Ed's Followers
popularmmo ssgill
guys im im ofline in november cause miiveres is going to be unavalible to all residents in miivreres
Potatoes ZSAyden
Wazza fam? Looks like you came across my page. I'm Ayden! The nerd who is soon to get a new perscription for nerd glasses. I'm into things like... -Minecraft -Splatoon -Steven Universe -And Fictional Crystals God Bless, Potatoes in the chest #MiiverseUniverse When life gives you lemons, squeeze them in the eyes of doubters. Then realize you are getting yelled at for getting juice everywhere...
aaron aaronmorrow
A lover of every kind of game and leader of the mario kart 7 community A gameing. we play every weekend form 8:00 to 11:00 p.m everyone is welcome to join
Naminski naminski1a
«––кау––> H3ll0K1tty57
(DEKU X KAY) Hello Mates, WOW WHAT A GREAT WAY TO START A SENTENCE! (geee) Wht You Might Start Up With Is A Pair Of Goodbyes To Miiverse. So Imma Do QandA NO IM NOT THE PRESIDANT SO DONT ASK ME WHAT SMARTER PEOPLE THEN ME KNOW. I warned ya. MATRISSA! Yes i have a boyfriend. BOYZ GET OUT DA WAY I GOT DEKU! [my boyfriend] Dont need to be rude to my minecraft crosses . Yall--Bye 2011-2017
Rog sixions
This user's profile comment is private.
Hey. ★ I'm Allison, and welcome to my profile. Some facts 'bout me. ~ 16 years young. ~ Competitive Mario Kart 8 player. ~ Best Friend ( Τуιεя ) Miss ya Bro! ♥ ~ ♥ Μΐснεαι ♥ He's MINE! ~ I need new friends before Miiverse ends. ~ Been of here since i was 11... ( 2012- 2017 ) ~ Lil' bro is fun. ( Sunny-Orlndo ) Clans i'm in: мкм ΛO ωω τητ R&γ Okie Bye! :P
Nin◆Paddy† PaddyE
Hoy I'm Paedric! Me: Christian Male I'm 14 and 6"1 Clans: Leader of the StopTommy Clan Nin◆ Peeps to Follow: Ed™ (Edward_Wetter) Jess (coolspike80) Kong (Skyrocket712) Noah (NV63NV) Clarence (Tinyboy1997) Winnie (PikachooGal) Zom (phonatgeodeZom) Elzonire (TheWindMage) Noelle (lego_lover96) Diamond (landmarkchurch2) Ray (rayolinels) Maguire (Mcgreen554) Megan (Giant.Squirrels) #ThankYouClarence
Irish Girl Cap-lover
Hey everyone:] Today is my last day on Miiverse just so ya'll know. YOU ALL have been AMAZING. I'll miss you guys more then words can tell. I leave at 10:00 P.M. LOVE Forever!!!!
★s★potatos Potatoes2477
hello there im potatoes!!nice to meet ya!i am one of the leaders of the Alpha's,my catchphrase is "POTATOES!!!"and well i hate walls!my favorite color is blue,i like games like pokemon, yo-kai watch.im a kind and sweet person and i enjoy helping and cheering up others i like to spread joy and make people laugh and i try with all in my power to stop bullying wherever i see it.well have nice day!
UF27-77•FF SuperSonicKirby7
~Remember to Notice Detail. I'm 14. My name is Winter. I'm very self-critical. Orange & Red combined are ideal enough to fit in with my Nature. UF27-77•FF my nickname is a never ending equation. ″My favorite number is 27.″ #TØP ♪♪Guns Før Hands…Fairly Løcal…Heathens…Ride…Stressed Øut♪♪ ….Depression..Hurts.... Severe Anxiety & Anger Issues… Døn't trust a søng that's flawless. Thank yøu. I-/
IWAMO29~~ 21_Pilots_29
~Every action has a reaction. Remember to Notice Detail. Yo, I'm Winter. I am 14. I have severe Anxiety & Anger issues. My two favorite colors are, Orange and Red. The number I like best is, 27. UF27-77•FF, my nickname is a never ending equation. Shout out to Ed™ #TwentyØnePiløts Døn't trust a perfect persøn, and døn't trust a søng that's flawless. Thank you. I-/
Julia nonwanda
Hola me llamo julia y mi color favorito es el verde. Soy muy divertida y me encanta mi vida. Mi juego favorito es el yoshi new land, se me da muy bien los deportes como el karate, judo y atletismo. Me encanta correr y hacer pulsos· Siempre voy de verde ¡Me encanta el verde!
Diamond landmarkchurch2
Welcome to my page!!!!!! •Member of praise team •I like to read adventurous books •Play piano •Volunteer/Community service •I love traveling •I'm always trying something new My friends call me weird and funny. I don't see the weird part though. Hahahah Well.....byeeeeee!!!
DO NOT FOLLOW THIS ACCOUNT. This is the new alt. of Edward_Wetter used to get an extra thirty com...
DO NOT FOLLOW THIS ACCOUNT. This is the new alt. of Edward_Wetter used to get an extra thirty comments. Miiverse screwed all my 3DS alts.