My T dinner menu
Hey y'all!! Turkey, Mac cheese, something sweet (not sure what) mashed taters, some bread or corn bread. Get Em, hopefully you see this before miiverse shuts off.
My T dinner menu
Hey y'all!! Turkey, Mac cheese, something sweet (not sure what) mashed taters, some bread or corn bread. Get Em, hopefully you see this before miiverse shuts off.
too all of my friends and followers on miiverse since today is the last day I get to talk and chat with you guys I just wanna say thank you for supporting me and cheering me on and I want to wish y...
My farewell to all of my friends and my people in Miiverse
Thank you all in Miiverse I was having a awesome time with all of you until 10:00 PM I was having a blast in Miiverse I'm still standing like a warrior I was I'm a...
Goodbye everyone and my last post. :(
I wish it didn't have to come to this but this will be my last post, thx everyone that have been friends on here and people that been following me thx for sticking...
Does this happen to you?
.....I'm eating my sandwich and my stomach is like telling me it's hungry right....and I'm eating and bites both jaws.....that really hurts, this is the first I ev...
Hulu Plus Community
Houston Astros 2017 World Series Champions
Yes! Yes! Yes! after 55 seasons the Houston Astros are the World Champions of baseball what a ride for this team after everything they been through with Hurricane ...
What we are thankful for
I'm thankful for spending a few months on the website to draw for all of you.. *Sniffle* But i guess now this is the last week so i hope you all had enjoyed Miiver...
How old do you guys think I am?
I've actually always wondered this since I got on Miiverse