Lia's Followers
Derp King brothermii
Fellow Players, Brother M here, and I would like to say something. :) When you feel like a rookie, think for a second of who are they without the experience? In the end, we're all beginner at heart, learning new thing as we go. That how we are this far with the experience. No offense to the expert of the world, but it's true. Just don't be afraid to tell your true beginning and be a friend.
☆Flare☆ Sammy08976
hhey there guys, i'm flare, an idiot pre-teen who likes fire emblem, kid icarus, smash bros, dark colors, yelling about things, leOKUMI, and a lot of other things. i like drawing, writing, reading, and gaming. i am a writer, artist, dancer and actor. i currently have 77 followers. "if there's one thing i wanna do in life it's lay in a pile of leo plushies for an hour and a half"
Yatta★Fly Flygon.M
▲500+ :p▼ ●15\♂\Autistic\Straight\SMM Player\Artist● Hello ô-ô ♥November the 7th is basically tomorrow for me, I want to say is thank you to all of the people that supported me throughout the years and most of the people that I am now friends with. Thank you all!♥ ♡Friendios♡: -Sunshine -Sonic -Squirrly -Sadness -★LeMeme★ -Riku -Popcorn -MochiCakes -Blaze256 -Kai \\ -Glaceon -Luna -Ichimatsu
«Bailey» sunnychick311
Nya! Hello everyone I'm a random derpy fan girl of Undertale, Fire Emblem, Steven Universe, Pokemon, and Beyblade Brust. Team Skull 4 life! I like taking art requests btw NO FRIEND REQUESTS PLEASE! ♪Dabbing around at the speed of sound♪
achfire stardash1234
Gian GianLevine
InkSelena Selena_X_Yami123
Hello! I'm Selena The Ink Hedgehog! (I love Falco so much, omg... SF for life!) R.I.P Iwata... he was the father of Kirby... ... Want some floor Ice cream?.... no? alright... are you sure? no? ok... #SwitchHype!!!!! :D Btw New 3DS Miiverse!!!- Selena_X_FalcoXL
Mr.Gookil DaRealMr.Gookil
hi im mr gookil Uh, no. That's not entirely true. I'm Kelly, somebody who thinks this Mii my twin brother and I made looks funny. This is mostly a place for me to make posts that my brother doesn't want me to make on our (psuedo) shared account. (A spooky secret.) Now, I'm free to nerd away here on the Wii U! *cleans glasses* Current Project: PMD Sky, Team Fushi's Log.
Cynthia Palkia44
Salutations! I am a huge fan of Pokemon, Monster Hunter and, well, gaming in general! Favourite fandoms: Monster Hunter, Pokemon, Sonic the Hedgehog (RIP), Kirby, Legend of Zelda, Undertale, Animal Crossing, Halo, Minecraft... The list goes on. So uh, MHXX. I'm excited. I'm guessing it'll come out here in November or December. That's an estimate based on statistics, but they could go faster, etc
alfred diogu41560
Pipwott 91Pipwott
Dwarvey* DwarvenCharzard
Hey, it's Dwarvey here! I really love the following things... mabye a little too much :P *Pokemons!!! *LOZ *Hetalia…! *Gravity Falls! *FNaF *Undertale *Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim *Creepypasta *Pkmn Mystery Dungeon I love doing art, and am even currently doing a PMD web-series on utube called PMD: Manifest Fate. It takes me a while to find anitiative to make more episodes, but I will! :D
keira.w★☆★ keira.williams
Kyran Щ. Kyranthewolf
Kat Rayquazanomnom
Oh hey, didn't see you there. I like: Pokemon Dragons Wolves Toucans Ravens Homestuck MLP Stuff (Yep) Gmod Friday the 13th Anything Furry
Timber66 plushietrap
Hello all of you wonderful little humans that attempted to poke my face! Ha i wasn't hurt i am in a protective tiny box! Welp you can go now.... like now... wow you stuck around for a while now.... you should get an achievement for that... Achievement Unlocked: S-ure H-appy I-ts T-hursday!
TheTRUEgge bethegge21
Hi there! This is my little corner of the Internet, where I am obsessed with EoS. It's best to just ignore that. I love drawing, rping, and Pokemon. I have an open species, Shadowings. Feel free to check them out! Anyone can make one. Sarcasm and trolls will be responded to in kind. Comments are the best thing you can do for me, and I thank you in advance.
ginacc BooperNut
hi peeps
Skeledox ToyIsabell14
Welcome to Heck I'm kind of active here I'd say I'm pretty nice NervousVulture is certainly an odd name It sounds like a name where dev[]ant artists go Closedverse same NNID- Have fun
Doom TriadDaughter
Hi! I'm Doom Triad. Some info: Parents: Luna and Leo Triad Siblings: Allison (younger sister) Age: 18 Status: Taken by Nico Coriolan Other: My father, Leo, is the eldest of the Shadow Triad, but I absolutly hate Team Plasma. I am an Absol Pokéhuman, and I don't really like to talk about my past. (I post Meg/LittleUmbreon01's OCs)
TU♪nSwiPe5 JDSuperguy1
Hi! *Waves* I'm Jaiden! I'm just one of those cool kids out there. Also mostly known as a Supernatural, (2) and a hunter. Leader of SYU AND MD. Feel free to join just ask me. Member of: fav post I'd love to RP Chat! Coming clan in November: TCV Sometimes I might just say nonsense though I say it at random times! BTW Me be EMO ... ...Do I have anything to say
JordieBay ShadowHunter109
Goodbye Miiverse. You started to succ earlier this year. To the point that logging back in became something I didn't really want to do. Just shows how much you don't care about your fans or consumers. To my friends that I made here? I'll miss you badly... Twttr: Jordie_Bay94 Insta: jordiebay YT: Jordie Bay DA: Jordie Bay Twitch: JordieBay
amelie ACCACIA83
salut tout le monde je m appelle amelie , je suis une meuf de 12 ans ,je suis née le 20 mai 2004 vive les 5 eme deveder mes pote svp
Robert dekender
Ich heiße Robert Ich liebe es neue Geschichten zu schreiben ! bin12 Jahre alt ich spiele gerne Fast Racing NEO, Mario kart 8, Xenoblade Chronicles X, Ziggurat
Sephora Sweetheart56789
Hi l'm Sephora l really like being on miiverse I like playing and meeting people who have game experience its really cool now plus im 11 years old
Cookie pikachuroks
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Cyprien cyprie2
☆voila tout se que vous allez savoir sur moi gentil★★★★★ mechant☆☆☆☆☆ ♥minecraft★★★★★ ♥splatoon★★★★☆ bon jeu a touuuuuuuuus=) *******
oranna575 batbo76
salut je m'appelle bat *abonner vous pour suivre mais aventure mais plus beau moment sur la wii u avec mais amie je joue a lego dimension ,mario kart 8, splatoon' abonne toi svp tu peux me commenter mes message ou mettre un ouais et n'essiter pas a mettre des etoile sur mes stage de super mario maker ,merci pour gens qui s'abonne a ma chaine miiverse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! c=p
momo maureen0112
Fountain yoshi8485
i'm actually in grad school in norway, hence the odd hours i'm online. i'm a longtime Intelligent Systems fan since Advance Wars, now i especially love fire emblem. I'm writing a lot of the IGN walkthrough for FEF as a volunteer, check it out. I used to own every nintendo system ever made. I am still down for a good silver or gold mass effect 3 match! FEFates Castle: 10278.35567 34716.28473
ΩÀćėΨ★» BlazeikenEx
Hi im Ace Im a very nice guy I love to play pokemon My Favorite type is Grass type I am Nice, Brave, A little Hyper like a shaymin in sky form i love Shaymin My Partner on PSMD is Rina the Charmander
Octogirl-y soccerprincess06
Hi! I'm Liliana (aka ςοссεяςτα★) (call me Lily) Here's some things you need to know about me: I have 9 amiibos A lover of Splatoon 14 years old DO NOT ACCEPT WII U CHATS Currently play: AC: Amiibo Festival Yoshi's Woolly World Super Mario Maker Splatoon Mario Kart 8 You should follow: mama DENILSON les Cudlsworth Friend and Follow Me!
Beth TeamDomain
James coolsebastyan
Hey guys i am just a normal kid that is 14 and if my profile hits 1000 followers i will tell my youtube channel but its a secret so yeah also i am a master gamer and games are my life so thats it and i well i live alone i do not have parents sadly because they were in a plane crash and well died so i live alone and its very hard for me and yeah peace out!
Julia Spartan5017
Aηgει» AppleButterGames
Hεу Guуς ı αм Zαηε Fσιισωεяς: Gimme one pls :3 ı αм Fяιεηδιγ (Except when Someone is bothering Me or Someone that I know) ταικ το мεн, ı Ðοητ βιτε! ι αм сяυςнιηg Cσмε ατ мεн! CORRIN SENPAIII Ur now my Bae :)
Manny Manny1102Play
Ace :P NotXpertThief
Hiya! I'm Acetycholine Mercy! You may call me Ace for short, I'm 16, I'm obviously male... That's all! "Right behind you.." ~ The Spy
AηgεΙicα Angelina-madr-08
Hola amigos de miverse. Me encantan los libros, me fascinan. Tengo 13 años Me gusta hacer amistad con todos ustedes. Soy de Costa Rica. ¡Pura Vida! En este mismo instante estoy leyendo el libro "Bajo La Misma Estrella.” Los amoooooooooo!!!!!!!!
Jœ Tiger231
Hi my name Jœ ↓So now the things i like↓ Pokemon....mostly beacuse of Pikachu Nentendo YouTube Shooter Games Also all my followers....ha I can't draw so I make really bad jokes... Tribute to the Jake incident at the community Super Luigi U 3/1/17
Lauren TheAuraMaster
Yo! I am Lauren, and I'm a Lucario Pokéhuman, and I'm the Aura Master! My parents are Winona and Steven Stone! I also have a younger brother named Max! I am married to a notorious criminal known in every region, minus Kalos named Damian Ragnarok. I have a son named Percy and a daughter named Julia.
zilla zilla1125
Elyse Derpygirl123
I'm just a person with Aspergers, Bipolar, and ADHD. I'm also a cringeworthy user, and Pokémon is my game. American, 14, and all-around nice. Big EDM fan. Dialga and Sunshine Forme Cherrim are best Pokémon. Leave now.
MiiYourMii Total_Gaming
Hello! I'm MiiYourMii! I'm a avid video gamer who loves Nintendo! My favorite video game series are Mario, Legend of Zelda, Pokemon, Madden, Super Smash Bros, Sonic, and Animal Crossing! I also enjoy sports! My favorite teams are the Orioles and the Colts!
Gator babygeorgeous
This account is pretty much useless now. It might occasionally be used in the very RARE event that I run out of posts. Regardless, there might be a few random posts here and there from my sister, who is the primary owner of this account.
You have to be strong on your own. You have to live! You have to go home... Tell everyone about w...
You have to be strong on your own. You have to live! You have to go home... Tell everyone about what happened here. So that... nothing like this ever happens again.