david™'s Friends
★G©★Xåvíêř pantherguy93
THINGS TO TAKE NOTICE OF: (1) Has experience in racing and fighting games, (2) First time as a Wii U owner, (3) Very easy to get along with. Also, PNC (Professional Name Creator) and TM (Tourney Maker). Have a look! If you want me to give yur new Mii a name, just lemme know! Enjoy my profile! :-D Notice: DON'T BE AN ANNOYING PLAYER. If you send me a friend request, I WILL NOT ACCEPT IT! -_-
J0909 J0909alt1
Hey there. This is ~J0909~ first new alt account. My main is in my following list. I mostly use this to get around the 30 post limit. I will accept friend requests, and maybe Wii U Chat calls, unless you want to consistently do it. However, friend messages might have long times with no response. I am often on my other account. Have an awesome day!
david Luigibros250
Hello, my Name is david and this is my 2nd Account on Miiverse! On this Account, I will Talk about 3DS Games and other Stuff! My Main Account's Nintendo ID is "Mariobros250" where I have 390+ Followers! In SMM, I have 550+ Stars and Host Tournaments Often! I hope that you Check it out and Enjoy Both of my Accounts! Bye for now! I Am Currently Online Offline ★ on my Main Account.
UltimateX+ SkeletronWizardX
Check out my other account! Nickname: UltimateR1 ID: mpatel79
elvus loppop123
Hi bros it is a great way to meet you all let's be friends.And follow me plz.Let's try to get to 100k.I NEED MORE FOLLOWER'S PLZ.
ja©öb eaglecoon
hey there my name is ja©öb and i would love playing with you! i commonly play mk8 and splatoon ,but right now i'm playing breath of the wild and im sure you now how that might tweak what I play ;). have fun on your own adventures friend! P.S all the games in my favorited communities are the games I own :)
BONNIE daz400612
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Sindel x Sindelx
hi...its Sindel x ....uhhh i mainly play fighting games like Mortal Kombat, Skullgirls, or Killer Instinct on Xbox....but Super Mario Brothers will always have a place in my heart (especially Princess Peach you feel me?) ....stay sexy always
GetGood VengefulSavage
Im new to the wii u and nintendo community!
Josef Thom TerrariaFlow1997
i play terraria, minecraft, and souja boi the game, my name is josef thom. hi cheez itz
Elsa TGAF★ elsa575
Hey there every one! scroll down and see some facts about me Love games with mario I stopped doing Wii U chat because it wouldn't work. Sorry guys. Love animals I'm doing a goal of 100 followers Love to help my peeps Fav colors pink I ♥ dares as long as they're appropriate Wish me luck!
Nico daninicogb
Jαγςоη XxKwebblkopFanxX
Name: Jαγςοη Favorite color: Sky blue Joined: December 7th,2015 Favorite Characters:Rosalina,Peach, LudWig,Yoshi,The Inklings,and Link Least favorite character:Donkey Kong Relationship Status:Single Favorite YouTuber: DashieGames Favorite Games:Splatoon and Splatoon 2 Favorite Splatoon Song:Bomb Rush Blush Favorite Splatoon 2 Song: Acid Hues Goal: 500 followers BTW I dont do Wii U Chat!
judah judah-saauna
i'm new to super smash bros. wii u but I know about the 3DS and ss brawl. i'm on miiverse most of the time you can i'm on 24/7 i cant draw very good but hey i try
Andrew Ro Andrewrog
hey guys Andrew Ro. here i'm a 14 year old male. i want to become a mario champion i'm already a pretty good smash bros, mario maker and Zelda player. please friend if u want to. i play the legend of Zelda (almost any of them) super smash bros mario bros wii and wii u and others
BarnesMBA BarnesMBA
Check out my Detective Mario saga, picture puzzle levels which also incorporate the need to use various Mario powers! The series was also re-released in early 2017 with updates and minor refinishes. "A Case For Detective Mario" reached #1 in the Global All-Course Star Rankings My other series is a difficult three part puzzle room adventure. Comments on! This series is about the Mandela Effect!
GARY.efc gaz.EFC
I would like to thank everyone on miiveres Big shoutout to..... Rileytron w, Daft banana kong, noah, glen, oscar, The boss, myy100, bruhhhhhh, daver7, david ,super kev and everyone else. If you still want to keep in touch gamefaque.. GARY.efc 01 Closedverers.. GARY. efc at the moment its called https://closed. pizza/why. My light SWITCH has a no on it. sw-3493- 4144- 3526 Thanks everyone .
Garrett gamemaster2112
Hello! I'm Garrett. I play video games, and I do drawings for part time. What's my favorite food? ''PIZZA!'' My favorite video game franchise? ''All of the above.'' I sometimes do Wii U Chat. Game on, everyone!
Happymikey punchoutisfun
Hi! My name is Happymikey but you can call me just Mikey. I will play with anyone! Friend me if you want and I will accept as soon as I can! Here's a list of games if you want to play with me! Games: Mario Kart 8, Minecraft, Super Mario Maker, Super Mario 3D land, MCSM, Nes Remix Pack, Splatoon(Getting it for my birthday), Super Smash Bros., and Dr.Mario. Have a great day! Bye!
PhantomX sanik238154
my profile info------------------------------------ 1.try reading 6 2.just read 4 already 3.typo i mean 5 4.why are you reading this? 5.i recommend reading 2 6.i mean 3
anthony anthony5806
hi! i like to play mario cart 8 ,mario maker and splatoon and many more
OMGITZJosh Joshyboy64
My name is Josh Shaun John Grant and I am a awesome player, just not good at kaizo and stuff like that. I,m 9 years old and good at SMM. I would like to have as many friends as I can. Clans: Electronic Sisyty (Its is my NEW clan Thing.) NLM T7W Youtube Video- Meme Machine #Joshmakesameme Just ask me to join ES [Sonic Land In Progress] Boiiiiiiiii -Nuggets
я¢м★Tомás Dublin2001
Hi! Im Tomás and Im 16. Im just an Irish bloke who trashposts in NSLUC and loves Nintendo. 23k VR in MK | Clans: vχ, oм¢, я¢м I have 275+ stars in SMM! I play Smash Bros and Pokken. Message me if u wanna play. Im a Kaizo SMM player Block me = You Win I have owned a GCN, Wii and DS lite I love Geometry Dash Kronos#6838 (you know) Thanks for stopping by :)
άς Antny™ skalasun
Hello my name is matty Im a gamer as U can tell by my profile and yeah thats it really XD boi boi boiii booooiiiiiii miss me probably not im gonna stop spamming the button now or not
мø΄ήέ♪☆★♂§ R2Ffam
Hi, why are you looking at my profile? It's a dumb profile don't stare at it, all the post are lame, all the drawings suck, but if you want to be friends, you better be real quick because I almost have 100 friends, and I don't like people who curse or are inappropriate, so if your neither of those things, you can go ahead and friend me, so have a great day by :3★☆★☆♥♡♥♡★☆★☆♥♡♥♡★☆★☆♥♡♥♡★☆★☆♥♡♥♡★☆★☆
Last Mii lauriandtodd
I'm inspired by MemeSenpai. Nintendo is cool and very rad! Really i'm the same person. I will give yeahs to you. So is that cool? CYA later!
dnaples dnaples77
my name is blank
lanier ptcking919
Ghosti-VÐŁ Kaschpal
Halloooooo leuteeeee!!!wilkommen auf meinem Profil... Lieblings YTber: -Nunan -Domtendo -IO & OI -LOGO #Best Intagram acc: Likelogo -JerryVSHarry -Ascalter -Made My Day2 -Germi -Knuspertoast -OctoBoy -Bens Cube -Abgegrieft #Abge Das Wars mit den YTbern!! Lieblings Farbe &Music: Farbe: Schwarz,Weiß,Grau Music:Minecraft Enchantet, Alle Crow musics:!!! Lieblings Hobbys: Longboard fahren, Zocken Ciau
Randy ElRando08304
Hallo. Ich finde die Wii U einfach toll :)
jess harryjesse2001
goku Chavez_Jen
splatoon why do you have to be so addicting lol
Austin aipom98
Hey, guys! I hope you all have a fun future! I'll miss you all. Bye...
ZeldaLord ZeldaLord90
Hey there! I'm ZeldaLord (but just call me ZL), a SMM creator that has over 4000 stars! I recently made my biggest series yet called ZL Dungeon! My other series of levels are: Skewer Showdown, Tallest Mountain & Deepest Cave in the Land and Deadly Run. Coming soon: Skewer Showdown 5 (LAST LEVEL)
Elijah geeksqod
wasup names Elijah and i got one thing to say ☆SKATEBOARD ALL DAY EVERYDAY☆ i'm out dudes
ом¢★Sabre tymc22
Hi. Age of 13. 💪😐✌ Twitter Name: TylerMK813 Clash of Clans Clan Name: salad warrior's. (Don't mind the name. I am not leader) Bye Miiverse. Nice knowing y'all.
Morgan bobandcat
merrybeth frenkjr653
$Antwan$ celored1167
HI im Ani and i love mario games all classic make sure to follow me to stay update nothing but positive post :)
theterm sagat-urien
NTTAleksCJ Aleks700
Dear everyone, Hello, my name is Aleks...I'm the leader of the Nintenteam and I've used Miiverse since the release of Super Mario Maker. As of me writing this, Miiverse will end in 2 days. I just want to say farewell to all and good luck in all of your future pursuits. If you would like to stay in contact with me after Miiverse shuts down, please check my open discussion. Farewell friends, Aleks
ÜιțīмățěЯ¹ mpatel79
Hi, I am UltimateR1! Location: Az, U.S.A Games on Wii U I like: Super Mario Maker, & Splatoon. If you follow me I will follow you. Games I like: Agar.io, Deip.io, more .io games, Minecraft, Terraria, All Sims Games, Cities Skyline, any many many more that I can't think off! Thank you!!
justin chrisac84
Claude 4Nafisnamir
◆ W E L C O M E ◆ Age: 16. Fav. color: midnight blue. I don't do Chat! I Have a 3DS, and I use my Brother's WII U. Clans: 7 (ĠΡ, ☆Г, SŤS, ωĎ, λV, ατς, AO) Get it memorized!! Help me get 9990+ Followers!! #NintendoSwitch! ★υ★
★Aven★ Avenbot
Miiverse is at its final days. There are many friends that I will never talk to again. as the years go by 2017,2018,2019....(ect) we will think about are old friends less and less untill...untill we completly forget about are old miiverse friends. Soon after we will forget miiverse all together. Nintendo has set the deadline of are friendship. I will Miss you. All of you. goodbye Miiverse R.I.P ;(
★MMP☆дďαм★ jrookstool
Hey, Its me Adam or you can call me The Rook. I make drawings ocasionally, and usually make Level Exchanges for SMM. Im a sports fan, and Love to workout and do Crossfit. My favorite sport is basketball. SMM Stats: 5.7K★'s Feel free to follow me and I will hit the follow button back, Its an instinct! Im a guy who likes to make people laugh. Thanks for the support!
Rin Greninja_108
Profile comment hidden by admin.
The best Juanminator777
Hi everybody i'm 12 years old live in U.S and my name is Juam Diego I been using Wii u system since christmas 2014 and i'm an expert in super smash bros between many others.
austin Canada80
Santiago gamerpersona2015
Hello, World!! You'll find lots of old and new games on my profile! I love a lot of games and I'm a longtime Nintendo fan! My favorite game is hands down, Earthbound. I'm also a big fan of Super Mario, The Legend of Zelda, Metroid, Paper Mario, Donkey Kong Country games, Animal Crossing, Pokémon Xenoblade, Splatoon and more! I'm always open to friend requests but no Wii U chats. Stay awesome!
calum#best jomaycliff123
hi i am calum i am 9 years old i am fun i dont swear
Dannyh09 dannyh09
#1 level maker in the UK in Super Mario Maker with over 375,000 stars! 2nd in Europe and 14th Worldwide! Danny Super Ultrathon Completers: Bruhhhhhh Kirby Jimmy Ruds_Labs Leith Ash K Kieran DTM Kyle Trey Tyler Duo-Face
Ruben Cool_Rider2
My name Ruben, I play mostly smash bros, but also play hyrule warriors, and mario kart. Send me a friend request and lets battle ;) I now have Monster Hunters 3 Bayonetta, Bayonetta 2, Injustice, Zombie U, and Super Mario Maker.
Derek justicefab5
Old Profile Comment: ςρεсιαι ςηοwfιακε wrιτιηg CRIIIINGE Sorry, no other medias. WARNING: Sonic Colors, SMG and Splatoon fanboy incoming! I'm just an NSLU memer, but I sometimes make decent posts. Favorite users: Lugnut Melvin TEH GABE (I don't wanna use fancy writing) Silverleaf Ukato Jammy I may change it, but that's all for now! Bye!
Esteban Captain_Win
WAZZUP, IT'S YA BOI RIDLEY U! I'm just a goofy whatchamacallit that does things! (Insert Life Story here) Most of my time here is spent on SMM (Super Mario Maker)! In SMM I'm Working on many Projects! Go check 'em out! Closed: YaBoiRiley Light S W I T C H: 4 8 9 0 1 1 5 8 9 8 9 7 I'll never forget you guys... Farewell... -Riley The Native Weird Thing
☆πσαн4мν★ NV63NV
Welp, it's the final day guys... Anyways, I'm Noah. I'm 13, Christian, and a T1D. Plus I'm a die-hard Mipha fan. I've made so many friends...it's sad to see it go. Favorite games: 1. Splatoon 2 2. Tomodachi Life 3. TLOZ: BOTW 4. MK8 5. AC:NL I'm a true NSLUC memer, so, yeah. My school schedule: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Thanks for everything Nintendo and Miiverse. See you on the Switch! -Noah
Sloubie Sloubie
Mesdames et messieurs, bienvenue à mon profil! My name is Sloubie, nice to meet you! I'm a *cough* *cough* experienced *cough* *cough* maker in Mario Maker! I always happily read your comments in your levels too! My favourite types of levels are music levels, so I will always enjoy hearing them :-) For now, bye! (#SaveMiiverse)
charly family_kart_8
hi guys,I enjoy playing splatoon,super smash bros. for the wiiu, and pokken tournament.I always accept friend request.Thank u, for all the support.Oh,please don't be mean to me or else I will block u!!!!!!!!!!!!Why, dose splatfest have to end it was a time where we would all join up or fight against eachother this will be like the end of Splatoon we must stop this!I have pokemon go now.
MARIO:D kvangilder
hey guys Mario:D here welcome to my profile! here you can find funny post, super mario maker levels, and more!
мςν☆Matt manochow
Hewwwo welcome to my profile Don't keep reading this go check out my post of the day or my other posts I you wanna get to know here it is at the bottom 1*Favorite food:Tacos Duhh 2*Best friends мςν☆Bailey and ясм☆Jordan ☆☆Star Girl★☆Hannah★ 3*Age:14 4*Faworite aniwals:Dogs Duhh 5*Favorite songs:Swang,No type,XO Tour Life and more 7*Im a Libra (Proud to be one) Im taken That's about it Bwe
GhostGamer challmers
Hi everyone! I'm GhostGamer! I make lots of posts about the games I play, and usually have polls or voting questions in them too! I have loved Nintendo since I was young, so I've been happy to share my thoughts and feelings about my games to my friends and followers! My favorite game so far is probably Super Mario Maker! And don't forget to join my quest to become awesome! :D
Peter Peter196
Ivan PikminMaster6523
Hello Miiverse! I'm Ivan! Some Facts: Age: 15 Joined: 1/24/14 Favorite Koopalings in order: Iggy, Ludwig, Larry, Lemmy, Morton, Roy, Wendy I am a major fan of the Koopalings! I like playing MK8D on Switch, so ask me if you want to play! I don't play MK8 on Wii U much anymore. I also play Splatoon 2 on Switch. MAJOR fan of Pikmin! Can't wait for Pikmin 4! BTW, no blank friend requests!
cluggy Cluggy
My name is the monster destroyer.These are my top 4 games: 1: mariokart 8 2: mario and sonic at the rio 2016 olympic games 3: same again but winter games 4: mario tennis: ultra smash Also can we have 300 followers please that would be much appreciated thanks before christmas. if anyone plays lost reavers feel free to friend request me so we can play together. see you laters!!!!!!!!!!!
SK★Yoshi AkatsukiYoshi1
Hello everyone! This is the real AkatsukiYoshi. I feel I must say this because I had imposters in the past. I look forward to playing with everyone as I do enjoy a good challenge and fun. Online games I own: Mario Kart 8 Super Smash Bros Wii U Splatoon MKW Custom Tracks Wiimmfi Anyone is welcome to friend me, but no blank friend requests please.
Matthew 35 MRADOl
Hello, my name is Matthew. And i am 13 years old. And 35 is my lucky number! I love playing with my friends in games. And im awful drawing on the Wii U Gamepad, but i still enjoy drawing on the gamepad. I also love Splatoon, i dont have the game but i watch lets-plays on YouTube. And the Squid Sisters, i love them both, but Callie will always be my favorite.
Braylon Bray0187
Hey Guys, My Name is Braylon I'm 20 years old Born & Raised in Texas I plan to Start My own Game Company Hopefully I`m in College Hooray Not really I'm a Very Heartkind Guy and like to meet New People, I hope i can Make new friends
hi im splatter. spl and im a youtuber
danny WiiOwnU
Hi, I mostly play Super Mario Maker and Smash 4! I mainly play Mario Maker and I have a few hundered hours of Smash 4! I do random tournaments usually every month, but I just can't be bothered sometimes!
Ethan ethanshabba
hi i am ethan. I don't do wii u chat! i like to play minecraft! thats all are you going to keep going down? fine. i like spaltoon,all mario games and would like to know how to do mods in minecraft wii u editon i will be anyones friend as long as you have any of these games: minecraft, super smash bros splatoon mario kart 8. i don't expect blank friend ruoustest
GaminRage GaminRage
Just your average gamer. Fan of nintendo since the good ol' SNES. Monster Hunter fan. My main monster hunter is a female named Aeslin, been my main since my Monster Hunter Freedom, Freedom Unite, and 3Tri days (and now 3 Ultimate).
HL★☆Justin justin12
Hey Miiverse! Justin Here! Miiverse is ending... What is this?!?!?!?!!?! Also, when Miiverse ends, I'm selling all my Wii, Wii U and Nintendo 3ds. Then, I'm getting the Switch. Well everyone, its been a good time since we first met, its a lot of fun, and a good time with u all. Goodbye to my friends and Followers. P.S. If anyone has the Switch, please friend me so that we can play together!!!!
Alex alexander1301
Hi I'm Alex, I'm A Gamer I Play Wii U And Nintendo 3DS. I love Pokemon, Mario, Kirby, And Smash Bros. My Account's Birthday Is 12/15 My Birthday Is 1/13
Ryan Rman35
Lunacannon Lunacannon
Hi there, I'm Luna Thanks for thinking of me... I'll miss Miiverse, but the Switch can keep us connected. I recently 100%ed Super Mario Odyssey, I highly recommend it.
Hello, my name is david and I hope to become a future professional smash4 player when I get older...
Hello, my name is david and I hope to become a future professional smash4 player when I get older. I am 14 and currently am only good at smash4 for 3ds. Friend Request me if you want to play smash4, anything, or you are just bored.
Current Favorite Games:
Mario Maker
MarioKart 8
Contact me at anytime and I reply quickly. I am about to move on with life's journey so, Bye for now!