Lia's Yeahs

Panama Club


51 minutes ago

If they're closing the NSLUC down, they're probably re-designing it last-minute.

New Super Luigi U Community

That Thing

08/31/2017 8:06 AM

who remembers the "Miiverse has been redesigned!" banner

Play Journal Entries Miitopia


08/04/2017 10:16 PM

You don't have denile that your favorite Star Wars character is secretly Darth Vader.

Drawings Fire Emblem Fates Community

Freak Show

05/08/2016 4:01 PM

New Super Luigi U Community


06/18/2016 9:52 AM

The early bird side for splatfest has an uηfαir advantage; they'll be up early enough to get the "most wins" achievment

New Super Luigi U Community


07/16/2017 10:40 AM

Next Splatfest: We Are Number One Vs. You Are A Pirate

New Super Luigi U Community


06/23/2017 11:06 AM

When you accidentally yeahbomb someone because you like a lot of their posts.

New Super Luigi U Community


06/23/2017 11:14 AM

I'm watching the best of Robbie Rotten i forgot how fun his character was out of everyone.

New Super Luigi U Community


06/23/2017 11:16 AM

Robbie rotten deserves his own spinoff

New Super Luigi U Community


06/21/2017 1:04 PM

tfw it looks like you got a notif but its just the check-in feature

New Super Luigi U Community


06/09/2017 9:54 PM

"Memes cure all." -My friend, 2017

In-Game Splatoon Community


06/09/2017 9:02 AM

Today I graduate. Tomorrow I enter a world I have yet to explore. Wish me luck!

New Super Luigi U Community


05/31/2017 3:02 PM

tfw a package you've been waiting for since last Friday hasn't come yet

Drawings YouTube Community


05/31/2017 9:04 PM

In-Game Splatoon Community


05/29/2017 5:32 AM

Happy anniversary, my dear Splatoon!

New Super Luigi U Community

D.L. Marsh

05/26/2017 4:18 PM

You ever have that group of people at your school who never does anything but joke amongst themselves, but their senses of humor are so messed-up that you just wanna reach out and...y'know?

New Super Luigi U Community

D.L. Marsh

02/22/2017 10:22 AM

In-Game Disney Art Academy Community


05/25/2017 4:47 PM

"Let's see how your truth fares against my ideals." Requested by Lia (LittleUmbreon01).

New Super Luigi U Community


05/23/2017 8:20 PM

Reminder that the SUN IS A DEADLY LASER