Users Kyle Is Following
Cody em1998
Hi my name is C but sometimes my brother J uses this account too. Follow for Follow I love super mario n pokemon
Ally~Chan alida07
Wεlà αΙιεηι!! Sσησ υη'αΙιεηα dι 10 αηηι снε è νεηυτα qυι ιη νιsιτα dα мαгτεh! XD Μι снιαмσ Allγ!! θωθ Μι pιαсε ταητιssιмσ fαг гιdεгε Ια gεητεh!! XD Sεgυιτε Ια мια мιgΙισгε αмιсα, SIS ε pгιηcιpεssα Αndre~Chan! ^•^ P.S.:Νση sιατε τгσppσ dσΙсι сση мε, pεгснè sε ησ…VI MANGIO! XD Ε ισ νι sαΙυτσ,BYE!
Tad&★Maddy Doubledash7
Omochao Say Hi Everyone Am Lightning Am 31 Please Meet You!! Am♂ Very Powerful Ghostbuster Catcher! Ranking 2576★+ Denpa Men 3 Games Ranking 16 at Coliseum I love Everyone!! Me & ★Maddy Are ♥♡Brother & Sister 4evers! No Rude In My Games Post Please! Enjoying Jack-o'-lantern & Snowman Magic Recipes! Am Tad Faster Gamers To Finish! Kinda Ok Love Dragon Quest Series!
Coco-san Coco_the_Butcher
I am a grown woman who lives to race and read comic books. I have been playing Mario Kart since Super NES, and is the ONLY game I play. I will rarely refuse a Friend Request thanks in large part to Season 14, Episode 4 of South Park. If you are an adult, check it out! Frank Miller Batman VS Superman is my favorite, if that gives you insight. Team Batman here! Happy Racing!
veronica micetta05
Kat katwithacamera
§ƒCooper¿™ treybo412
hey guys it if your boy §ƒCooper¿™ freinds p2slyth nick SGSVENERE corail genger inkling45 emily and my best best freinds are p2 slyth coail SGS VENERE snd nick and inckling 45 and AIP☆PEARL and Starburst and inki chan i like splatton football and any kind of sport♥♡ i have all kind of frends at school to cya guys my favorit woomy is ☆laura☆my bestes friends are ☆lura☆ and lil cooper
☆shiny★1☆★ polyaguayo
why do people kill me i hate you ·************************************************************************************************************************}****************ºººº}ººƒºººº*}************************•••♭♭♭♭♭♭♭°°°°°°°¹²³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³◆³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³³………………………………………………
CANNONDALE yamamekozou
こんにちはキャノンデールです 友達にまともなプロフィール書けないのかと言われたのでまともにかきます。 最近見ているアニメ □弱虫ペダル □それ以外なし 好きなこと □自転車(ロードバイク) □渓流釣り 好きなキャラクター □小野田坂道(弱虫ペダル) □今泉俊輔(弱虫ペダル) □鳴子章吉(弱虫ペダル) □金城真護(弱虫ペダル) □田所迅(弱虫ペダル) □真波山岳(弱虫ペダル) ロードバイク □FELT F95(てるてる坊主がついていますw) □SPECIALIZED TARMAC □BRIDGESTONE KUROMRI 名前のキャノンデールとは自転車メーカーのことです (更新日時) 2017年8月17日1:48
Ellie Orsastro
Ηειισ ενεrγοηε! My name is Ellie! (^~^)/ I'm a 15 half Italian-Japanese girl who loves animes, mangas, cosplays and videogames. My favourite games are Splatoon, Pokèmon and Layton. My favourite anime is Kyoukai no Kanata. I can speak English, French, Italian and a bit of Japanese. Feel free to send me friend requests if you want. βγε! (^o^)
HI GUYS!!! * *bark* sorry im a wolf soooo yeah # my story fav sub zackscott games, ruyguyrocky little dony baby leah unspeakable moose not weird friend request im not taken is you can have me i have nintendo switch my last word i ....... I LOVE U ALL I WILL NEVER FORGET YOU i will be selling my wii u sadly :((((((((((
KFSquid CaosLight
Hey guys and girls! If you want to know a few things about me... then here they are! ^^ • Really like to draw pictures of Inklings and other stuff as well as gaming. •I love Splatoon ~♥~ Rank: S+ Main weapon: I'm not quite sure. .-. •German so please excuse my English. xD Cya~ (˙˘˙)
Haluna dillara
Welcome• I'm Haluna/Dillara♀ -age 14 -splatoon player/squidpartys♡ -favorite games:splatoon,fire emblem,the legend of zelda -free follow -please no random friend requests Bye♡!
Sαяαħ Mlle.Abricot
Hello there~ I got the Switch !! :'^DD Unfortunetaly, that also means I won't be here/come here anymore or not as usual as I used to. Thanks you all for all the awesome SquidParties and more I had with y'all. ;v; I'll never forget that. <3 To my friends : Please, if you've got the Nintendo Switch too, let me know ! Keeping my old squidbaggers friends would be awesome. :^D
megan meggymoo2003
i love ice-cream
zσυ zouzou3DS2
Ouch.... you hit my face... D,: I'm so sad... You're so mean... If you follow me I will be happy again :3... then I will give you 1,000 cookiees... Next time hit that button not my face... ;)
Ry3DS Mr.MehUse3DS
Hi, I'm Ry3DS! Here, you will find 3DS gaming content and some drawings! This account will ONLY be active if I announe on my Main Page that I'm on vacation or if I just feel like posting. Otherwise, don't expect a lot of posts. :) If you're bored, go check out my main account, Ry! You can find it in the Followers/Following Tab! Have a great day! God Bless You!
MISSINGNO Poke-Glitch072
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Danni lugia1610
ShadowMist lennonleeds
hi im Lennon/ShadowMist. I love pokémon as it's my favourite franchise, Overwatch is my favourite game with pokémon Sun in second and Smash4 in third. my favourite youtubers are: Mr Fruit MandJTVPokévids DanTDM Ali A Dobbs Shadder2K TheAuraGiardian Zero VikkStar123 Ssundee I also like PS4s follow4follow, bye =)
Mahatma delhiboi
'First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, ???, profit.' ¤ Former nihilist seeking validation in the vast expanses of the Mii Universe. ¤
Red summerset
I've been running through the jungle. I've been running with the wolves. To get to you, to get to you. I've been down the darkest allys. Saw the dark side of the moon. To get to you, to get to you. I've looked for love in every stranger. Took too much to ease the anger all for you, yeah all for you. I've been running through the jungle. I've been crying with the wolves. To get to you.
white girl phaeva07
This user's profile comment is private.
Ms.Marvel Peter_Yee
Yung Venuz Djvirus2
ey, am yung venuz. am gungod and i liek moni moni4lyfe i liv wit me Cuz at ma mansion. #verifyvenuz Joined: 19th of June 2015
D4nshot vicovico
It's official... Miiverse is ending soon. Goodbye everyone. I hope they are going to add miiverse on the switch, I want to thanks nintendo to make miiverse one of the best place of posting things on the wii u. I know that it's going to end in 2 months but time flies! We will never forget you miiverse, my dream was to get 200 followers and it came true. Thanks to you miiverse. Once again thank you!
ELM☆Arpro♪ ArproHippo3601
I'm a Rager! Don't judge me! Hi I Am ArproHippo3601 Here! I'm AM↑Ross' Brother And I'm In A Clan: ELM My Favourite Games: MK8 Splatoon SSB MC And Wii U Party. Goal To Reach 1000 Followers NAME: Arpro/Arpoo AGE:16 Splatoon LVL:44 Splatoon Rank: B - 52 SHOUT OUT TO:All Of My Friends Followers! COLOUR: Blue, Orange and LEGENDARY Purple! Peace out!
Eva EvaFlevoland
Hello, i`m Eva and I come from the Netherlands. I'm 15 year. I can speak: Dutch: ★★★★★ English:★★★★☆ Second profile: Pit_en_Palutena I don`t use Wii U Chat.
_alishaxa Alisha_21349
James Jamesman360
hi guys thank u for clicking on my profile…………anyways feel free to follow me because if u do ill follow u back ^•^ I'll hypnotyse u to press the follow button………PRESS IT NOW I like SSB4,YOUTUBE,SUPER MARIO 3D LAND .ETC LOL Hi ur cool BYE
hardley ever on LOL.