Luke James's Followers
ん?なご?だれ?w§ NAGOCHAN756
★☆顔ポチあーとん★☆ 最後まで見てね!よろぴく~~~www «Splatoon» 好きなブキ カーボンだZE! [チーム§に所属] おもしろい人に、コメントします。これからどんどん合流していきますのでよろしく!!無言フレリクは、受け付けません。顔ポチ、してくれたかたは、フォロー宜しくううう!ちなみにフォロバはたまに。^^ スイッチ買ったんで低浮上です。 みんなよろしく。後、投稿もみてね!!タメ語大歓迎! フォロワー2200人突破! 皆有り難う! チーム§のリーダーやってます!!入りたい方は、投稿にコメントしてください! お気に入り投稿にいいねしてね! フォローしないと怒るぞ
come boiboise
salut tous le monde je mapelle côme j'ai 11 ans j'ai une amoureuse qui sapelle LiLie.
tracy bigbipart
brandonyac brandonyac
brando galindo yac
Alex Bear AlexBear107
Josh202DS JoshuaMorrow2DS
Hey guys! Joshua Morrow here. This is my 5TH 3DS/2DS Account. #SaveMiiverse&WiiUChat My other 6 Accounts - JoshuaTM0509, JoshuaTM1997, JoshuaTM5997, JoshuaTM591997, JoshuaMorrowWiiU, SubstituteJoshM1 Be sure to follow me on this Account and my other 6 Accounts and send me Friend Requests on my other 6 Accounts. :-D
ξŁεćтгσ☆ chouchoumachine
"If you want, you can" ..·•·..·•·..·•·..·•·..·•·..·•·..·•·..·•·.. #SaveMiiverse
Chelsy chelsyrey17
i am a nice friend and sometimes i get crazy. i kind of like fnaf and school. I like social studies and reading. Also i like minecraft. Its really great to have some friends and to make miiverse peaceful and fun for kids or other people and to share good post to people to make them feel more relax and to have peace. Also i will always try hard to make miiverse being peaceful like always.Heisenberg
nintendoGB nitendogamerboy
hi my name is mark and like pikmin and the jurassic park saga friend me if you wish
Logamer Logamer
Currently Playing: Splatoon 2 (Nintendo Switch) Splatoon (Wii U) Arms (Nintendo Switch) Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Nintendo Switch)
√Sίκίzσm_$ DARK-13.Gaming
Bonne Année 2017 Hey l'ami(e)!Sois sympa et abonne toi(^-^)!! Objectif:695 abos'(minim')aux vacances d'Halloween.
Mom mrsglamiam
Tomoyo XD1 Littleltitania
grasias atodos por admitirme ensu comunidada los quiero a todos amigos balen1000 y megustaria convivir con uno a uno
Singer_177 singer172
I can get scared easily, Im caring, nice, and very lovable and friendly. And I love playing super smash bros brawl I am a pro I beat all lvl9 I also like pokemon games my most favorite type is water pokemon and other favorite is electric.
tHe_gOaT IkeFire120
Yo what is up guys its boy ThE_GoAt. Im a chill nice person and yeah. I mean I get that a lot so imma ya. Friend, family. Music is my thing. And dont forget to friend and follow my brother: @PacoThePikachu.Guys Lets try to get me to 200 followers and ill do something u guys want me too do or something like that Not taken :) #Logang4life #JakePaulers #Youtube #Clash Royale #Clash of Cans
(ˇ—ˇ)•Rose gengen413
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samuel sb-team
Daniel I. Indentificador10
Enrique GamestopFan11
hello im enrique twin brother
Subnautica Lauramacaluso
Ragazzi,io sono Loren71,piacere di conoscervi.Non per vantarmi,ma conosco Subnautica (Il gioco)molto bene perché resto sempre informato.Ho innumerevoli server di Minecraft basati sul PVP o sui minigame.Non Kicko appena arriva qualcuno come molti fanno.NON ODIATEMI!!!Conoscete Subnautica?Avvertimento:Non chiamarmi Lauramacaluso!!!!Subnautica:★★★★★ Pokémon:★★★☆☆ Terraria:★★☆☆☆ Minecraft:★★★★☆.
M. Simpson davdim
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Sidney luangrath1234
Emily :3 Emilyp606
This is Emily :3 an im sorry i havent been posting i cant get on my wiiu my parents put it away an im trying to get my followers an friends back becuase i love an care for you all so thank you for 300 followers the last time i checked but please understand i love you all an have a great year.
dom Lastdeaddog
chocolate isiahj228
MzGoodlyfe MzGoodlyfe
i don't play wii U alot unless my ps 4 friends have wii U
Chloé ChloeAS
Je m´apelle Chloé j´aime YO-KAI WATCH 2 c´est trop bien - yo-kai préféré : Jibanyan S ‚ Hovernyan. - j´aime : joué a la DS . Abonner vous a moi .
anna ericka86
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mimi melidadu93
coucou je vous adore merci à tous gentille♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ méchante♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ abonner vous sil vous plaît♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ je vous aime
bunny king xBunnyMan
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СħαгΙγ♪15★ charlygamerpro15
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VINCENT .L vincentlajoie
jador gta5 et minecraft et gitare hero live et et zelda et nintendoland et hearstone jeux sur blizzard et mariokart et mario64 et rocket legue et super mario bros wii u et dragon quest builders et the legend of zelda the winowaker hd et nhl 15 et roblox jeux stop il slender 2 survivor danger on n,est plus dans roblox diablo lll et trump on top et tout les jeuxio
jazzy WonderMariPau
Owww.......sorry it just hurt when you pressed on my face..........anyway Hi my name is Jazmin and i hope to make lots of friends. Also i love cats and kittens i love them so much that i freak out when someone mentions them. Now i will show you how much i love cats→♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ more than that
chris couch1312
Yo l'm chris . I don't know what else to say
τ®g★€h↑€ą† patu45
Adiós amigos de miiverse pase un buen rato pero parece que hasta aquí llego todo miiverse 2012-2017 :-(
jack meadfam5
RuthUreña RuselyUrena28
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Emmanuel Emmanuelxyz
M*E team ™ elliot136
slt cv? moi nickel si nn reste sur ma page tu va rigoler pour les messages de M & S au j.o de rio 2016 je suis gentil★★★★★ méchant☆☆☆☆☆ fou★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ bg★☆☆☆☆ pour moi,pour vous vous voyer je fait parti de 1 team et une oú je suis le chèf B*T non ses pas **** énorme dédi à gregory yohann ilyes vous restez dans mon cœur les gars
Stefano★YT Heroe2016
¡¡Hola miiverse!! ▼¸▼ Mi nombre es Stefano Celis Si te gusta lo que publico sigueme plz ¡¡¡GRACIAS POR MIS 3000 SEGUIDORES Juegos :Minecraft smash mk8 Me encanta sonic ■■■y pokemon ★★★ Tengo todos los juegos de pokemon ah y tambien mario ★Adoro Splatoon★ Tengo novia hablo Inglés y tengo 45 amiibos Best Friends: marchico NickFury andygamer y kikex Tengo la nintendo swicht y la 3ds BYE
Bayonetta is wicked