CSauce's Friends
Rais1n Rais1nBran
Travis Preacherman1888
Now this is how gaming should have always been! Let's hear it for Nintendo! (:
king spp pious0
hi guys im that ten year old kid who seems to get banned alot and get blocked by plato on every of my other accounts im happy to be back.most of the time im on the smash community i also know how to speak watermelon language LOL anyway my best friend is speedy hes really good at MK8 P.S im ausie gaday mate well dats all BYE
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
Paul GamePlayer567
This user's profile comment is private.
Ziggy ZigZig26
I am Ziggy!!!! I dance, I eat, I sleep, I play, I fight, I run, I LIVE! Jesus is #1, academics are a priority, and everything else under that is my life. So if you like all things FUN, NEW, CRAZY, WEIRD, or... I don't know random MAKE SURE to follow ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Matheus Matheus_9
Well I will want to have as many friends on my friend list.[If you aren't mean].I will like to help anyone on Nintendo games or Sega games you're stuck on!:)I do Wii U Chat and do like all EA sports®,Nintendo®,or SEGA™ games and I play online alot.I accept friend requests,but I can't send friend requests.
Luka gukma789
Hi,i'm Luka.I like soccer pokemon and minecraft.Want to be friends?
Ryan ZeldaCrossing615
TIME FOR A SKYWARD STRIKE!Or maybe time to water the flowers in Dog city!(My Animal Crossing:CityFolk town name)I Love drawing on Miiverse.Mostly about Nintendo games.So many great new ideas,so little time to draw about them.Feel free to yeah,comment,follow,or fr me.I will follow if you do as well!Shout out to MarioCrossing122,poiklo,ConMan98,and Zeldahart.ZeldaCrossing615 out.GO BEARS!!
Mario gj13502
DaKoTa tfgamer25
Sup name is Dakota, love anime and older games. Plan to create my own animated series someday, coming along slowly but it's sure to be great(hopefully). Favorite Song (for now)- Breaking Point- Falling Down
Olive's OliviaBolivia
My Chemical Romance <3
Salmon waffles123
Hey. I post more on my alt account, Shrep, so go there for my wacky antics. That's about it.
Chris Christo1000
I vous love to draw zee beautiful creations,im nice iff's ur nice.Chris would also love's to speak in french....LOL ♪•˜♪•˜★☆★
This person hasn't started using Miiverse yet.
Hi and welcome to my profile m8!
I'm 15 and I'm vegetarian! The games i play include: Super Smash...
Hi and welcome to my profile m8!
I'm 15 and I'm vegetarian! The games i play include: Super Smash Bros, LoZ, KIU, ACNL, Mario, Splatoon, Pokèmon, and most games with Wii in the name. And if you follow me i may follow you...I prob will;) Plus if you wanna play with me in any game listed above send me a Wii U friend requests and we can play! And i luv Jesus+pizza! So ill let all that sink in... Bye!