Ava's Friends
GG Gio HartDeco
"bags remind me of vietnam" "the thought witch" "the name's Gio" My senior quotes. Heya. I'm Gio and well, I'm Nebby and Luci as well. I'm glad this place has gotten a lot more active and better since i and few others came back. It makes me smile a little! Also, LatiosXLatias to me is amazing. Follow them.
Kirbyyyyyy BeyondTheSpeedOf
Are you sure? >Yes No Are you sure you're sure? Yes >No Smart move, cowboy.
Miguel Revived_Twuster
Wow, my last ID is dead. Shame. No shame maybe Frikin scrubs get on mi level Rosie, Eloda-sensei, Burgerpants-face Harriette, Farhan, pls find mI THEY DID on an unrelated note ADMINS HOW DARE YOU DESTROY MY OTHER ACCOUNTS YOU DON'T EVEN BAN THEM YOU JUST TAKE THEM AWAY
PS★Samie† samie_418
YO its ya gurl Samie and I... like chicken im the PS leader dont hurt me. OLIVIAANDTASHISANAREMYPRECIOUSBEANS ILOVETHEMSOMUCHDONTHURTTHEM. i also have a habit of switching artstyles and such. im sorry. anyway... im weird pity party, crybaby, and gingerbread man are my theme songs sorry.
•Isa• Isalami
i-i'm Isa-- small child who likes drawing.. leave a fr if you know me...! (*´♡`*) Lovewave - Ghost
Taranza !! Marx-lingSempai
please dont look through the posts on this account theyre so embarrassing
Ataru M. TehLoliking
After almost 2 years I guess this isn't really a new account anymore. New account where I'll actually, y'know, DRAW things is NNID:RolyPolyLolis. ANYTHING and EVERYTHING I say is only meant to be read in a snarky, dryly humorous, sarcastic, jocular, preferrably British tone and NOT meant to be taken seriously. ESPECIALLY if what I say is terribly rude. Goodbye Discrd: ataru#0805
Marx-ling Marx-lingAlt
The Bird of Blue: a_long_morx Like an angel with cruel and merciless intent Go forth, young boy And you'll become a legend In time, this blue of the sky Will reach out to knock on the door to your heart You're looking at me Make it all that you see Content and we're merely smiling Once more, the touch you long for Consumes you in yearning to find that embrace
Automaton Automaton120
lol miiverse is over haha yes N O O T N O O T If you are a coprophage then you will most likely find my posts appealing to your tastes. I AM ACTIVE AGAIN HAHA YES I do intend to make my drawing posts more regular again so keep your beady eyes open for that. I also post updates on my Minecraft city project (actually not anymore lol). ( ͡0 ͜ʖ ͡0) MOMMY AUTO
Jay thealternatej
Hey. Name's Jay. If you found your way to this profile, don't expect much. Just a bit of art and a lot of rambling.
Patrick patcat5
Greetings! I'm an Irish bloke. I draw sometimes, make (bad) jokes, and generally trashpost. Lillie is the best and you can't convince me otherwise. Pythagoras was a mean man.
Garret NostalgiaLad
Thank you all for the support, comments, and fun over the years! It means so flipping much to me. :) I'm alive and kicking elsewhere, so the show's not over. Just search for NostalgiaLad2, he's out there... Somewhere. Take care guys, and happy gaming!
syd !! :0c sydneycat2003
oh worm. i love ava. miiverse is ending oh boyo. if you wanna keep in touch with me, my kick (without the c) is SmolSylveon
I'm gay isabacon
hello! im bella. i mainly play splatoon in which im an S. i also play animal crossing too. let me know if you have any questions! please enjoy whatever this is! (hail splat tim)
Daniel ParaKooper
I'm a hardcore Nintendo fan who grew up with the DS and Wii. My all-time favorite game series is Kirby, and I also love the Mario and Mother/Earthbound series. Anyone who opposes Nintendo will get dunked on. I'm always looking for new followers, so Falcon Punch that Follow button to join my empire of dank memes and Nintendo love!
Danny TamDanny
// Booting description v4.1-Final Welp, Miiverse will end soon... It's been a blast around here, and I seriously enjoyed my time here. Met so many great people, had some fun chats, and smiled like an giant idiot. So seriously, thanks everyone. Gah, I'm gonna miss this place. I'm gonna still be drawing even after this place goes, so I hope we'll meet again out there in the Internet!
Im a stay-at-home nerd. i guess i should say more, shouldn't i? i enjoy pokemon! I battle competitivly, too, so feel free to challenge me anytime! Im the Ghost Elite of the Deadly Eighteen, but we moved elsewhere. We may make a comeback sometime, though. I also love kirby and super smash bros! but i tend to avoid the smash community for obvious reasons :/ #MegaAltariaFTW
D.L. Marsh MegaGallade475
I am the Dark Lord, Marshadow! Nah, not really, LOL. Just an inside joke. I'm just a Sonic, Pokémon, Miitopia, and Kirby fan, and if I'm not talking with my closest friends, I'm talking about one of those four. Just until Miiverse dies. I am elsewhere, you'll know me when you see me.
zеттo megamanfan123
]//?]] Farewell, now see me next game. ZettoSpectrum#2014, Disc. ZettoSpectrum, tube ZettoSpectrum, twitchy
Game&Watch ChristheAwesome1
this account is dead i may come to check on my friends every once in a long while logans sisters chicken rip
Lew 1MiiMan1
This account is now "closed". ...If you know what I mean. Wink wink, nudge nudge. You guys haven't heard the last of me(mes), promise.
Vinny Vincentfas
SanvichMan Creeperman
Alt: CowAllMighty I like video games (especially Rhythm Heaven and WarioWare), Japan, animals, roller coasters, Youtube, jokes, puns, art, braids, and yõkai. I don't Wii U Chat! Disclaimer: I have copyright for my drawings, characters, etc. So don't plagiarize!
See you on the flipside.