Messy's Followers
grief3rQHD moonshayne
Hi wie ich sehe seid ihr auf meinem Profil ich heiße auf deutsch Malik ich heiße auf kyrillisch Малик meine Hobbys sind Mathe lesen und schreiben meine Lieblings sprache ist Türkisch meine Lieblings Konsole ist PS3 und Wiiu mein Lieblings Essen ist Spaghetti ich bin 8 Jahre alt in eine bin ich verliebt die heißt Selina♥ ihre Katze heißt Perla schick mir bitte eine FA! I LOVE MINECRAFT ¦ŸΩHayırΩŸ¦
aw yeah!robbiepie is back!what what!we gonna shake it aw!
ΞΙσ CatSister
Tribute to Nintendo and their wonderful energy to build expression around video gaming by Miiverse ^.^ /☆ l hope people realize how much they win not how much they loose. l'm sure people realize a big ♡ will bring us more peace than big weapons to Miiverse, l believed to philanthropy way^.^ alway. l'm grateful ~ ~ thank you ! Ne laissons pas perfectionner, mais embellir ce qu'on nous oppose ;)
Georgia Georgiamoyl
Hi um I'm 9 years old. My name is Georgia and l live in Australia in WA
Timo Deeks87
Hello everyone! I took so called leap of fate by purchasing Wii U and haven't regretted since. I discovered coach offline multiplaying and have had a blast with my friends. I'm 30 years old guy from Finland who likes gaming and has many also other interests. I might be bit lazy what comes writing in Miiverse but I do my best:D Ask me for friend! Onko täällä suomalaisia? :)
Mooncat JoeG07
Goodbye Miiverse... I would like to say this: Miiverse is ending... but our relationships aren't. All our Miiverse friends will still be in our hearts. Even 50 years in the future. Bojenj... Phil... Phoenix... Bill... Iepo... Minty... Thankyou... I will never forget you... Follow the parade!
Stephanie BedtimeBear01
Elias vgamerist
I love video games, Snow, the stars, swimming, History, Redbull tv, anime, monster movies, Marvel heroes like Spider-Man, Captain America, X-Men, and Namor, Sirius XM like 70's on 7, 80's on 8, 90's on 9, Classic Vinyl, Classic Rewind, and The Bridge and reading. No Wii U chat
Ryan hotdog222
Geronimo! gogeronimogo
Hello, my name is Geronimo! Age: 46 years old. I Wii U Chat, but as you ALL know Miiverse is shutting down on November 7th at 10:00p.m. I can't believe it! If y'all wanna race on my tournament before that does happen, feel free to do so. And, be sure to Wii U Chat with me too!
mathilde hellis2012
Callum seven0177
Baby Daisy batman5050
Hey Its Baby Daisy I Play Lots Of Mario Games And Minecraft And Im Also The Leader Of Daisy Worlds (DW) Which Is A Building Team On Minecraft And I Plan On Becoming A Video Game Collector Now Consoles I Have WiiU 3DS Switch NES Games That DW Is On Mario Kart 8 Minecraft: Wii U Edition DW Members jack Baby Rosalina CHRIS phinstar markus Kris Aqua Toad (All The Toads Use That Account)
jonªBAAnz jonamyn
Baabaa say baa. Do you? Baa 1 of Baatastic. Bestiez: Stiggie, Klimba Currently in wubz. <3 = QMiffy Mahmee protects me. I protect her. Likes: popsiclez, nuzzlez, stuffed aminalz, gamez, real aminalz, gummiez, doodling, reading, writing, entomology, neat stuff. Dislikes: hurty peepz, veggiez, ƒ, deception. I can occasionally be found in burrito form.
♪Lехıа~ HaydenX14
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Grizz hermeto
I've been playing video games all of my life. I'm a big gamer in general. I enjoy reading as well.
Rik Rikmeister
Rik, 30 ~Fave games: Ocarina of Time, MK8, Super Mario World, Super Castlevania ~Fave bands: Faith No More, Tomahawk, Mr Bungle, QOTSA ~Cool dudes: Colgo13, Tohma02
James Gerbilscampi
Life is a game. Lets play! (The Wii U games I own are in my favourite communities)
DanielWray dwdwdw
♪D 4 J♪ {Big Fan Of} Pink Floyd-The Enid-Yes-Jethro Tull-#prog on {Favourite Singers} Jon Anderson-Roger Waters-Al Stewart-Kate Bush {I Enjoy} Gardening /Gaming /Music /playing piano {My Game Consoles} SNES N64 GBA DSLITE NEW3DSXL WII WII U PS1 PS3 SEGA. DREAMCAST {Age} ²² ♥♡ Found My Mister Perfect JACK who I love so much #HE'S 26#OLD♡♥
Нimikо himiko-yep-maron
hello♪♪Follower Thanks ⌒_⌒/ ☆★☆ARASHI FAN♪♪ ★いつも共感&フォローして頂き有り難うございます⌒_⌒/♪♪感謝です♪ 気長にゆっくり楽しみたいと思っています⌒_⌒/ ●不愉快&常識のないコメントをされた時は、周りの方も良い気分をされないと思うので、削除させて頂きます!●悪口と初対面の方に対する言葉使いが汚い人は性格的に好みません(汗)
Cathy Cathy7777
максим fjfhjfh
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Sherry purrkitty
You can lead a horse to water but a pencil must be led.
Brennan milkNcookies227
Got moomoo milk? Nintendo & Playstation forever <3 I play videogames as well as watch anime in my spare time ^–^
sasha evangeline1
Papi aarnel
I enjoy many of Wii U games and like the fact that we can share our ideas, thoughts, and art to poeple around the globe.I love to draw and like having online friends. :-) I love to draw I love dogs I love chocolate I love Yoshi I love nature Also feel free to follow a/o become my friend! :-) Don't forget to follow »NachoBat« and Mariah! Goal: Get 25 friends and followers! (Yes I Wii Chat) \(ºωº)/
stephen 56squadron
I'm a Nintendo fan. I also like Lego, RPG's & stealth games. My other passion is books, favourite authors: Philip Kerr, Karen Maitland, George Orwell & Carlos Ruiz Zafon. Happy times & happy gaming.
twig 8ricky8
hi everyone,i am a older user,over sixteen friends only please.have more games,than years two play blank friend requests wiiu video chat,only good friends...age steam trains and an arsenal fan...up the sign libra...
coco timimi
Oté!La Réunion lé la,marmailles! Ou li vien? Vien vit! Néna dé frui exotik: néna caranbol, pipangaille, zananas, pitaya, banan, éxétéra, éxétéra...
Sis Pinkygirly
Hello and good morning to u all the peaple in the world my name i Hannah i live on a farm still and my chicken lade her first egg and its so cute and the egg hacth but its going to take a month or so cause my aunt says so oh yeah my dog spot loves her pupies there 3 puppies there is genger lily and george thos are the puppies names and if you like my things i wright that is true then its good ¡¡
punky★ Allicat75
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CαtEden mae123silly
H I W E L C O M E T O M Y P R O F I L E i am c@t eden i love christmas and i love sausge i am 9 bye friends im going to change my character but if you like my nother one tell me and i will change it back im leader of c@t :) my friends - sp★Leon celine mt★sp☆mic hails katiere lukestar ☆goerge☆ degan - not registered but friends caoili zzxx charly kingboo64 sugar pelin☆★
【SM】『Flo』 Flofoot08
.·•Salut ! J'ai 8 ans. Mes jeux préférés: Super Smash Bros, Lost Rever, Mario Maker-Et j'adore Pikmin 3 et Mario 3D World >Dédis: ~Yobitails: mon meilleur ami, pro a Smash bros. ~γς¤Mānon: ma soeur. x'3 ~tamanui♪ Ce qui ont la PS3 ajoutez moi svp. Merci ^-^ Mes chanteurs préférés sont: Maître Gims & Black M. .·•Baaayyyyyy ! :')
Oktopusche Nussknacker03
Hallo, Alda falda du bist auf meinem Profil. Ich freue mich dich zusehen und wenn magst kannst du auch mir auch gleich folgen.(#followergeil) Dann wünsche ich dir noch einen schönen Tag und rinngeschürt...
Beauty Mai Milchschnitte09
Hi,ich bin Maira(Beauty Mai) Wer mir Folgt folge ich zurück! Versprochen!!! Ich bin 10 Jahre alt und gehe in der 5Klasse Lieblingstiere:Kaninchen,Wellensittiche,Papagei,Kakadu Youtuber:Haschak sisters,Domtendo★♥+BlueX2+JulienBam+Emrah Lieblingsfach:Musik<3 Meine Haustiere sind:1 Zwergkaninchen,1 Wellensittich Lieblingsfarben:rot,schwarz,Grün,Blau,weiß,türkis ich gehe in der 5.Klasse★☆♪
m.b. mmm.mb
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