Users david™ Is Following
Snowcone TruUnknown
☆Hello there☆ Welcome to this random profile. *\(• v •)/* Notes: •Thx 4 all the support!★ •Thx 4 the great memories Miiverse, i improved a lot in my art and met cool people. •I draw for fun, NOT for fame. >vo Thx 4 visiting mE, Have a snowcone, any flavor! :>
markus mandysunny
I am the heart and brain of the community.
TrueHylian caindaddy
Hi, I'm TrueHylian. I'm a huge LoZ and RPG Maker Fes fan. I'm making a game, Legend of Zelda: Knights of Hyrule. If you have any questions about my game, or requests for new games, comment on my discussions. When the game comes out, and you would like to play it, purchase the free RPG Maker Player from Nintendo E Shop. also, if you have time, please follow.
david Luigibros250
Hello, my Name is david and this is my 2nd Account on Miiverse! On this Account, I will Talk about 3DS Games and other Stuff! My Main Account's Nintendo ID is "Mariobros250" where I have 390+ Followers! In SMM, I have 550+ Stars and Host Tournaments Often! I hope that you Check it out and Enjoy Both of my Accounts! Bye for now! I Am Currently Online Offline ★ on my Main Account.
ºPrawnº ralkinburgh2
I'm a NSLU user so I have memes. I can be serious. I'm not a human..i'm a monkey..oh wait
ом¢★Jo-Jo 1large
Ratings School:★★★☆☆ Chocolate:★★★★★ friends:★★★★☆ Miiverse:★★★☆☆ Tunde:★★★★★★★★★★★★★ Fun:★★★★☆ Pets:★★☆☆☆ About Me Hi i'm Tunde i liek CHOCOLATE!,pizza and cookies,ENERGETIC!!I also like joining people in Worldwide Races! 20% Cooler ●^●Im am not good at Inward Biking is that what its called? Well,Thanks For Stopping Bye And Reading This! See You Around! Shoutout:♪•Ħаппан•♪(SilverPower680)
RyanThe1st CheeseMo3rd
Thank you to all my friends and followers! You are why I was on here for nearly 2 years. I wish you the best of luck and I will miss this place. Goodbye...
Loully Loully
Hello! • I'm Loully, I'm so friendly, & a hard-core gamer! ♡ • I've been playing games since I was 4 years old, my favorite games are Sonic, Mario, Kirby, Spyro, Pokémon, & LoZ... etc. • I ♥ drawing & watching animes: Naruto, Bleach, Attack on titan, Tokyo ghoul, & Parasyte!~ ♥Rukia♡Rivaille♡Midna♥ • I'm a solo player. •Feel free to «follow» me.~♪ \(˘ˇ˘¤) •Disrespectful comments ⇒ ×Blocked×
Tad&★Maddy Doubledash7
Omochao Say Hi Everyone Am Lightning Am 31 Please Meet You!! Am♂ Very Powerful Ghostbuster Catcher! Ranking 2576★+ Denpa Men 3 Games Ranking 16 at Coliseum I love Everyone!! Me & ★Maddy Are ♥♡Brother & Sister 4evers! No Rude In My Games Post Please! Enjoying Jack-o'-lantern & Snowman Magic Recipes! Am Tad Faster Gamers To Finish! Kinda Ok Love Dragon Quest Series!
*★‡Xyth¹√ xyth_flower_girl
·ςυρ ρρις!· I ριαγ Mαгίσ Mαкεг αηδ στhεr ġαmες ας ωειι!· I δση΄τ ωίί υ ζhατ!· ~ƒανε γσυτυβεгς~ ~ζαгιςαġαη42~ ~δανίδ hυητεг~ ~βιυεƒυгαη~ ~τhίςίςmυгρhγ~ ~ƒσġz~ ~σςhίκσгσςυ~ ~αδεαδƒιγγ~ ~гσmαη τατε~ {¤ — ¤} ρ.ς· I΄m ηστ αсτυαιιγ α ġίгι! ίƒ υ ζ αηγτhίηġ υ ιίкε, ζιίζк ΄γεαh'! καίzσ ίς βαε <з -(^з^)/ ♪ Ω ωααιυίġί συτ!
ωοινες MythicismxWolf
Before We Start, I'm ♂ Well Hai There Stranger! I Like To Play Splatoon, Minecraft, And Sometimes Terraria And Super Mario Maker. I'm Also Some Nerd Who Has A LOT Of Math Puns/Jokes. And If You're Stuck On A Math Question, Don't Be Afraid To Ask, I'll Be Glad To Help! P.S Too Much Pi Gives You A Large Circumference. Told You... Math Pun... Nerd... I'm Fabulous ¯\(˙•˙)/¯
judah judah-saauna
i'm new to super smash bros. wii u but I know about the 3DS and ss brawl. i'm on miiverse most of the time you can i'm on 24/7 i cant draw very good but hey i try
SRLAgent I SRLAgentI
イカよろしく! ※日本/ 北米・南米/ 欧州・オセアニア の3コミュニティに向けて、イカ世界のことを たまにイラストで報告します。 Hello, Squids! For Japan, the Americas, Europe and Oceania, I’ll occasionally pop in and give you an update about the squid world with illustrations.
マリチャン NintendoMchannel
任天堂のマリチャンです。 気になるタイトルのコミュニティにお邪魔させていただいて 色んな企画を行っています。 一緒にMiiverseを盛り上げていきましょう! Hello, this is MariChan from Nintendo! I'll pop up in game communities in Miiverse on occasion to plan some events and activites. I hope you'll all join in on the fun!
I'm Glurp and despite my odd appearance I'm somewhat normal. I enjoy opinions, debates, questions, theories, drawing, jokes, and just talking about various subjects of interest. Some of my interests are Super Smash Bros., Animal Crossing, Pokémon, Metroid, RWBY, DC/Marvel Comics, Star Wars, movies, philosophy, etc. Follow me if you want to see my content and provide feedback or just talk.
ŁīłγснчØ-Ø kittygirlfnaf08
. . .īм тне меме маςтея *ģłīτснеς теггīыу* гīр мįįνегςе ī ģчеςς уоч шīłł ве мīςςеď īм ςтауīпģ тīłł тне епď ву тне шау... The Meme Master: ŁīłγснчØ-Ø ~ A glitching master of memes, only is glitching because of the end of Miiverse, will be fixed if found a cringy, memey site to post and say memes on.
Gavin person567
Miiverse is ending in a few months... I guess I will never reach 700 followers (Unless you click the follow button which wiuld be greatly appreciated) Well I hope you enjoy the rest of the time you have on miiverse, bye!
Pink Posey nyla2003
Hi I'm Pink Posey! I love Nintendo and Sega so much!I like to play Mario games.And even I've got a dream,a dream to go to Tokyo,Japan.I'm an Nintendo fan,I'm a big fan of Disney,And I'm a huge fan of Sonic the Hedgehog too! No WiiU Chats please!I only make friends who loves and fans of Disney,Sonic the Hedgehog and Nintendo!
Lugnut LugnutOfficial
SPOOK TIME! Is never too early for festive. Since Miiverse is end soon, you can be find me and Melvin in "melvinandlugnut" on tumbly place.
Katydid0 Katydid0
Hello my dear's and good sir's I am Katydid0. A lover of food, swords, books, anime, and video games. I am just a 17 year old artist, who's pan, gender fluid and a pacifist human being, I also have a big bro who's name is Tyran. Ps: I am happily taken by funnygyu/TJ ‹3
Giygas darthscykier
I a..m G..i...y...g...a...s i...m s..o h...a...p...p...y ... i guess. Im a male likes: pokemon, undertale, RPGs/dragon quest, markiplier(favorite youtuber) dislikes: haters, jerks, sonic fandom, crowds, and lightning male corrin x beruka trash 4eva Nintendo just keeps on giving me more and more waifus every game. knuckles: OH NO!!!!!! Nadia Fortune from Skullgirls is best waifu.
Jordy Jordy742
This is a separate account for my 2DS. Jordy247 is my main account. Every drawing made and every 'Yeah!' given from this, and from my other, account is manually done. The 'J' for my drawings means that I personally hand-drew the image, but did not make the original resource for it. (I created the "I'm pretty sure no posts are going to be copied today." 'meme', and I'm proud of it.)
Zack GrandStarYoshi
Zack | 19 | Twitch Partner | Speedrunner | Entertainer | Tea Addict
Jaden GrainedCargo192
...Ahem... Welcome to my profile! I do F4Fs. Try my puzzle RPG, Escape! Product ID: 2mtp854x! §f§k§a§b
ψTaylor mariosonicrules
I'm Taylor, i'm 23 years old, and I love to draw! And I'm Friends with everyone! No Wii U Chats please. :) If I not comment to you, it's because My 30 comment limits are up for today. So I'll comment you back when I can. And I don't accept friend requestes, if I know you well, I only accept requests from my Friends. I don't take drawing requests either. And please no spam "First" comments
Mini~Alysa HappyCakepopGirl
Oh, hi! This is the alternate account of Alysa (HappyCupcakeGirl), lover of Pokemon and Splatoon and a bunch of other things including all things cute! I love you too of course in a totally non-romantic way. Everyone deserves love and respect! I made this mii a total derp because… I felt like it. Also, do not expect consistently high-quality content. I don't quite take this account seriously. ;)
Felix Felix1990-25
Hello my name is Felix and i'm a gamer. I'm 27. Things I Like: MLP, MJ, 1980's, HTF, Purple Rain, Zootopia, Prince, Equestria Girls, Star Vs The Forces Of Evil, Metroid, and Miiverse Friends. Things I Don't Like: Yeahbombers and Mods in SSB4. My Best friends are Pöisiónívÿ, JALOLBASS, My girlfriend Rin, JR, and Tyler. Thanks for the 1400+ followers. I joined Miiverse on Jan 3 2015.
primetime kennystowe
sup im kenny i love playing games.Idont care how old u r or good or bad Uplay or drawU alway #1in my book.If need help with any games i try to help.the old gamesRfun 2 play i like sport games smashbrothers megaman zelda.(i dont wii chat) for youtubers(kameron lindsey 2015 buzzer shot)and(freshman makes tripleplay!loses shoe) the end ps have a nice day KAY♪♪go cubs go♪♪ JOHN 3:16† SAVE MIIVERSE:'-(
$G★Ζα¢нαгу creeperboy365
What's up everyone this is Zаchary, I like to play Video Games, Watch TV, listen to music, and read Comic Books and also, I do Wii U Chat. I'm a fan of Shadow, Nintendo, Minecraft, and Segа! Don't forget to yeah my posts and follow me! I like to do pixel art in Minecraft. I ♥ you Sаrаh. ;) Gender: ♂ Age: 1З Clans: SG, PP, mςν, ΑЯ, RF, я¢м (as an ally) and more. See you lаter! ;)
Hylian Аdа bookwerm
A WINNER IS YOU! HEY I'm Ada, a weird Mario fan who posts trash on the NSLU and sometimes draws Mario characters. Stuff you should know about me: -I sure do love me some video games -DL said it best: "Miiverse needs more Fawful" -Left-handed You won't find me after MV ends, so don't even bother. F U R Y !
CringeRyan SuperYoshi1234
"I love the Squid Sisters. Without them, my existence becomes unstable. They are my life force and what keeps me going each day." -me, 2017 "In life, don't ask "why?". Ask the more important question, "why not?". -also me, 2017 My entire life has been devoted to the Nintendo Switch ever since I got it. High school isn't gonna stop me either.
Kellan Lame-chan0000
Shadow skylanderpro1000
Hello Im Shadow. Shadow the hedgehog. You know the best hedgehog in miiverse. Anyway I have 2 3ds accounts. My 1st is Skylanderpro1000 the one that your reading right now. My 2nd one is THE.MARIO.KING10 I Love to play Smash Bros with my friends alot ONLY ON 3DS VERSION. Im retired from the wii u version. I Have a Nintendo Switch I Have a WII U I Have a New 3ds XL I have a Wii THANK YOU.
It's-a me, Mario!! The Super Hero of-a the Mushroom Kingdom. You can call me Jumpman! I rescue Princess Peach from-a the fire-breathing Bowser. My bro Luigi often-a joins me to save-a the day too... So let's-a run and-a jump through exciting levels and-a grab some Red,Blue and-a Gold coins, because-a Mario is-a here! YAHOO! Have a Super day! Bye-Bye!
Luigi CowardlyGreen
It's-a me Luigi! I am-a the younger, but taller brother of-a Super Mario! I seem-a to be clumsy and-a known to be Green Mario, but-a you can always count a Green one, Okeydokey? I clean haunted Mansions with-a E.Gadd's trusty-a Poltergusts and-a usually help my Big Bro save-a the Princess from the clutches of-a Bowser. Princess Daisy is-a my Number one! *blushes* Okeydokey! Ciao!
MemeSenpai Jordan020703
Welp, I'm here in this account. Thanks to my bro MemeJordan for lending me his ID. I apologize for the bad drawings I made directly to certain users, and I would like to sincerely apologize for what I did, it was an immature act and I regret doing it. MemeJordan is officially gone from Miiverse. So, he gladly let me use his account since my main can't be used by me for some reason.
Nin★Мarco MarcoSaumer
★Hi I'm Nin★Marco♪ ♂ and 16 years old.★ ♥Nintendo♥ | | | | | | #R.I.P MIIVERSE #BYE #LOVEYOU __________ ♥Thank's guys for all!♥ :'-( †R.I.P. MIIVERSE 08.11.2017† 1 day left.
Hello, my name is david and I hope to become a future professional smash4 player when I get older...
Hello, my name is david and I hope to become a future professional smash4 player when I get older. I am 14 and currently am only good at smash4 for 3ds. Friend Request me if you want to play smash4, anything, or you are just bored.
Current Favorite Games:
Mario Maker
MarioKart 8
Contact me at anytime and I reply quickly. I am about to move on with life's journey so, Bye for now!