Lunacannon's Friends
мεερ CherryGirl359
You've found me :O Anyways welcome to Tαγlα's backup ; I'm most active on this account btw… Follow4Follow?
SND|Jay26 omgcuteness22456
Hello! I'm Jay26, and I play 3 main games: Splatoon, Super Mario Maker, and Mariokart 8. If you see me, send a friend request and I won't say no!
WeepingFox WeepingFox20
Mmmmm,,, yep. Haven't been on here in awhile. Granted it's not like i have a huge following ^^; but like my art has hella improved? I'm kinda proud tbh but it's not like i'll post anymore (arTIST BLOCK). Lowkey like my old style.. but out w/ the old and in w/ the new! Might make some new art soon idk yet ;; (to check out my art,, look up "King Esquire" in G+. And go through my "my shitty art")
Adam VerDarJass
Hi I just like to have fun and I like to do glitches
~Coco~ satine322
hi im muffin and i love games like Splatoon,Overwatch,The last of us,and so much more.I have a ps3,ps4,and the wii u!. I have 2 cats too.I hope u like me.
david™ Mariobros250
Hello, my name is david and I hope to become a future professional smash4 player when I get older. I am 14 and currently am only good at smash4 for 3ds. Friend Request me if you want to play smash4, anything, or you are just bored. Current Favorite Games: Mario Maker Smash4 MarioKart 8 Splatoon Contact me at anytime and I reply quickly. I am about to move on with life's journey so, Bye for now!
ςαιγαη C.J SaiyanRevival37
Hi this is ςαιγαη C.J's alt account since my original account got permabanned And this is my new main account so feel free to follow me if you knew my other profile. But if you are new Read on. I'm a 13 year old Anime,gaming,and comic nerd who loves fighting games,Shooters,and RPG's and meeting fellow nerds.^-^ #Follow 4 Follow Shoutout to Angel Cable Magma Lennential Luna J.Peach and Automaton
Rachel VaMeLaRa1004
i have played 7 wii u games disney infinity 3.0 disney infinity 2.0 wipeout 3 and super smash bros. also splatoon Yoshis Wooly World And Mariokart 8.
Animoo SethQ543
PaperPilot Legolovers98
Hello, Luke here. I am highly active in Miiverse. Some of my favorite games are Smash Bros, Splatoon, Super Mario 3D world, Mario Kart 7, Mario Kart 8, Minecraft Wii U edition, and Yoshi's Woolly World.
Αngει angel1326
Hai Check following list for Twitter @ (since miiverse is ending, if you care lmao) •15 years old •NO RANDOM FR'S •NO WII U CHAT •Lives in Hotel Bigley •Secret agent who hates live-action movies •K-Pop addict and stan LIKES: Fighting games Overwatch Anime Dogs Music Food Angel1326XL is my ALT Shoutouts To: Corrin Saiyan C.J Taiga Magma Luna RENN Kai~ Just Stop
Boktai3434 Boktai34
Hello everyone! :D
YOSHI YoshiandMario12a
hi i am yoshi i play lots of mario games and little of sonic games no wii u chat
Tiana Tiana0
Hello! Nice to meet you (^_^) Obviously I LOVE the Legend Of Zelda series. However; I'm trying to expand my gaming and become more open minded to RPG's and Strategy games. (i don't use Wii U chat) so please do not try to contact me on there..... HAVE A NICE DAY
☆Jay☆ OwlsWorthy
mEPknuser♂ mEPknuser8
2 35 44 45 50 ★ 6 7 2 20 23 29 50 ★ 4 5 $ 1 10 25 46 49 ★ 1 6 $ 9 40 43 44 46 ★ 1 8 5 17 28 40 44 ★ 1 8 2 12 15 29 44 ★ 7 10 10 17 32 36 47 ★ 2 5 $ 15 22 29 33 47 ★ 3 7 $ 11 38 40 42 48 ★ 4 5 3 4 9 19 28 ★ 1 7 11 20 28 41 45 ★ 5 9 $ 1 4 20 32 34 ★ 3 6 $ 13 14 21 23 40 ★ 1 3 18 39 44 46 47 ★ 4 6 14 18 26 40 45 ★ 1 5
dan jay123454
ItsMeMario ckandisa
Hi ItsMeMario here! Thanks for coming in my profile! As you can see my favorite games are: 1. Splatoon 2. Minecraft 3. Mario Maker Those are my top favorites, the list would go on, and on If I were to name all of them! But I also like playing on the computer, too bad they still don't have it here! If you are a follower, you are greatly appreciated! I don't Wii U chat. Stay Fresh!! :)
▲Lucas▲ Wiggler24
yeah i dont do much anymore.. most msgs that were recent were my brother not knowing that he was sending things to miiverse..
Nico Grabbiness
I'm Nico, I play lots of video games. I live a simple life, what with being a swimmer and being surrounded by wonderful people all the time. Send me a friend request, let's chat for a while. I hope to make yet another new friend. GAMES I FOLLOW/PLAY: - Super Smash Bros for Wii U & 3DS - Mario Kart 8 - League of Legends - Animal Crossing - Pokemon - Top-down view Legend of Zelda games.
bella demortii
Just female human who likes WC and HP along with Pokemon. I also love Toucans and dogs. You probably know me as Livy or bella or Wolf ★ ★ ★ ★★★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Mostafa++ colorfulCarbonyl
I am a dork for: Splatoon Undertale Rhythm Heaven Steven Universe Avatar: The Last Airbender Super Mario (especially World & 3D World) Paper Mario Hunter x Hunter Super Monkey Ball 1&2 WarioWare Inside Out Mathematics (especially Discrete Math, Algebra and Calculus) Physics Chemistry (especially organic) Biology (especially anything cellular or molecular) and Comp Sci! (C++, Python, Java, y'know)
Eric 100893
Hello there! I'm Eric! I post pictures and do not Wii U Chat! Mario games are my specialty. Whatever Mario has in store for me, I'll give him everything I've got! Started using Miiverse since October 2013.
Lance Lance_Bombardier
[Insert description here because I can't think of one]
luigiftw! luigij2000
hello! im a huge nintendo and luigi fan. currently playing: star fox 0, humble friends of nintendo bundle games and whatever else I feel like at the time. most recently beaten: none of the above. i only wii u chat people i know in real life.
Nia Takashima10
Profile comment hidden by admin.
awesome koolguy5
I always try my best when it comes to videogames, especially splatoon. Enjoy playing online games with friends.
SKCatlover BreezeRetro20
"Love the booty with a divine passion" -William Howard Bush Luther King Jr.
gggggggggg gennaplayszelda
~Mixer ~I'm 14 ~Directioner ~Janoskianator ~Wii U Warriors ~мîďήığħł мęмφяïěş ~5 Seconds Of Summer ~Zelda is my favorite game series of all time ~SEEING 1D / 5SOS IN CONCERT ON 8-30-14 † - îƒ γθΰ ďőηł ςώΐм, ÿøûιι ďгôщп. ßùť ďσñт мбνε, ħδήёÿ. ∞βчħ вγε! \(^-^\)
Lord D Yo_Darwin
Pokemon pokemon pokemon genesect
Brandon Brandy330
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Milo DislikedGalaxy
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Rosalina 4TehLOLZ
I finally have my profile comment back :3 Christy smells like butts Rosalina's Salvation Gonna do all my Pokemon stuff at LoliconPalooza from the new 3DS
4cast luma77
I'm a....hmm Strange is actually a great Way to describe me! I Enjoy playing Smash Bros, Pokemon The General stuff :P NINTENDO ANIME CHANNEL RULEZ ......................... Check out My other Totes Not weird Friends! (Casual Kapperino here) Zoro(Kirsty Don't lie to me) Pro Jakke (Too Pro for correct spelling of name)
Randy Randy-65
Ive been called many things Randy, Ginger, the Walking Pokedex and many more you choose a name :D. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I take request, do drawings and videochat only to friends. If your gonna send a friend request mention your favorite pokemon id love to know. Ridley is not to big for smash. Thank you and goodnight.
dude QuickGamer11
Hi, I'm dude! I love Video Games! Some of my favorites are Super Smash Bros, Skylanders Franchise, Pokémon, Super Mario Maker, StarFox, Splatoon, and much more! BTW, I like Sports (Such as Football, Baseball, Hockey, Basketball), The New York Giants, Comics, Smosh, Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Skylanders, Bands (Like The Beatles, U2, Coldplay, Green Day), The Hunger Games, Twinkies, and Star Wars!
CrazyA Ahl-Bi
Hey guys! Im a 14 year old girl who plays games and listens to music on my free time I'm trying to make more friends so if you wannabe friends too, just send a request... but dont leave it blank ok bai.
Bob bob320
Diego Casegf
I'm a dedicated Nintendo fan and collector! I also have a passion and dedication for art as you'll see throughout my posts. Favorite Franchises • Bomberman • Bubble Bobble • Earthworm Jim • Animal Crossing • Pokèmon • The Legend of Zelda • Mario • Super Smash Bros. • Punch Out!! • Pikmin • Chibi-Robo • Rhythm Heaven, and more!
jonathan☆Л jonathan8
hello everyone, i'm jonathan☆Л. welcome to my California profile. feel free to send me friend requests.
Elias DarkSpyro9000
Hello! I mostly post questions, drawings, or humorous posts! Here's a list of all my favorite game series: *Skylanders *Mario *Kirby *The Legend of Zelda *Pokémon *Splatoon *Just Dance Look at my favorite communities to see all the games I am currently playing. I don't Wii U Chat. That's all, folks!
Andrew Nin10doFanatic
Profile comment has been hidden by a troll. (not really) Hello you Miiniacs! (Miiverse maniacs) I'm a fan of all things Nintendo, mainly Mario and Pokémon. I also like Skylanders. If you share my interests, friend mii. Also, I'm trying to spread around a new term; Miive (MIIVErse). Spread it around! Also, I consider myself some sort of art critic for Art Academy; Sketchpad art.
Welcome 2 my profile full of games, experience, impressions, & so much more! No Wii U chat!
LedgendofT Gthefox
Alex 64gogos64
Hey,whaz's up? I like to draw a lot and give really hard trivias for posts. Fav games:Tales Of Vesperia, Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask, Super Smash Bros, Skylanders, Splatoon, Minecraft, Destiny, Super Mario 64, Hyrule Warriors, Halo, Lego City Undercover, Corpse Party, Happy Wars, Kirby Super Star, Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare and Disney Infinity I am also a huge fan of Anime and You Tube!
Zach MustangDrive2013
Hey Miiverse. I'm Zach I'm 18. Sonic is my favorite video game character. My other favorite games is the Pokemon franchise, Zelda, Mario, Kirby, Little Big Planet, etc. I also have a Wii, New 3DS XL, PS3, & PS4. My absolute favorite game is The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword.
Brandon vatechhokies
Keep on Gaming! Online (!) Offline() Hi, I'm Brandon, the most friendly Miiverser. Currently Playing: Splatoon Recent Friend: Recent Unfriend: Groups: Speed Force Team Dimensions Team Elemental Dragons Wii U Chat: 5% chance of answering. Song: Stronger than You Goal: Age:11 Eyes for the Prize-Coming 2015,16 Mysterious Man. :3
☆Legend♪ wen_2k
I'm a squid for the ages, taught by the sages, once you've fought me you'll know what rage is. Just to see what I do, you will know I am better. Not a letter, not a rank, you can take it to the bank. One on one and your done. Take my range, take my rate, and you'll know it's your fate. Until were judged by the cat, and know where we're at, you should know that your splat!
Levi Levigutt
Wanna play? Send me a friend request if you have any of these: - Super Smash Bros (Wii U/3DS) - Mario Kart 8 - Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate (Wii U/3DS) - Bayonetta 2 - Wii Sports Club - Trine 2 - Call of Duty Black Ops II - Watch Dogs - Assassins Creed IV - Black Flag - Assassins Creed III
Wuvwii Wuvwii
Was it my face you just poked? So I guess looking for my profile got ya stoked? My posts are like water balloons, they get you soaked. Hop on up and read 'em all before you've croaked. Go ahead and leave me comments, I'm not provoked. If they're nice, my ego might get stroked. My replies are like a burning flame, they leave you smoked. If you find this funny it's because I joked.
Hi there, I'm Luna
Thanks for thinking of me...
I'll miss Miiverse, but the Switch can keep us c...
Hi there, I'm Luna
Thanks for thinking of me...
I'll miss Miiverse, but the Switch can keep us connected.
I recently 100%ed Super Mario Odyssey, I highly recommend it.