Luke James's Friends
Storms AndreW_StormSs
RuthyUreña RuselyUrena
hay mucho salvo que gente desde pequeña mi gente de miiverses♥♡☆★♀♂?
RuthUreña RuselyUrena28
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Mauro" critian-JR
Alayna orangegyrl
heres a riddle if you throw me out the window i'll leave a grieving wife bring me back but through the door you'll see someone giving life what am i comment your answer on one of my posts
Chrisk Darktale258
I am a fusion of Chara and Frisk with the dark heart
Mario Madelinevindel
Hola a todos mi nombre real es Roberto,soy muy fanatico de Super Mario y Pokemon,mis mejores amigos de miiverse son Argenis Goku ssj3 Diego03111 y NandoGamer,gracias por llegar a mas de 20 amigos,se hablar 5 idiomas,mis youtubers favoritos son: Fernanfloo,Karimero,Zssj,NintenU y claro me encantan los memes y oir la musica de The Beatles
ej Ej_The_Falcon
hi i am ethan i am 12 and i love playing fire emblem hope to play with you all in the future
Jubejube Lilylink2
Hello people of the Miiverse! My name is Jubejube! I'm from a mystical land called Canada, and I'm here to have fun! Just thought I'd add this, I don't take Wii U Chat Calls, so I'm sorry to those who do actually use that platform for good, friendly calls, but I'm not taking the risk. Again sorry, and have a great whatever-time-of-day-it-is-for-you!
miley miley_the_pug1
ih im miley and im a tomboy i love mincraft and more but i do not know what thay are called sorry guys but let me tell you something about myself i love art and pugs if im not playing mincraft i will being doing art class if you did not know but i do not love my school cuze i get in trouble but i do like it
mila possonliontigre
felipe sergiolagunas
hola soy felipe y me gusta el futbol mi equipo favorito es barcelona y mi jugador es lionel messi . isi me mandan solicitud de amista se las acepto y me marcan por wiiu chat.
WαιτDiςnεγ SegaDisney2.0
Hello fellow Miiverse user and welcome to my wonderful world! Obviously I'm a big Disney fan! You might also know me as ☆ςυρerRιτα I mostly draw Disney related posts and other random stuff on occasion. I hope to reach 700 follows again to avenge my permanently banned account before the end of Miiverse! Otherwise, TTFN, Ta-ta-for-now! "There is nothing funnier than the human animal."
Elias eg913548
girl Fahmine
coucou le monde je suis un peu nouvelle sur miverse mais avec le temps sa s arrengera mes jeux préfére mario 3d world zelda et mario et sonic au jeu olympique je suis une fille sympa demande moi en ami je dis toujours oui! n hesite pas a t abonner a moi et a mes abonnement bref a bientôt by bisouuus!!!!!! ps merci au 52 personne qui me suive dans mes postes vous êtes les meilleur
kasen kasen10
Upshur 725984
Hello everyone this is Frisk here and i hope you enjoy nintendo gaming also i need anime friends like animebromii and danjin96 and i love to chat with them if they are not busy but if you want to have a chat with me then friend me and one more thing dont be a hater just be a fan that is important to be happy or be nyappy also i love undertale,mario kart,and smash bros
manel Imane-manel
Heyyyyy :) tout le monde ^^ Merci bcp pour mes 500 abo mercii je ses pas quoi dir cx
Atticus ZoNeD_Galaxy
hey guys um...not much to say i'm a teenage boy who likes Football,Powerlifting,Gta 5, and i love making videos for youtube i love to listen to Gangsta Rap like N.W.A,EazyE,Bone thugs N Harmony,2Pac stuff like that i dont have a lot of games for the Wii U but i plan on getting some more in the near future:D.OH YEAH!!! one more thing if you follow me i'll follow you so have a great day everyday :D
Ammy emanuela-emmy
Mewsa Zack.PAnimelover
Hello Viewers! I am Lord MewSa. I am an Average Pokemon. Anyone seen Samus or Megaman? I didn't of course! By the way, You must Follow me, and you'll be safe.
andre andrethegianttt
marie beatrizbg1
->Yefri<- yefriCruZ
Yefri«⇔»Gamer ™∞
tchad kilmaxmayzer
SquidPau PauSquid
☆мγα★¥♭♪ Lovestar1779
Hey, I'm ☆мγα★¥♭♪! I like to post and draw things that are cute, funny and sometimes weird. My crushes are: Luigi KAITO Kagamine Len PaRappa My enemy is: MEIKO I'll also Wii U Chat sometimes. Gotta go, bye!
GirlGaming rylee1028
Hi! Glad you came. Have you written any titles you've played yet? Anyway, I like to play a lot of games. Please don't get mad at me if i beat you like my friend. I am here to have fun. I like to accept friend requests or send them. Well that is a long way... ahh! Down. I like things fun or funny. Action, Adventure, Challenging, entertaining and more are my things. Thank you for reading!!!
リアじゅうキラー lkjhgp
cj CasimirD08
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Chara CCMJfamilynet
Greetings. It's me, Chara! So, Frisk told me about this and I thought I'd get involved. BTW, I'm not actually the bad guy. See The Truth Behind Chara by Judgement Boy on YouTube for proof. I will accept all chocolate. I am currently doing an Undertale Roleplay in an open discussion. And Minecraft: Story Mode drawing requests, which is my favorite post. Pls Follow/Friend me Bye
Sonic Housing93
Hoi Im SonicXKid7 or Housing93 call me whatever I love to play Pokken Tournament, Super Smash Bros, Super Mario Maker, Disney Infinity 3.0, Lego Avengers, Mini Mario and friends and more if you want to hang out with me send me a friend request and yeah. If you wanna fight me In Pokken Tournament or Smash its on!
Poké☆Diεgσ RZCVUIL.WQ56
Hola, soy Poké☆Diεgσ y como mi nombre lo dice, soy un fiel fan de Pokémon, bueno, pues vivo en Mexicali, BC, México, tengo 14 años y mi pasatiempo megafavorito son los videojuegos, mis juegos aquí ↓↓ (ya puedo jugar Online :D) Mario Maker Splatoon Smash Bros For Wii U PAPER MARIO: Color Splash Just Dance: Disney Disfruten de Miiverse en estos 2 meses, bye-bye ;)
Mr.Panda7! Mr.Panda07
Yo Yo Yo!!!! It's ya boi ChickenBOY!!!! Yes i said boiy twice. If you like Video Games follow me. I love all my FOLLOWERS!!!!
jdppt .l21 tanyalcromwell
super mario 3d world
VIPER brian401985
Sammy Just1n0w
ウラオモテ kumasyunsuki
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Te$la puertorellena1
Hello guys, would you like to play with me cause I love to play with friends, and friend request if you like.Ps: I'm a boy. I love splatoon, mk8 and mk7, so, I want 10,000, that will be exciting, and I'f that happens, then I will follow you to or do my first video on you tube (probably). If I get 10,000 followers in miiverse, then I promise I'll do my first video!!
Louis Loki.Tropicalia
Hello! I'm 32 and I've been playing video games since Tetris was a hit. I took a "break" by the late 90's when polygons were simply everywhere - I couldn't get the hang of it in a 3D environment... until I got the chance to play Metroid Prime. But I still prefer 2D games! Languages: English and Portuguese Miiverse policy: I will follow back! No need to follow if you befriend me.
HOI!!1!11! shobrys
Arrgh. MysteriousGopher
You have made your last anime refrence, Konata, and for that, you will walk the plank! I dunno.
Quavon quavon131
hello i like games and here is my favorite games : pokemon go pokkén tournament super smash bros. for wii u yoshi woolly world mario party 10 big fan of : pokemon undertale and stay cool
Nin☆Enola Nin_Enola
I Ti Mi Mario ! Non, c'est Nin_Enola qui se prononce Nine Énola ! Comme vous l'aurez sûrement deviné, je suis fan des jeux de Super Mario !!!!!! Je posterai sur internet, mes temps forts de Mario Kart 8 (mais pas que... !) Je m'appelle également Enomario avec mon amie qui est Carolink ! À bientôt et vive les jeux vidéo de Super Mario et de Zelda !!!!!
TreDrizzle TreDrizzle13
what up ,what up i'm TreDrizzle and 15 years old and i love gaming hanging with friendsand lots of other stuff fell free to join me in my quest of multi-player games, and we shall rule them all!...or just do what-ever. ('¬') /∞\ l l ——
Scott GamerScott
Hello, my name is Scott Holtom and welcome to my Miiverse page! I born in England, United Kingdom & come from NSW, Australia. I like Mario, Pokemon, Kirby, Mega Man, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Yoshi, Dynasty Warriors & Samurai Warriors! If any of you want to be my friend, let me know!
Sam hosamaly
Hello, my name is Sam. Babies are so cute.
Goku luisito_ooh
springtrap montagnoli02
Hope and Despair are one there is no line there is only fate Anyways how's life doin ya
Steven Valence-12
Osy OsvaldoM1
Ichigo★Twi maaknito7
(★Top Of The Mornin To Ya!★) 1.My Name Is Ichigo Hollow-Purple I'm A Splatoon,Undertale And A Oc Creater! 2.My Wolf Species Are Omega And Twilight Wolf In My Undertale Au's Herotale And Shadowtale And Other Au's By Me! 3.Please Dont Steal My Undertale Au's From Me I Created Them And Their Mine! ♥Taken/Reunited♥ With Natalee Larsh I Love Her So Much Or Else I'll About To- JK!
Michael radioboy23
Hi everyone you should follow all my amazing friends and followers remember everyone is cool. Thanks for 1000+ followers!:)
Sora fimasterkeyblade
Hi! The name's Sora! Welcome to my profile!~ Fandoms I'm in: Steven Universe Danganronpa Kingdom Hearts The World Ends with You Zelda Pokémon Fire Emblem Hetalia Je parle Français!~ That's it, I guess! Feel free to talk to me whenever you feel like it!~ Oh, and please use whatever pronouns you want when talking to me. ^^
iSavage88 JBlizzy88
Luke Derbuttercorn42
Hey! Look! Listen! ...wait go back to what you were doing. I like drawing, but I can improve, I'm always trying to be the best because I'm the youngest out of my siblings and I always try my hardest. Also, PLEASE don't send me random friend requests.
Koky megamanzl
Hola :3 me llamo Jorge soy fan de Nintendo. Me gusta coleccionar juegos de Nintendo originales, sus consolas y demás;Club Nintendo es mi revista favorita y mi juego favorito es Super Street Fighter ll, me gustan los Zeldas, Marios, Metroid's, Star Fox, Xenoblade,Smash Brother, etc. Mi hobby es obvio Nintendo, la música, diseñar fotos y videos, y facebook. eemmhhhh :D saludos n.n PD: manden solis
Nanokoex nanokoex2012
Ishy gupta2030
I'm The Red Fiery Robot, I make computer games as well as my passion for Wii, Wii U, DS, 3DS, Xbox 360, Xbox one and computer games. I have published 18 computer games so far and if you need tips on level designs in Super Mario Maker or something like that, I'm the person for the job!! :) :) :)
Koopa mariokart333
Hi, this is KB MP10 Yoshi, Koopa, Shy Guy, Toad♡♥♡♥ This is my Alt. MK8 VR: 12448 Best Friends↓ Tokis Hasan Matthew Tokie WaluigiBag Best Friend Forever (BFF)↓ FOD♪ Night¥ (SomeoneYDK) Main Clan: KB (I lead the KB clan) The KB Clan is a: Mario Kart 8 clan Super Mario 3D World clan
Litten Feargus
hi everyone on miiverse!I like playing super smash bros. for wii u and i would like doing online friend battles.
woomy☆lily EmmaFess
i love splatoon i play it ALOT!!! its my favorite game! i have a squad called the woomy force. i accept any friend request that i get. and i do not draw very good so you can know. and my real name is Emma! NO WIIU CHAT!!! team pokemon moon!!! woomy!
Eden ErnestoB8
X-TREME razangel
Drew Drew15237
welcome this is my profile please do help me with anything please don't spoyel me and help me with being my friend :3 well bye.
エビフラ☆à ß ź
マリカー8やってる方、フレンドなりましょう!! 主にマリカーしてます VR 約15000~ BR 1024... マリカー8仲間 フレンドさん! (名前が結構変わるんでABZと呼んで下さい!!!) 野良で会ったらフレリクどんどんしてくださってokです^^ 誰かのフレ戦参加したい~~$ マリカー8のオンラインであった方にこちらから、フレリクを送る場合があります。 ねじりまくる それが?
SciZzeR LE5056
I'm Great Gallade. I do pokemon minecraft mario and lots lots more.
Charles gamerguy2356
I'm gamerguy2356. I love to play games, mostly Nintendo games. My favorite franchises are Zelda, Splatoon, Sonic, Mario, etc. You can find me on Twitch with gamerguy235.
yuandead yuandead
Me encantan los juegos de Nintendo, Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, etc. Tengo un canal de guias de juegos en YT... yuandead ;)
Kristen MissDestruction
Hi i'm Kristen! I'm a big Nintendo fan and have both the Wii u and 3DS. My favorite game series of all time is Animal Crossing! I also really like * Mario Kart *Super Smash Bros *Splatoon *Harvest Moon *The Mario Series *The Legend of Zelda *Pokemon And many more! I also LOVE horses and Disney!
SAD ENDING traynard
Hi We our all even We don't think the same We don't look the same We don't speak the same We don't have to like the same people We our all loved Isn't that what madder's? Cheak outthese people! ._. :) BonBonKid Noah(Bomb) Baby&Parap Please follow to join my journey to 1000 follower's I know what your thinking That i can't do do it? YES I CAN (With all you beatiful people) (^o^) 400 more!
Andrew Moogleknight24
Just your average Moogle gamer, Kupo!
ßêņďγ meanbeatz1984
♥_♡ XD :D lv all anime Favorire food: spagetti Favorite drink:pepsi best friend:Neko go follow him right now XD Age:Unkown yall have to find out Favorite game: splatoon and pvzGW2 if you are here steal Then i will give you spagetti!!!(Givesspagetti)★
X19 lovelygemini001
my name is Jarvis and i am 20 years old i love zelda and i love mario and i love super smashbros. birthday december 12/26 /1996 sign capricorn favorite colors blue, red ,black, green i am very nice to everyone & i have a heart of gold i love anime & art :) i love my family & friends always be in my heart <:) i have a girlfriend i love u ♥Audrease♥ my heart belongs to Audrease ♥X19 ∞ AJ♪♥ ♥ω♥
dante macksnfergfamily
Hey there miiverse people i'm D'ante and i love fighting and party games! Welcome to any friend requests!PLEASE Don't UNFRIEND ME PLEASE!BBBBBYYYYYYEEEE! HAVE A Good Day! Please follow me and i follow you!BBBBBYYYYYYYYEE
Aqua76 Aqua76
Just your average guy that likes a variety of games. Age doesn't matter, we're all young at heart. I might make the odd post or snapshot, so... you can follow me if you want to.
Hola! Soy un Furry Nintendero! adoro los clasicos de la gran N en especial Starfox. Un placer el realizar nuevos amigos! :3
Adam shirts
Jessica Ninteendofan
I own almost every Nintendo system. I could really use help on Smash Bros. challenges. Please play and star my courses in Mario Maker. We can play in Skylanders Superchargers too. I am Link and Mario's #1 fan!
Bayonetta is wicked