Well, there's nothing else to say than goodbye Miiverse~
Lunacannon's Yeahs

And so, as we say goodbye to Miiverse, just remember that it will never be lost forever. It will always live on in our hearts. Goodbye everyone, it's been fun :)
Super Mario Maker Community

♪♪ will meet again dont no where, dont no when, But i no will ...
The smm community has been my home and iv enjoyed ever min of it, and thats all down to you lot so thanks for that.Thanks to all my friends im not gonna name ya as...
Hi there, I'm Luna
Thanks for thinking of me...
I'll miss Miiverse, but the Switch can keep us c...
Hi there, I'm Luna
Thanks for thinking of me...
I'll miss Miiverse, but the Switch can keep us connected.
I recently 100%ed Super Mario Odyssey, I highly recommend it.