Users Ava Is Following
Shaved... RamPR16
Beardlina no more. The end of an era. You guys are all amazing. Thank for the wonderful memories I've made here on this site. I wish you all the best in life. ;) P.S.: Find me and my art on the Instant Graham! beards_n_sketches
アオリフレンズ pokesuke1
ど~も~おしゃべり大好きクソ野郎ことアオリフレンズです~~!!! 名前、言えない 年齢13歳です ミーバース終わんないでよ~~~~うわぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁぁん 今なぜかくまになりたいです!!! 基本フォローかえすze!!!
Dragonblue bison_6900
Rest In Peace Miiverse... :´) Hi! I'm a weird girl who draws stuff. I like to draw strange creatures, dragons and characters from the kirby series... I don't speak English so if I make mistakes, you know why. Au sinon je parle français... Et je dessine pas très bien...Mais bon...
Tin Foil Purrbix
Heya. I joined Miiverse back in 2013. Little me at 11 was ecstatic to have her first social media, and it sure was a hoot. You people I met on Miiverse were real friends to me, people who shared my joys; gamers, doodlers (and memers) like me. So, just for my acquaintances, I leave with my true name, that I bore when I first arrived. See me again sometime, somewhere else. ˘υ˘
4 sebastiantravian
0 zer0crimson
6 taijuan117
7 yosiko1012
6 WickedShadowWolf
5 turtletornado12
* zombi45h
* whoozit
5 tenten402
4 stephanie5121
4 xdedlz
Epic Gamer youmyn
Abby nopesmith
"Marx isn't cute. Marx IS cuteness." So hey guys, my name is Abby. Wait, duh, you already knew that... I like Kirby, Paper Mario, scary stories, Undertale, watching little kids' shows, and many other things that you will discover as you get to know me better. It may be too late for Sans, but not for another with a fandom arising... #SaveBendy Watch Kaitou Joker. Best anime everrrr ^~^
Jonathan:D Peach5254
(An account a friend let me borrow, don't expect me to post frequently though)
Mгς.Coco•. DeViye
.·•★Welcome★•·. Mrs. Coco appreciates you taking your time to view her profile, she will be posting more often now. Here are some things about Mrs. Coco. ;D Always winking. Age: ? Loves all her Sugar Cubes. Taken by the handsome Hot Coco. Always HAWT ;D All who follow Mrs. Coco are Mrs. Coco's Sugar Cubes ;D motto: Stay cute, but stay HAWT ;D ~Mrs. Coco Loves all♡
コナさゃん Sakura0roch1
Long live Neko ll. :333 Konnichiwa! I am Londyn, but you can call me Kona-chan. I obsess over Shutendoji, Venoct, Sakura Orochi, Hikari Orochi, Arachnus, Ogama, Oyamori, Onigumo, Onigama, Soruka, Nandaryuuou, Neko ll, Jikushin Enma. トモダチs: Veronica (Muranyan) Barus Enix Weeb/Hughmungus Ni *Sigh* The end is slowly nearing. ;w;
Pirate Everblaze
Hello! You may call me Pirate. I'm a pony and furry artist that likes gaming. Where you can find me: Instagrams: @perilous.pirate, FurAffinaty: PerilousPirate Goatlings: perilous_pirate Chicken Smoothie: PerilousPirate
Turkey???? swaggydog42
I'm going to post detailed pictures until this place totally gets wiped off the face of the earth. Hi I'm the master of linguistics- *spits* And I cry easily while listening to awesome music. I can't draw boys. Also, my drawings are disproportionate. Now that I've warned you, you can stalk me or whatever.
Juliet jirachi897
Nothing can save us, but we can lessen the impact. I love you all. ☆★♪☆★♪ After this, I'm going back to being a loser shut-in. ______________ I shared the best times with: Reuel (rraull), dan (footedmist1337), Jordan (nathankelly6), and Prøjεcτiøη (N.and.Unova). Thank you.
Caramel lynx1020
I draw alot and I hope you like my art (^///^) I love SU and Pokémon ♡ Thank you for 940+ followers! You people are very kind X3 I only accept friend requests from people I know! Joined 2/12/2016 RIP Miiverse, I guess I'll never reach my goal of 1000 followers (>///<)
CandyNinja Unicornsdd
Hey, I'm CandyNinja, The self-proclaimed doodler and it looks like Miiverse is about to shut down. I will always remember all of the good times I've had on here, Im thankful for all of the laughs, goofs, gaffs and even cringe I've experienced on this site and I'll always be thankful for meeting so many wonderful people on here. Good night Miiverse.
An occasional alt for Marshadow (MegaGallade475) mainly for chatting with friends while I use my main's posts for other projects, and to conserve one project in particular in my yeahs for easy access even as my main posts and it becomes buried otherwise. You know how it is.
Mati_64 Pencastudios
Hola soy Matias! me gusta dibujar,ver cartoons/anime leer comics y los juegos de Nintendo. ◆Santiago,Chile ◆Wii / Wii U/ 3DS ◆age:15 ◆I speak english too :^) ◆Juegos favoritos: Smash Bros y Yoshi Island S E E Y O U S P A C E C O W B O Y ... que wea estas leyendo
Spicy XxCelestia01xX
ςροοκγ~κυη thedragonite149
Let us be the ~spoopy~, my Onions! Sm4sh Mains!: (MAIN-Main) Diddy Kong - Black and Gold variety (Secondary) Cloud - Green 'Advent Children' variety (Situational) Fox - Grey fur and Black and Purple coat variety (Coming on my B-Day) Bayonetta - White and Red 'Bayonetta 2' variety I won't be very active because of school Miiverse Resident Since: March 16, 2017
Draco☆ JTheSnivy
I guess this is it. Thanks guys for everything. ~ YukiDraco, [7thNovember2017] Pssst,findmehere@YukiDracoAUS,YukiDraco#8417 Over 3 years here, and I had fun. Thank you guys very much for this crazy wild ride. Take care you lot.
CutterL CutterL
Hope to see you again in the future. CutterL, CutterL_, cutterl98, CutterL#6951 Hey, I try to draw here when I can, lots of videogame stuff. You can find my art other places as well. I'm a big fan of Nintendo. I've played their games my whole life and I really enjoy every bit of them. I'm a little crazy, and kinda shy, but feel free to talk to me.
Caleb CalebCox
Just TRY to beat me in a video game! I'll always win... unless I unexpectedly lose. Anyway, I'm a huge Nintendo fanatic. Need tips on a level or want info on upcoming games? Just ask. *Interesting things about me* • Collected over 80 in the box amiibo. • Submitted a winning entry in the final Smash Bros. photo contest. • Thinks Ridley should be in Smash Bros. • Nursing student.
jeff lordderpyness123
follow me if you want to, thats cool don't follow me if you don't want to, thats cool too when I am not drawing it's cause I am knitting for a living now
Jenna Gamegirl582
ωειсοме now bow before me peasant lol just kidding,welcome to my profile FACTS: ———————————————— •My name is Jenna •I love to draw •I'm pretty chill •I love playing games •I'm trash and I love cats •my favorite games are RF4 ACNL and pokemon •go follow caroline,gamergirl249 and cathy,smileygamer6 •pls follow me •and yeah my posts •also have fun, bye!! \(ºˇº)/
Eric WoodDog83
Hylian Аdа bookwerm
A WINNER IS YOU! HEY I'm Ada, a weird Mario fan who posts trash on the NSLU and sometimes draws Mario characters. Stuff you should know about me: -I sure do love me some video games -DL said it best: "Miiverse needs more Fawful" -Left-handed You won't find me after MV ends, so don't even bother. F U R Y !
chiky kiasoul2012
¡¡¡ Hola kirbys kawaiis !!! bienvenidos a mi perfil hoy te mostrare todo en mi perfil ¿ que hay en el perfil ? pues te voy a mostrar : hago una serie de kirby con miembros y la serie esta quedando bien . mis personajes son : galacta knight ( version de una chica ) little dreams star glamours espero que les guste mis serie hay un monton de personajes sigueme y te sigo adios . ¡¡¡ NYA !!!
See you on the flipside.