∞Patrick∞'s Friends
Monica sso.monica_wade
Super smash bros is my main game! cloud is my favorite character!!! btw, i wont be posting stuff on here yet because idk how too, so if you know how to post then please tell me how. Im 14 years old Name is ofc monica xD I love supersmash bros currently only game i play :) have a great life everyone!!!!
Kelsey Fancypixels
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Britt 0kageShad0wKing
Hi,I'm Britt!I am 23 years old and I love having wonderful moments with some very kind people. I don't talk much after the Miiverse post limit.I wish I could talk to you all again like I use to.So don't get offended if I don't respond.I DO READ YOUR COMMENTS! I hope that everyone will be positive and have a WONDERFUL day! If rude, you will be blocked. Also NO ASKING REQUEST.
Rosy Munch4462
Amanda LinZelMLIY
♡Hi!♡ I love The Legend of Zelda, Fire Emblem and Super Smash Bros. My favorite character is Link, I love him so much! I fall in love with him!♥ 2nd favorite characters are all bishounen of the games and animes.♡ I love ☆BTS☆ and ♥TaeKook♥. I like BL (Yaoi), animes and manga, and I love nekos, they are so kawaii! My favorite animes are Naruto and Pokémon. I love Nintendo! Here since: 2016/04/06
Noelle I.dance.11
hi im Noelle :-) just a girl here who loves Mario stuff! Im a competitive dancer as well! No Wii U Chat please!
Meghan MeghanShmoo
~ • ☆ • ~ ································· “I may not look like it, but I'm a warrior in my heart. I fight for what I believe in!” ·································· ~ • ☆ • ~
Maggie CheerfulMaggie
tv wesley wesley0609
hi im weasley im 19 years old my favorite games are xenoblade, fire emblum fates, zelda twilight princess and third gen pokemon
★UnicornK★ ExoticAngels
♥Focus On Meh!♥
J☆Shepherd MNSToews
Hey, I like all the mario games and SPLATOON! I love playing soccer and horseback riding. QHs and TBs Rock! Splatoon is amazing, I love all the Hunger games movies (Katniss), StarGate Atlantis(John Shepherd), and the NEW ENGLAND PATRIOTS (Rob Gronkowski) football team. I love talk! Feel free to friend request or follow me. I LOVE MY FOLLOWERS! YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!!!
Melanie Melanie524197
hi! My names Melanie, i love music and games, if your intrested in other things like, shooter games, then go follow TGLprestonEvans! enjoy my accont!
Sammie SamMay1997
Hey everyone!! I love my video games and enjoy everyone's posts!
Touka watchmewhip53
My name is touka, and I work at anteiku cafe (btw I am a ghoul). I also have a crush on Kaneki ♥♥ XD JK Its from ma fav anime tokyo ghoul
Nethergirl nethergirl1015
Hello Friendly Wii u users! i am April and I am very kind! My favorite wii u game is minecraft and please follow me. the 300th follower gets a friend request. Mini Announcements. Minecraft Wii U has been welcomed into my wii u so we will build
Maegan NouisIsLife
- I'm Maegan (May-gen) - You can call me Mae ☆ - I only like Mario so don't ask me about any other games because I probably won't know it - basic af - I don't wii u chat, sorry I'm very shy :( - I procrastinate a lot, sorry - im 13 :)))) ♡♡
Aηίlαsσr FlyinThruDaSky21
Never heard of me have you? Anyways I'm Anilasor, Rosalina's twin sister. Did my hair backwards because I liked it but I got teased in school. Rosalina never looked out for me. Lost my mom just like her. I tried getting revenge on Rosa but she even locked me up! But I had a conversation with ☆Rosalina☆ (rosieiscool) and it turns out everythings all fine now. Our past will be forgotten. Thanks sis…
Sytheri angelitaaviles02
April 10, 2016 Hello there! I'm an Ike main who's currently training and sleeping a lot now =_= Puppers and potates 'ω'
Sabrina dance123D
Hello world and all who inhabit it! I'm 14, my favorite games r Disney Infinity, Splatoon, LEGO games, Animal Crossing, Yoshi's Woolly World and Mario games. My real birthday is Dec 20th. I dont wiiU chat with people I don't know, Ok? Ok. Star Wars and Marvel are totally awesome and if ur not a fan u need to c a psychologist. Aw that's rad
Rice&Soda Nessgirl500
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Jennifer TitanSlayer17
~★~ Hello fellow jello! ~★~ Welcome to my profile. This is the place where dreams are broken. ♥ Call me Jennifer, Jenn, Jenny, whatever works best! xD Age: 16 I love anime, video games, and drawing. I am queen of the melons. And the melons shall conquer earth! ~★~ Follow today to be a fellow jello! ~★~ Other: (SweetMelonade17)
▲P.J.▼ PJ1196
Sup? Call me PJ. My real name, not important. I play a lot of video games. I draw a lot, too. I don't allow friend requests, by the way. I have two acounts. I also play Miitomo.
Chibi ohaithereperson
ohai der person ^^; I'm 13 I've played games my entire life This is an alt account for GrumpAtty
Rachel Hylianrose98
B-day's Dec 10th. How's it going? I've been playing video games for literally as long as I can remember. My fave series is LoZ, but I also like Mario, Pokemon and almost everything Nintendo. I'm a REALLY shy, awkward, tomboyish, random, lazy, goofy, clumsy person... Yeah, that's really all there is to say about me. Talk to ya later! God Bless! CHOCOLATE!!!
karina cool_girl_l
Hi my name is Karina i love to play video games alot. I watch YouTube alot too. my favorite YouTubers are Aphmau, Markiplier, ihascupquake, PewDiePie, Good Mithlcal Morning and more. I play a lot of Minecraft and Sonic. I do ship people from aphmau I ship lurmau (laurence and aphmau) #Lurmau4life I hope you like my Miiverse
Katiee★★★★ KatieBaby124241
This user's profile comment is private.
Katie AeroBubble
▲▼Woomy▼▲ Addygirl78910
Hi! Happiness Level: ★★★★☆ Sadness Level: ★☆☆☆☆ Weirdness Level: ★★★★★ Shyness Level: ★★★★☆ Rude Level: ☆☆☆☆☆ Things I love/love doing: Drawing Anime Basketball Volleyball Dogs Wii U iPhone
Jessi(^.^) Yunoletm
Sup! soooo just got a wii u, which is awesome, so not to sure what to write... still thinking... be right back.
Karina SyndicateT3PINK
hey miiverse my name is karina some things i like to do is play xbox im a gamer i love to see pokemon ^-^ i also love to watch anime! I also like to play basketball im 15 i love playing piano and i love to sing thats it byeeeeeee
sodiepops ashmarie94
don't hate the player, hate the game, son. adult player who plays mk8 until she hates herself ^^ currently obsessed with BOTW
stina wied98
| Respiratory therapy student | Games I'm playing regularly: SSB BOTW im always up to chat about the legend of zelda series! follow me for BOTW posts :)
R&γ◆Lσgαη■ mr.epicsword
MKWII VR:9999 MK8 VR:15k Hello everyone, my name is Logan and my fav color is blue and I'm addicted to most MK games. I have MKWii, MK7, and MK8. If u have the game Clash of clans I'm in a clan named MLG360Savages. You will mostly find me in MK8 (if you add me) and on minecraft and maybe even Splatoon. Clans: R&γ (Ruthless & Young) Have a great day!
Essie SunsetSakura68
Hi! I'm Esther (or just call me Essie) and to put it simply I am a lover of games! A fan of Zelda, Mario, SSB and many other franchises. Mostly, I'm just plain obsessed with the Legend of Zelda. Hope to see you out there in the gaming world! xx ★Satoru Iwata lives on in the amazing experiences we've had and are to come with the games he poured his heart out into creating. Thank you, Mr Iwata★
leanna blazingfier
*hi i am blazingfire and i like anime and my fav anime is naruto and bleach i also like to draw i play games like super mario 3D world and hyrule warriors and this is my fav emoji :3 :3 :3
Sarah SarahKim07
Taylor taylor5m10
Em emilyeclair
"I am the wolf who howls for justice, the eagle who cries for love!"
Rebecca☆ BabyPrincess82
One question:- Why do I have 800 followers? ._. Man, all that ugly Miiverse history of mine... Anyhoo, I'm just a fairly girly dude who loves Baby Rosalina. I'm more of a bus enthusiast than a gamer, but oh well. :T I just race Mario Kart when my friends are on. Fairly average racer, racing at near 24k I think, and maining Baby Rosalina annnnd Pink Gold Peach - the two underdogs! xD
∞autumn∞ autumn2471
Hi im Autumn I dont get on here alot but im going to be on here more and Btw I AM THE BIGEST TWENTY-ONE PILOTS FAN EVER! Follow me on Insta @autumnr_2105
James Jtgreen9
Hello! Welcome to my profile. I love playing the Mario series! Please come talk in messages, but I don't talk on Wii U Chat!
HCģίřιğαмя music_lovalife
things about me: ●hardcore girl gamer ●i ♥ music ●i ♥ videogames ●im weird ●dont wiiu chat ●im an artist ●not your typical person i walk this empty street on the boulevard of broken dreams~ greenday theres nothing left... stalker xP
☆авву★•ω•» lobaba
im♥a♡ωħαıε★lol im º1.00.000.000º or aka ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ¹ ² ³ aka★αвву☆●ω●
Jessica SparkleDiva2014
~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~* Hey welcome to my profile! :) I love hanging with friends in real life and would love to make friends in the Miiverse and play against them. I have a wii U and I love to play Mario Kart 8 ;) ~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*~~*
daisyemme7 daisyemme
Hi everyone!
Medli glaceon10
Paige Paige1196
Hiya and welcome to my profile! My nickname is PJ. I play Splatoon, Mario Kart, Pokken Tournement, Pokemon X and Pokemon Ruby, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, and many more! Shoot me a friend request and will play together! I'm 19. Follow me and I'll follow back! Also, thanks for over 300 followers!
Alyssa boogiebear621
» Alуssа. « » 18 yεars old. « » I liκε to thinκ i'm a much bεttεr gamεr than in actual rεality. « » Eωoκ from thε forεst moon of Eηdor. «
Allison Blokpuncher
Yello! This is my page. I'm a huge Kirby fan and love Smash.
Karina karinaaah
Kirsten Kirsty19
Hello World I'm Kirsty,I love to play SuperMario,SonicTheHedgehog,TheLegendOfZelda,DonkeyKong,and Pokemon,and I really don't mind to play with others :) I do take drawing request Amiibo : HAVE TOO MANY TO COUNT xD No WiiU Chat :-/ I ship SonAmy♥ #Sonictrash
Emily S. BlackKyrem
backup account:Emily2ndaccount ☆Become the HERO in you!NEVER let ur courage fail!☆ Hi I'm Emily-Снαη and i hope u can go by on my phase above this! Don't hesitate to ask questions My Master:Krissy My Senpai:honor,Andy NateWantsToBattle=♡♥ 33 strikes I am happy rn, have the best guy in the world!!
Jodi moogle-puff
Goodbye miiverse! It was fun while it lasted. I am gonna miss everyone's posts and screenshots. Also thank you to everyone who liked my posts it made me super happy =] Im going to miss this goofy social media site.
δαββ★Qůέέή lilangelboo50
I am the δαββ Qυεεη :3 ACHOO! *Dabb* XD But u can call me Ayanna ^.^ I'm just a goofy high schooler that loves music, anime, and my friends/family.
NCS InTheBathroom
Howdy guys, it's NintendoCapriSun! You know IN THE BATHROOM.
Ashley AshAbi
Nintendo is the best, which means I love Pokémon!Super Smash Bros./ Splatoon is epic! Anime is great I guess kk Nothing else to say :0
livie wolfgirllove
Brad TachyonDragon107
The name's Brad. I enjoy playing games that are challenging. Don't be afraid to follow me I don't bite. Not much else to say really. To anyone who reads this have a nice day and thanks for stalk- I mean viewing my page. I positive there's plenty of better things you could be doing buuut here you are still reading this random guys page on miiverse....exciting right?
BreBre MindlessReader98
Konnichiwa! I'm Bre! I'm 19, a bookworm/poet, a bit of a tomboy, goofy & weirdly awesome. I ♥ PB&J, apple juice, & cheesecake! I don't bite…unless I'm provoked. Ò¬Ó Anime is great! I ♥ MK8, SSBU, Splatoon & Pokkén Tournament. ●Pizza is life.● …Books are addictive… ☆Poetry is heavenly.☆ ♥Hugs are nice.♥ ♪Music keeps me sane.♪ Skrillex is Bae. ♥ Sayounara Miiverse...
Pika★Annie marioandluigi369
.·• Hi everyone, it's Annie here! I'm 11½ and I got autism, welcome to my profile! •·. ♪Playing now: Pikachu Song♪ My favourite characters: Pikachu Lucina ZSS (I call her Sarah) Corrin ♀ Wii U Chat allowed! Clans: Pika★ (Leader) AFC (Member) ☆SM★ (Member) Cρς★ (Member) CFF★ (Member) τν☆ (Member) .·• Enjoy my profile! •·.
Fran Fraaan
пαмэ ⇒ ƒяапсıςса™(ƒгап)♀ сøυητгγ ⇒ ☆снıιэ, тнэ ßεςт сøυηтгγ эνεг☆ αgε ⇒ 14♥ ■*ƒανøгıтз gαмз ⇒ τυςт dαпсз!*■ ƒανσгıтз сølοг ⇒ ߣU€♪ ▲▼«ıм α ηιсε ρεгςοη, шно ıονες шıı υ снατ!!»▼▲ ★~ƒгιзпd мз~★ †←ıƒ γσυ gıνε мз α γεαн ßомß, l gıνε γου α γεαн ßοмß тоо!!→† ◆∞ εпglıςн / εςрαñøl / dευтсн ∞◆ †«ςтγιе ьεƒοге αι黆
Sasha hourplaytime
if you send me a friend request i will accept if you follow me i will follow you give me lots a yeahs i will give you lots a yeahs (^-^) also hi peeps dis is piph i like Kirby and minecraft(who doesn't) <3 talking pls be my friend=)i love anime (SAO,AOT,fairy tail,etc) and Dr Who and nintendo i also have a talking cat named Happy...JK keep in mind i like the anime fairy tail! hahaha! bye-bye!
Kai PandaForLife
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Silver Fox yougotitdude2
greetings i like undertale and memes that's pretty much it adíos
Hayden Hayden888
I'm just some kid who will occasionally post stuff. You can follow me if you want; I'll follow you back. Stuff about myself: -I'm 15 -Currently in 10th grade -I main Ness in SSB4 -I'm 5'9" -Most of these facts are improv I can consider myself good at games, but don't take my "game experience" that seriously. It's an iffy thing to put. See you on the flipside. -Hayden
Stephanie penguinfreak
Hello. I am 24 years old. I have an Associates Degree in Computer Animation! I am not a huge gamer but I love playing games! The wii u has been fun so far! I am into art so expect a lot of drawings!!! :) Sorry I do not Wii U chat!!!... Friends list might be full, sorry! :/ * I ♥ my boyfriend Ruben! (RUBORG2.0)-Follow him! He's nice and super cool!
Shelby Shelby54
Ellie midna03
Hi I'm 17 from the UK and have loved videogames for as long as I can remember! I'm a big nintendo fan, and my favourite titles include Zelda, Pokemon, Mario, Splatoon and Smash bros. I'm quite an experienced gamer and spend as much time as I can on miiverse :)
LilSooner LilSoonerFanInMO
A huge Zelda/Mario/Sonic fanboy! Love to play Smash Bros! Open to play casual Smash with anyone! Open to any freind request and I don't do any form of voicechat! When I Smash Online with freinds, a"For Glory 1-on-1" style works for me! I like to talk about Smash or anything releated to gaming (or DBZ)!
Victoria VictoriaN
Hi everyone I'm Victoria :) I'm 15yrs old and I'm homeschooled! I like Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Doctor Who, Sherlock, and reading about all those things :P I am Christian, I have a pet rabbit, cat, and dog. I love to dance, and I live in a family of 7! I hope this helped yall know me a little better :P
Artzy Hannah962
Im a 20 year old geek when it comes to Pokemon, Zelda, Kingdom Hearts and a lot of different anime! I also love to make fanart! Love y'all :)
Kristen MissDestruction
Hi i'm Kristen! I'm a big Nintendo fan and have both the Wii u and 3DS. My favorite game series of all time is Animal Crossing! I also really like * Mario Kart *Super Smash Bros *Splatoon *Harvest Moon *The Mario Series *The Legend of Zelda *Pokemon And many more! I also LOVE horses and Disney!
∞Hunter∞ fordm86
Hey, I'm Hunter! (also known as ∞Fordm∞) I'm 16. I play games old and new. I currently own this Wind Waker Deluxe Wii U set. I own a NES, SNES, GCN, GBC, Zelda edition 3DS, and a 3DS XL. I am a Zelda fan. I do play modern games, but I still prefer retro. I accept all friend requests, so feel free to send one!! Feel free to follow me too! I always follow back!
Jake Blackout95
Hello! Im Jake, 19 years young. I love Zelda, mario, smash bros. Yadayadayada. But also a big pikmin fan! Someone has to support those rascals haha I also love to draw, that art above this is one of mine. Feel free to follow me if you want to see more! -random friend requests are a no -Gaming is an adventure in itself, care to join me? Whatever you do, add a dash of JUSTICE!!!
maria carolfixe
hi i'm maria please add me ola
Hey, everyone! I'm a lifelong Nintendo fan who's owned every Nintendo system since the N64. My favorite game franchises are Mario, Zelda, Sonic, Metroid, Smash Bros., and Donkey Kong. I'm also a diehard Dallas Cowboys fan. A few ground rules: -I don't accept random or blank friend requests. -Please try to stay at least relatively on topic on my posts. -All troll comments WILL BE DELETED.
★July★ July64
Chiaki BrookCumnock
Hi names Brook I'm 17 I like zelda , fire emblem, kid Icarus , other nintendo series , mario, and metroid btw you have to explain your friend request I won't accept blank friend request ♥ fluffy panda :D
Scotty1 Scott28_28
WaluigiBag WaluigiBag
Nintendo is always so ultra fun!!!! Mr. Satoru Iwata is a Nintendo hero!!!! Nintendo Reggie!!!! Nintendo Switch is so super incredible!!!!
Hey! Welcome to my main profile! I have another profile for my 3DS (Luigi2025). I will continue t...
Hey! Welcome to my main profile! I have another profile for my 3DS (Luigi2025). I will continue to use both accounts to make posts and talk to you all. Game series that I enjoy include Mario, Zelda, and Pokémon. I look forward to talking and gaming with you! See you in the gaming world!
Current Account/Now Playing:
Wii U [α]: SSBU/Super Mario 3D World
3DS []: Pokémon Alpha Sapphire (Nat'l Dex)