Users ∞Patrick∞ Is Following
Melanie Melanie524197
hi! My names Melanie, i love music and games, if your intrested in other things like, shooter games, then go follow TGLprestonEvans! enjoy my accont!
ミバスdeやるお yarunda-o
「みんながゆったり まったり のんびりと毎日過ごせたら良いのにね」とか常に考えて生きているダメダメ人間です。 ○ixivにてサーナイトのイラストを中心に投稿しています。 アホなことしか言えず、欲望の赴くままにイラストを描いていますが、温かい目で見てくださるならば望外の幸せでございます。 (*´・ω・`*) I can speak Japanese only. I can't speak other language well, sorry. Thank you for follow,comment & Yeah.
Monica sso.monica_wade
Super smash bros is my main game! cloud is my favorite character!!! btw, i wont be posting stuff on here yet because idk how too, so if you know how to post then please tell me how. Im 14 years old Name is ofc monica xD I love supersmash bros currently only game i play :) have a great life everyone!!!!
jianna jianna21
★dragon64★ catnip1996
o(σ▼σ)v V for victory its neko64 im 21 and i injoy drawing my oc's alot some more then others depending on what im into at the moment i also really love Pokémon mostly dragon types mosty garchomp i also love anime like JoJo's bizarre adventures☆°•o(σ▼σ)o•°☆ bf:rizevock i have dyslexia oc's sonic:cotton cody lady koda joker main:niko dog:pom pom and others
Lizzy!☆ LizzyWater8276
I'm an extreme game, an author, and total nerd. I'm publishing books. My dream is to eventually create a movie off one of my books (I know which one). The money I make will go to educating my self and creating a cure for cancer. Remeber you can do anything you put your mind to. I am all about positivity and making the the world a safe place. Join the limitless and unstoppable and follow me.
Sweeto devler505
18 and counting. Hello and welcome to my profile! Be sure to hit that follow button, like and comment on my posts, I'll do the same for you! if i don't follow back i apologize but i swear that i do appreciate each and everyone of you. If any of you ever need advice, have any questions, or just wanna talk feel free to do so! ♪peace and love Sweetos♪
#$нεΙβγ™ Shelby.Brendy
∞•∞•∞•∞•∞•∞•∞•∞•∞•∞•∞•∞•∞•∞•∞•∞•∞ : ‹~♪ε›∞/!\#SαΙυυυτ#/!\∞‹з♪~› : Jε νιεη dε мε яεfαιяε υη cσмρτε •ω• : {Bιεηνεηυε sυя мση pяσfιΙ…★} : <•J'м'αρρεΙΙε Shelby•> ∞ : #J'αί 13 αηs *^* ™ : [K~] [M~] [E~] [I~] [S~] [M~]♪ c: : ~Mεs jευχ ρяέfέяέs ↓ ACNL:WA ∞ <3 Miitopia *p*.. Lnmds2…★ •Achhd•☆ : ºAbσηηεz Vουs x) ‹з ♪ ∞•∞•∞•∞•∞•∞•∞•∞•∞•∞•∞•∞∞•∞•∞•∞•∞
Autum teddybear456789
Hi friends! :) I love playing video games and I am great at it. Add me! :) Also have gamecube games,ds games, and wii games. Favorite games: Sonic, Legend of Zelda,Smash Bros, Sims, Animal Crossing, Mario, Pokemon, Harvest Moon, and other Retro games. "Got places to go, gotta follow my rainbow."-Sonic Adventure 2 Battle: Escape From the City I may be only 14 but the gaming will not stop.Enjoy!
MadsČŠŁ†ШЩ fluffyunicorn11
Welcome!!! Hello im Maddy! *im 15. *im home schooled! ^-^ *i love peanut butter cookies!Ò.Ó *my favorite color is light blue. *catchphrase: HUZZA! XD *100 % Çhгίςtίαη. *Gryffindor! patronus:white mare. (acnl and tloz 4 life XD) I also play Fantasy Life and Tomodachi Life! XD clans im in : ШЩ ČŠŁ RMV and † club! Ť points 15 ~★˛★ Good bye mv ¡-¡
Kelsey Fancypixels
Profile comment hidden by admin.
#$нεΙβγ™ ShelbyNew
«•♥•♡•♥•♡•♥•♡•♥•♡•♥•♡•♥•♡•♥•♡•♥•» ♥…SαΙυυτ…♥ #ºº{Bίεηνεηυε sυя мση Pяσfί}ººº# ♪ ™ ♡ ‹·J'м'αρρεΙΙε Shelby·› ♡ ™ ♪ «♥ J'αί 13 αηs♥» #’…☆ ˜* ™ ♪ x3 …[K♥]•[M♡]•[M♥]•[E♥]•[I♡]•[M♥]… #~Jευx ρяέfέяέs~#…………♡•♪™ ♥*ACNL:WA*♥ *˛* ★•LMDS2…♪∞ #J'νσυs Αdοяε *-* ;3 ♡ #¬★ Mεяcί ά мεs +300 αβσηηέs ★¬# ♡ *-* «•♥•♡•♥•♡•♥•♡•♥•♡•♥•♡•♥•♡•♥•♡•♥•»
♪Haley♪ bansheee262000
"R.I.P Miiverse I came at the Dawn of this place and will stay till the Fall of it" Welcome to my trash can!or what's left of it. . .anyway The names Haley tho I do go by Frost 12 cringe yer girl With over 200+ O.C's b-day Dec8th NOWIIUANYMORE VOLTRONFTW #Hamtrash MY BESTIES: Hamiltrash Cat!Chara ther CinnamonRolls:>
я¢м☆Ben miketiny
Hello there fellow Miiverse user, My name is Ben. I'm an 18 year-old Cartoonist, Nintendo player, Yoshi fanboy, Otaku, Brony, Catholic and trivia buff who happens to have autism. Mario Kart is my favorite Nintendo franchise and I'm a proud member of the Mario Kart 8 clan known as я¢м (Red Cross Miracle). So with all that said, stay awesome and I'll see you later. #Yoshiis2kawaii4me ♥
Hayden Hayden888
I'm just some kid who will occasionally post stuff. You can follow me if you want; I'll follow you back. Stuff about myself: -I'm 15 -Currently in 10th grade -I main Ness in SSB4 -I'm 5'9" -Most of these facts are improv I can consider myself good at games, but don't take my "game experience" that seriously. It's an iffy thing to put. See you on the flipside. -Hayden
Ally allyxkat
Jenna 1a2b3c4e5e
Hey! My name is Jenna. I am 16. I play the drums. I LOVE astronomy. I really like mario games. I'm also not from the British Virgin Islands, i actually live in the United States. ;) I am a christian. † I have a boyfriend (Elijah) <3 My favorite color is sapphire. I'm obsessed with rice haha ;P Basketball!!! I also love to draw. That's it! Plz follow me and I'll definitely follow you! Thx
Daisy SaraRedVine13
Daisy LuxuriaLee
a girl who luves smash!!
sodiepops ashmarie94
don't hate the player, hate the game, son. adult player who plays mk8 until she hates herself ^^ currently obsessed with BOTW
Kelsey K_Leeann16
Hey guys! This is Kelsey^_^!!! I just signed up for Miiverse and I'm really excited to get started! My favorite games are Super Smash Bros. and Mario Kart 8. My 3DS isn't connected yet, but I do like Animal Crossing New Leaf and HHD!! Follow me AND my friend Mia! ;) :D
Will no longer be on Miiverse due to its inevitable end. Rip Miiverse 2012-2017.
Night Star cuttiebaby
I'm just a girl who likes playing video games, drawing, hearing music, reading books about stars, anime, and turquoise. I'm also a cat lover, so I decided to call my followers: Cats, kittens, Dog, and Puppies. You found a fun person who is sometimes funny and also cool cause I wanna make you smile and laugh. Everything will have a good life with you, me, and everyone. Leaving miiverse: 11/5
Emo Amy Julioerique
hey what,s up bros my name is Amy Rose Rascol from sega follow me if you want to be a bro today bye things about me im famous and rich i live in california i totally a emo girl i listen to metal music and i got a band im a gamer girl i play GTA V and the legend of zelda i got a sister name Jeamy Rose Rascol and she got powers i like to draw anime characters
Moon☆Jenny Jenny1594
Jenna jennagirl123
I'm one of the very few competitive female Smash players. If you wanna play me, shoot me a friend request. I like pretty much all Nintendo franchises. (with the exception of a few) SSB4 Mains: Falco & Marth (since Melee) LOVE TLOZ Other than that, I love to workout and eat healthy and play sports, especially soccer. Just bought a Nintendo Switch. I've been playing Nintendo since the GameCube.
cat jaids07
hello am cat and i love to play games on my wiiu i love to play donkey kong and mario kart 8 i go on my wiiu everyday and i am 13 years old and u can friend me:)
★♪Шιητεг♪★ winter_breeze08
Hiya, I'm Winter! I like food, video games, did I say food, kpop, and making people happy. I Wii U Chat sometimes. Bts is love, Bts is life *Gives you holy Doritos* Plz friend me bc I have no life Bai
Valerie Valerie326
I love The Legend of Zelda!!!!
Marina Marinakd
Hi guys I'm Marina!
Elena WarewolveAlpha15
Hey guys! Im jayden...But u can call my jay.. ~Im 16 ~Im a wolf ~I dont play nice at all >.< ~I have an attitude problem dont make me mad my friends can tell u what i could do. ~My last remaining friends/family Geo Mark John Adam Zoey Jordan Tajee Cody Joe Goodbye Angels and demons Tomorrow may be ur last day live today like its your last Living moments If you stay on miiverse beware or be banned
Titanium FloppyNoodle
Human. Dont you know how to greet a new pal? Turn around and shake my hand. *fart noises* hehe...the old whoopee cushion in the hand trick. its ALWAYS funny. Anyways, HI!Im Titanium! Now, if there's one thing you should know about me, it would be that I LOVE UNDERTALE AND IM UNDERTALE TRASH! Im also a fan of the Zelda series.
LoKíta xochill
Gσ☆Vιππγ hamper2
Hеγ уоц jцsτ sмαshеδ мγ fαεе! -Rubs head- Yeah boii! Hoi itz Vinny but call meh Vin if you like. A few things you would like to know about me: I am VP of the Gσββιε☆'s (My fam's clan) I am related to:Mansi☆,Luxmi☆,Gσββιε☆яσ. (my cousins) I have 2 sisters: Gσββιε☆βακ and Siya(KirbySiya) My bffs: Aarron and ... (Smash their follow buttons) I am mostly on mc or Miiverse. Bye!!! >:3
Hey! Welcome to my main profile! I have another profile for my 3DS (Luigi2025). I will continue t...
Hey! Welcome to my main profile! I have another profile for my 3DS (Luigi2025). I will continue to use both accounts to make posts and talk to you all. Game series that I enjoy include Mario, Zelda, and Pokémon. I look forward to talking and gaming with you! See you in the gaming world!
Current Account/Now Playing:
Wii U [α]: SSBU/Super Mario 3D World
3DS []: Pokémon Alpha Sapphire (Nat'l Dex)