I must sleep, I'll try and wake early enough for a final farewell... see you on miitomo or Dj-Pickle @ deviantart.com
Messy's Yeahs

Dracula wants some COCKeral 😂😂😂 Miiverse, it's been emotional. Now your gone to silicon heaven with ask jeeves and AOL and all the other gone websites. Caches to cashes, we condemn you to the great...

It's been a pleasure people. By morning this ship will have sunk. Goodbye Miiverse, and admins, I hear venus flytraps give great head👌

Let's charge into their lair armed with cauliflower. They'll never see it coming! WE'RE FIGHTING BACK.. With cauliflower.

This is for you admins.
F*ck you f*ckers! Ban this you piece of sh*t! Screw you guys I'm going home! F*ck you admins!