do somehow figure out where to find me -completely without hints- (especially not in the caps above *cough cough*) be sure to say hi. :)
♭Mr. Otis♪ PandaBearfan
Hello everypony, Mr. Otis is back and better than ever. I am 15, I have a dog & cat, I love listening to Animal Collective,Bright Eyes, and Tyler, the Creator, I am a brony,and I LOVE listening to vinyl. I love retro and old school more than today. Find me on Tri-Force Heroes as DankMemes, I really need hero points.
Katie KoozeBoy
Hi its me
Kaito SubTheMachineGN
Hello! I'm a Zelda fan, Kingdom Hearts fan, Okami fan, and a Tales of fan. As of 11/18/15 I'm announcing that I'm going to move into another account by the end of this year. I am moving to another account because of the risk of me getting perma banned by the badmins. It's called Zeldablade If you have any questions, please ask.
Phoenix phoenix225
my oc is the son of life and death, his speed, stranght, and his intelligence is more then a ragular human, he's as tall as chad from bleach, he has longish dark brown hair, dark blue eyes, he always wares black shose black jeans and a white t-shirt, he's the srtong and silent type, he's armed with his father's sythes, he was also granted the power to bring back the dead and heal the living.
Zeniya thegreatprincess
I am Zelly, I love to play The Legend of Zelda. I own all of them.(if you count downloads) My favorite Zelda game is The Minish Cap. I love to play Mario Kart games. My favorite youtuber is Markiplier and Stephenplays, dieing of laughter every minute i watch those guys.
chadic chadic
Hobbys-games and knife throwing
Physical Description-annoyingly attractive
Favorite Color-...
Hobbys-games and knife throwing
Physical Description-annoyingly attractive
Favorite Color-green
Favorite Games-EOU / EOU2 / LoZ Twilight Princess
Favorite Quote-(Shawn Spencer) We are men Gus the world is our toilet
Favorite YouTuber-Matthew Patrick (Game Theory)