CSauce's Followers
Michael weegeeisloop
Profile comment hidden by admin.
boo apodiectic
madnose popcharles101
name-charles age- 13 favorite games- pokemons, marios zelders, nintendos friends- joel,daniel,paul i post super mario maker levels and pokemon stuff i love smm more i host competitions i am smart i love clash royale in arena 8 no legends clan troops of light i am sometimes weirdæïîïîîïíöïðïõôâììñ
Martin Zu martinzu
RoZe siokara-1
お絵描きの練習場 『じゅぴかのん』の姉のRoZeです。社会人なので、平日などは来れませんがお休みなどの時は来れます。 いつも共感ありがとうございます。フォローやフォロー解除はお気軽にどうぞ^^ 投稿は主にイラストで、スプラトゥーンコミュニティによく現れます。(イラストはほぼ妹) これから、宜しくお願いします。
Mason♪ ganster553
"Kits grow into fighters, fighters gained vengeance, Fighters take one of my cats, maybe two, i've lost great cats because of that."
tommy 710angel
my name is Thomas and my favorite games are splatoon and super mario maker and super mario u. i like to do squid partys just add me please. ok i am leave today i will be on vacation to north carolina i will be back september 2 2017 (if you think this comment is old so bye) i will be back bye
Asami AccentCodeRH
The end of Miiverse draws near. Asami evolves soon. To stay in touch, do the following: Switch owners can expect a request when I get my Switch. Everyone else, search for Zero Heart on your choice of browser.
Daniel bellyjelly3
This user's profile comment is private.
Connor Link12222
Wake me up Wake me up inside Can't wake up Wake me up inside Save me Call my name and save me from the dark.
Vae lalavae
Hiya! Name's Nevaeh, I love video games and anime! I have mental depression and ADD/ADHD so please be kind. I also enjoy reading books, creepypasta, and fanfiction. I'm a brony whovain and many other things. I'm 13 BTW
Ferndog keybling
Hello i am a gamer that likes a huge variety of games!! My favorite games are: Legend of Zelda of Series Super Mario Bros Mario Kart 8 Splatoon [Anime Lover]
Shellumbia Shellumbia
Yo! I'm Shellumbia! My friends are Lick, Carlum and Pickle!!! Fav games= FNaF and Undertale. Fav movie= Eragon. Fav band= Avenged Sevenfold. My dragons are awesome. ;)
Deme Georges28226
HAI!!!! I'm Deme, but call me Deme! :-D Pokemon is my main thing, but I like other things! My favorite Pokemon are Oshawott, Pikachu, and Reshiram! I'm extremely weird :-). I do RPs. Check out my alt, pls. I do more stuff there. Check out these peoples! :-D Izzy (isapup) (IzzyIsInsan3) Yalini★ (IthNPMin151) Drew (drewxp) Luigifan04 (Luigifan46) I'm offline. (Might not be accurate.) K bye!
coolman david0106
hi im erwin a new mii coment if u like it or me love everybody w you tuber love game see u sonday becaus im going to holtel lego land bye by erwin.
mario boss beldin02
hi nintendo I love every game you have made espeiceilly super mario ones I play lots of gamesnintendo made and lots from the arcade but now I`d like to say to my followers thanks for following me a bunch!
☆Avonlee★♪ Avonlee
Hi! My name is Avonlee! I like Super Smash Bros., The Legend of Zelda, Kid Icarus, Mario games, Yoshi games and other different games! If you want to go on my profile. You are welcome to go to my profile! Go to my Activity Feed, and yeah them if you like them! Don't forget to comment, and share your drawings on my posts! I can't follow anyone cuz I have no room, but you can follow me.
P.O. Smith bad-asteroid
Y'all are doofos.
tavo octavio303
jayna jaybou
I follow back
imani2004 imaniholland2004
This user's profile comment is private.
dad minivercheevie
I love games!
M.j. B0YxW0ND3R
Whatsup everyone, my name is michael and i am a huge nintendo fan... i love gaming and having fun...
ΦΠÅÏĎĒŃΠΣ prince3961
Hi im Aiden. My favrote games are lego games and disney infinity. my favorite color is red. and i dont use wii chat! i repeat I DONT USE WII CHAT!
Travis Preacherman1888
Now this is how gaming should have always been! Let's hear it for Nintendo! (:
p-r-e-s108 Preston1083d
i make drawings of anything really favorite 3ds game Kirby Triple Deluxe and Pokemon Art Academy
Aoibhin Aoibhinstar
Hey Im Aoibhin. Im going to post me playing different games and what I think about them. Hope you join me!
Joseph awesomegamer323
Hi, my name is Joseph and I love nintendo and sega games. I love playing Super smash bros, Sonic, Mario kart 8, Zelda games and I love Mega Man games. I also love watching anime. Always accepting friend request so don't hold back and if you follow me I will always follow you back. I love playing with friends so if you want to play with somebody I'll be happy to join right in.
Danny creepersdimonds9
Kadijatouº kprincess345
Hi people of miiverse its your girly girl KADIJATOU♪!Well if you didn't know......I LOVE DRAWING FLOWERS.I also love me some R&B and pop. My favorite color is pink.My fav singers are Ariana Grande,Iggy Azeala and Austin Mahone(I'm a #MAHOMIE:).I have over 300+ followers and i do follow 4 follow.So if your a person who like flowers than like my post so there can be more peace in the world!!!!°…°
DaKoTa tfgamer25
Sup name is Dakota, love anime and older games. Plan to create my own animated series someday, coming along slowly but it's sure to be great(hopefully). Favorite Song (for now)- Breaking Point- Falling Down
●Toezon● Toezon
Updated: 7-2-17 Awww thank you for visiting my amazing profile!! Im playing currently the following. Switch -Breath Of The Wild -MK8D -Puyopuyo Tetris -Arms -Street Fighter 2 Wii U -Super Smash Bros. Wii U -Mario Maker -Shante Half Genie 3ds -Super Smash Bros. 3ds (Smash Run) -Etc..... Alright off to the games of games of all gamers!! Cya miiverse person who came to visit!!
Bodene Bodene
i love any thing to do with pokemon and super smash bros
Nick nic1221
follow me! I am a master smash bros player! Im a big fan of the Zelda series! Also if you follow me i will follow you back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Brady TestMe126
I'm just another average gamer, like most of the people looking at this profile, I'm just another ordinary gamer that likes conversing with other gamers. Not much else to say about it.
pianito pianito
ταммγ Yukii_cupcake
"If I go crazy, then will you still call me 'Superman'?" - 3 doors down ___ usually inactive. Thank you for the good time, miiverse.
SG★DBZ☆Cli Cliff2Man
My name is Clifford Lamar Walker. Game consoles: Nintendo Wii Nintendo Wii U Nintendo 3DS Nintendo DSI Nintendo Switch Xbox 360
SS3 Chaos SS3_Chaos
Cannot wait for Smash Brothers Wii U! A little about me. I am 25 years old. I love meeting new people, I am very competitive but I enjoy having a good, fun time! My mains on Smash Brothers are Samus, Sonic, Link, DK and Cpt. Olimar. I have realistic goals and wonderful dreams. Some of my favorite franchises are Metal Gear, Metroid, Sonic, Zelda and Smash Bros. =D Take care.......
Hi and welcome to my profile m8!
I'm 15 and I'm vegetarian! The games i play include: Super Smash...
Hi and welcome to my profile m8!
I'm 15 and I'm vegetarian! The games i play include: Super Smash Bros, LoZ, KIU, ACNL, Mario, Splatoon, Pokèmon, and most games with Wii in the name. And if you follow me i may follow you...I prob will;) Plus if you wanna play with me in any game listed above send me a Wii U friend requests and we can play! And i luv Jesus+pizza! So ill let all that sink in... Bye!