I am starting and ending this post with Quotes..Ones I feel appropriate for the subject matter. "All of Humanity's problems stem from Man's inability to sit quietly in a room alone."..B. Pascal..Th...
Kyle's Yeahs

♪In my own life it means forgiveness, when I know I deserved the Fall. It called me out of my darkness, and carried me to the cross. In a moment my eyes were opened, in that moment my heart was cha...

words with Ninja, and will have several more I'm sure. We made this tournament together, and discuss changes, teammates, and bans together. I have been equally frustrated, as I Love posting videos!...

I am under the impression many of you think I do not get on to him, or that he does not take responsibility for his actions. That could not be further from the truth! I am not big on Public Humilia...

I have waited a few days to let everyone comment. I have several things to say, and hope everyone gets a chance to read it. I want to be clear that Ninja did nothing mean or inappropriate to anyone...
hardley ever on LOL.