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TT² RockingRedhead
Hi everybody i'm back, i'm sorry my profile looks a bit grim at the moment, but in time i will try and brighten it up with some artwork..... I'm an older gamer so over 18 friend requests please... Thank you for your time and patience while i get my act together.... :) Foo Fighters FOREVER!!!!!!
wendybird wendybird96
Hi i'm wendybird i am 20 years old and love gaming and drawing request. I love helping others but don't like beening disrepected. I don't judge anyone and i am easy to talk to
Terrence SpeedyTC
I'm Terrence and I have super speed and I like Sonic The Hedgehog and Star Force Mega Man and i'm a fan of Bayonetta and I love her and I like Panic! at the Disco, My Favorite suit is the mii gunner dragon armor and a star force helmet just like mega man and I wield the Ultima Weapon that I got from Lady Palutena and I like RWBY and my favorite characters are Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang
Thanks for stopping by. I'm a big fan of Nintendo, since 1988! The time of Wii U tends to the end. Games you should not miss: LoZ:BotW, SM3DW, Mario Kart 8, DKC:TF, Captain Toad:Treasure Tracker, Mass Effect 3, Deus Ex: Human Revolution, Lego City Undercover, Pikmin 3, Rayman Legends, Yoshi's Woolly World, New Super Mario Bros. U No blank requests, please! Wish you always happy gaming!
Al Alton_jacques
Graphic artist and sign builder, husband and father.
Sky Anniepuzzle
Hi. I'm Sky. I love playing MarioKart7. Enjoy playing your games!
Scott GoldTomahawk
Hey everybody! Welcome to my profile! My favorite YouTube Channels: Lordkronos100, BrawlBRSTMs3, MunchingOrange and SilentWeaponsIII.
pöisõnïvÿ TabithaLenox
“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” ~Winnie the Pooh♡ ♪Thank u for the friendship & support. For the yeahs & follows. Luv u all ♡ ♥Please Understand...R.I.P Mr.Iwata♥ *Joined miiverse Dec 2012*
coco b. bje1988
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Nancy Bookitten44
Hi. Hugs everyone. I love games that are family friendly. I'm an overprotective aunt. I also love animals and making people smile. I tend to visit miiverse at odd hours. When I can't sleep, I may come on. I tend to be a bit overly positive sometimes. I'm also a bit of a sci-fi fantasy book nerd. I'm a foodie who is also a super picky eater. I'm a Cleveland Cavs fan
kαшαίί 1badwolf
HEY!!!!! YOU POKED MEH FACE!!!! THAT HURT!!!!!! well I guess I should tell you about my self...... I like anime drawing animals and food. oh and no cursing plz and no subs for curse words.... why you still here??? .~. well while your here follow me : l ..... plz Did you follow meh?? ..... '~' you wanna look at meh drawings and pics? ok, here...... byee
Vulcan¯mii Star-Wars-fan777
I Want to thank you all for everything!!! You all are truly amazing and I bid you farewell!!! May God Bless ALL of you and i am gonna miss all of you!!! Live Long and Prosper ♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡♥♡
JETS-MAN vannawhite
J-E-T-S JETS JETS JETS! I want to thank everybody for being a part of Miiverse. I will miss you all greatly. I am so disappointed with Nintendo. I love Miiverse and I wish that it was not going away. May peace be with you forever. I love you. Oh, and hopefully one day the New York Jets will win the Super Bowl again! Peace out from JETS-MAN!
Marcus! maxs123
Hello, welcome to this strange place. Age: 17 Huge Nintendo fan Likes anime Memes And more Memes Welp peace and serenity.
PicrossMii picmii2
I'm a Christian. I'm an adult. I'm a city girl. I love reading the Bible daily. I love cats. I like scarey movies. I'm crazy about video games. My bff is Jaylee.
JAYLEE † leejaytoby123
I love my husband, my grown kids and my little grandkids. My bff is PicrossMi. If I like your post I yeah it, don't care whos clan you in. My comments will be for PicrossMii.
Richie Rlmanhere
♪☆mandy♪☆◆ BlankBlankBlankB
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Irish Girl 143.t63
Hey Lady's and Gent's, Welcome to my profile^_^ Here are some things about me:] I'm a Christian:] I'm Part Irish and Part Canadian:] I am Homeschooled I LOVE Reading I'm a Junior in High-School I love talking to don't be shy to say Howdy:] I LOVE Music!!!! It's like my passion:] Hope you enjoy your stay:] Shout out to Ed, Noelle, Isaiah, Jabber, and Enzo!!!!!!!!!
Quinton XxShadowCasterxX
Hi!! My name is Quinton Im 25 years old I love to play alot of music espically video game music. I play alot of Nintendo games especially the Zelda series. I do accept any followers and friend request at any time. ^.^ I am aslo a retro gamer as well. ^-^ My 3ds account is XxShadowMasterxX I do speak French+Spanish. ^o^ I love to travel and see new things. ^-^ My Birthday is December 31st.
Mike HC MikeHC1982
Hello everyone. My name is Michael. My favorite games are MK8 and Splatoon. Have Nintendo Switch and can't wait for MK8D and Splatoon 2. Nice to meet you and feel free to follow me.
ISAACSGIRL coolgirl001
THINGS TO KNOW ABOUT ME! real name is angel 2.I am 23 3.I LOVE CHOCOLATE 4.favorite color blue 5.besties laylay and becca boo and destroyed! :)maddog!! and nc girl! 6. I LOVE MOUNTAIN DEW! 7. I LOVE TO PLAY TOMODACHI LIFE AND POKEMON SHUFFLE
Gail Force peppers
Thank you all so very much♥I was very sad when I heard the news today and I'll miss you all so much♥I have been here for 5years and have met the nicest ppl,your all really special to me;)again thanks so much for all the support and kind comments♥I wis♥h you all much happiness♥now lets all live it up on here till the end and I hope we will meet up again someday;)*PEACE*LOVE*HUGS*IM@uya notube♥♡cU♥
Yoshi fan llovecats
Often when you think you're at the end of something,you're at the beginning of something else.We must accept the end of something in order to build something new.It is good to have a end to journey toward; but its the journey that matters in the end.Let today be the start of something new.thanks peeps for awesome memorys i wish you good luck for the future!
PokeKpop bobosmom112758
Im Kimberly, My is 6/20/93 My Fav. Cars.... Ford Mustang Cobra GT-R Nissan Skyline GT-R R34 Toyota Levin AE-86 Fav. Black, Bloody Red, and SkyBlue Fav. music.... Kpop, Rap, Hip Hop, R&B, Pop, Edm, Rock, J-Rock, Jpop, Metal, Country, & Christian Rap/ Hip Hop. I love Korean tv shows, Anime, Pokemon, tv, Cartoons, & games. My Fav. Singer : Max Changmin of TVXQ. My Fav. Rapper : 2 Pac
*FlaStyle* MrsDredd331
HI im Susan! 10× World Cup Champion! I dont have time for foolishness, so dont bother!
Jaya adory-pitbull
Hi my name is jaya i am 33 years young i don't have alot of friends in real life hope to make some on here my favorite games are mortal kombat in the sims I DON'T WII U chat unless i know you in person
SkyShaymin EliteSkyshaymin
I am SkyShaymin from Flipnote hatena. I love artwork and I try my best to improve →People that ask for follows, yeahs etc...WILL be ignored← No New Friends. For everything I yeah I appreciate the post c: Thank you for following and liking my art everyone. ♥Peach-Pit is such a sweetheart. I Love her and only her ^/////^~♥ ~Sky
MegαJøhп¹³ MegaJohn
Im a 32 year old gamer, from the Great State of Tеχas. I had heart surgery in 2010, and thats how I got the name MegaJohn. Since I have a piece of metal in my heart. I am console agnostic, and believe being a fanboy of one console means that you are not a true gamer! Game Collection as of 07/24/16 шıı ц/шıı: 31 χвох опе: 133 χвох збо: 264 ρş ııı: 22 ρş ıν: 52 ρş νıτλ: 59 λмııβσ çøυητ: 10
Nicolas SuperNicolas1234
Hello, everyone. I'm just your average guy with a not so great childhood. Don't forget to follow me if you like my art. P.S. Most of the characters, locations, items, etc. belong to their respective owners.
Manda SunnySkiddo
Hello, I love games! I'm a grown-up gamer on Miiverse. I love to chat about games, & I like to draw sometimes too. :) Main games I'm playing - Pokémon Sun, Pokémon Art Academy, Virtual Console games of Warioland, & Super Mario 2, 6 Golden Coins. Been inactive for a while, apologies. I have now returned and will be posting new stuff when I can. :) Manda & Kaito MUFC = awesomeness! :D
☆★Pinkie★☆ Pinkiepurpley
HELLO EVERYONE! Thanks for clicking on my face!!!!!!!☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ I'm a big Nintendo fan! Ever since Paper Mario Thousand Year Door on Gamecube i've been 'hookedtailed' ever since! I mostly play Mario games and AC New Leaf and Happy home designer :D I'm a chef at a restaurant n a mummy to my son. P.S I'm 33 years so if that bothers you for some reason, dont follow me. Simples x
Moonwolf Wolfpack-Leader
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Smurfette☆ Smurfettecookie2
trollock trolock88
hi im john im 49im a adult i love cats i have 5 of them lol hope everyone is ok in mii verse . im now a brown belt going for my gold tag then my black belt how time flies lol ....
QUEEN☆KHOR ZawjatulAbuHamza
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HEY :) Welcome!!I'm a 43 yr old mom of a 13 yr.old beautiful daughter. We're from California. At the moment I'm playing Dragon Quest and Harvest Moon..I love playing,zelda,sonic,acnl,acnl design..i know i didn't mention a few...I've met alot of beautiful people here..i want to thank you for sticking around...So if you came acoss my profile..follow me and i'll follow you.I consider you guys family
Siddiata Diana61
Goodbyes are not forever. Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean i'll miss you untill we meet again.
AyDaGamer TheAyAngel
Hello, people call me Ay Im a 30 year old gamer from NYC + NJ My list of games i have on the Wii U are: Mario kart 8 Super Mario Bros.U Super Luigi.U Ninja Gaiden 3 Razor's Edge Tank!Tank!Tank! Monster Hunter 3 Ultimate Zombie U The Wonderful 101 Mass Effect 3 Madden 13 TNT Racers Nano Assault Neo Darksiders 2
☆WELCOME 2 MY PROFILE☆★Add me on Nintendo Switch★ ★Competitive Smash bros/Pokemon Series/Tcg★ ☆★Smash Bros. Clan Member of:☆Forgotten Deities☆★ ♥I Love all Nintendo Franchise's!♥ ★☆I Love Anime such as Dragon Ball Z/Pokemon ☆★ ★☆I Have a New 3ds/Ps3☆★ ★☆I Play Pokemon TCG online!☆★ ☆I ♥ Wii Fit U (♡ω♡) ★☆Message me if you wish 2 join Hyrule Legend Gym☆★