Users Ed Is Following
☆πσαн4мν★ NV63NV
Goodbye's been fun. I actually might shed a tear or two tomorrow... But for a select few, our strong friendship will live on. Goodbye fellow memers. -Noah (Noer) 2017 :(
Caretaker SuperMario0910
I shall carry on Tyler's legacy.
Maguire Mcgreen554
Hi, I'm Maguire! I'm a 16 year old Christian who was born on June 13th, 2001. I'm friendly, silly, and try my best to be optimistic! I usually check Miiverse at least once a day, and will occasionally post a joke or something about my life. For more facts about me, click my profile pic.
UF27-77•FF SuperSonicKirby7
~Remember to Notice Detail. I'm 14. My name is Winter. I'm very self-critical. Orange & Red combined are ideal enough to fit in with my Nature. UF27-77•FF my nickname is a never ending equation. ″My favorite number is 27.″ #TØP ♪♪Guns Før Hands…Fairly Løcal…Heathens…Ride…Stressed Øut♪♪ ….Depression..Hurts.... Severe Anxiety & Anger Issues… Døn't trust a søng that's flawless. Thank yøu. I-/
IWAMO29~~ 21_Pilots_29
~Every action has a reaction. Remember to Notice Detail. Yo, I'm Winter. I am 14. I have severe Anxiety & Anger issues. My two favorite colors are, Orange and Red. The number I like best is, 27. UF27-77•FF, my nickname is a never ending equation. Shout out to Ed™ #TwentyØnePiløts Døn't trust a perfect persøn, and døn't trust a søng that's flawless. Thank you. I-/
Dark kirbymasterr
This user has discontinued the use of Miiverse.
Ed™ Edward_Wetter
"WHEN I REACH THE OTHER SIDE I WANNA LOOK YOU IN THE EYE AND KNOW THAT I'VE ARRIVED IN A WORLD WHERE I BELONG" Judge me. I dare you. HOY! I'm not Ed™, but you can call me that if you want. My job is making Charcho Chains. …Okay, so I also go to college and work at a real job. SO. ~Christian ~Guitar ~Zelda Nerd Galoshes ~I'm not from Wyoming ~Hobbits ~Fried chicken
Nanika SindarianElf
I'm not here anymore, mayhaps you'll see me somewhere else on the web....but not here. Be well. <3 "They won't pay a cent to hear you laughing They might pay a little to hear you cry If you do it long enough, they might even pay attention But they still won't pay respect, until you die"
Justice greenheadgeorge
☆★Declan★☆ TheOtto
Hi, I'm ☆★Declan★☆, but just call me Declan. I like Zelda, Mario, Pikmin, and I just started on the Pokèmon series. I'm also a Christian. Age: Between -999 and 999 Grade: Between Pre-K and College Location: It's a secret to everybody. I'm the True Batman!
Christian TheCalzoneZone
Name's Christian. 18 years old, gamer, musician, YouTuber/filmmaker, and lover of languages. A veces hago posts y converso en español. Estoy feliz a practicar español en cualquier momento. I really like MM and OoT. TP and BotW are also excellent. Other things I like: The 3D Mario titles Metroid Chrono Trigger Portal Death Note Don't Hug Me I'm Scared The Beatles Andrew Huang C418
★ØIsaacØ★ IBT12978
I love music i listen to TØP alot and just draw and do stuff realy I rarly rp anymore(sorta) destiny is one of my favorite non nintendo games the pokemon serise is my favorite nintendo game serise favorite band: ΤØΡ(like to many songs to list) ERROR.OVERLODE.
Orion ArthNosen
Profile comment hidden by admin.
May SamuraiGamer02
I'm waiting for my food Mr.Park. Where is it? YOOO. IM TSUKI AND IM TIRED SO BYE. Mr.Park, please call my secretary. Thank you.
Brandon Weave88
High score? What's that? Did I break it? I seem to be getting a lot of random friend requests, if I haven't interacted with you I won't accept.
Ray rayolinels
"Rayolinels" has been sighted chasing a blue bird, browsing a haven, and lurking at the "ZNG Wiki" (Google it). Hi, just another Nintendo fan here. I especially love the Zelda series; ZNG unite! I'm here on Miiverse till the very end. It's been amazing being here with all you Miiversians. Much thanks to you all. "I... see you later"
Void Space_Geek13
Knight Salt_Hero
I am a huge Legend of Zelda fan. I enjoy the characters, storys, timelines, universe, theorys, anything and everything Zelda related. Other things I love include Metroid, Final Fantasy, Metal Gear, Star Wars, Doctor Who, Marvel, Anime, and Music.
Mistystar♪ Cupcakealicious
Just a singer/songwriter with a big dream. ... ♪Why do I keep trying? Nothing is satisfying anymore. All of this pressure, this failure... this sorrow and anger... What is it all for?♪ ♪I'm down in the dumps, here in the rain, my ears are straining to hear you call my name. Tears are streaming down my face. I'm not ready to go out into the flames. Not steady enough to be...alone.♪
Sciz ScizorSteelix
I'm sometimes more commonly known as Dean. Top Ten Favorite Video Games (Order is irrelevant) Super Mario RPG LoZ: Majora's Mask Kid Icarus Uprising Fire Emblem 7 Fire Emblem Awakening Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate Final Fantasy V Final Fantasy VI LoZ: Ocarina of Time LoZ: Wind Waker *Pokémon is my favorite series. No Wii U Chat.
Ed Edward_Wetter2
DON'T FOLLOW ME! Greetings, humans. You may address me as Mr. Edward Wetter. This is my alt. account used to cheat the thirty-comment limit. If you actually care about me, my main account is Edward_Wetter. Some stuff: Christian Homeschooler Archery fan CCM lover Fried chicken tastes good
♪Sierra♪☆ EeveeRosee
Hiya! I'm Sierra. :3 ☆★☆★☆★☆★☆★☆ I'm a Christian homeschooled teen girl who loves pokemon and cats! Drawing and animation is my passion. I'm also a writter. I've written and published a book and am working on several others. If you ever need anything let me know ok? And if your from Flipnotes than plz say hi once in awhile. Flipnote buddies are always welcome! See you! >w< ~SR☆
Justin86 Justn86
I have been a Nintendo fan for about 25 years and that will never change. My favorite series is The Legend of Zelda, which I have played for 17 years now. I am also a huge anime fanatic. Some other Nintendo franchises that I enjoy are Mario, Kirby, Donkey Kong, Fire Emblem, and Super Smash Bros.
§€Firebolt Firebolt_ssbm
Heya! It's Firebolt, take a gander around my profile if y'like! - (s)uper (s)mash (b)rothers (m)elee player, i've spent a number of hours on that game. #5922 boys. xD
Kira Kimite
I didn't think I needed to make a profile message, but please don't yeah bomb me before asking me first ;^^. Anyway feel free to comment :-). I like Puzzles, Adventures and RPG games :-).
Frog Game-Frog
Matthew mstrickland1
Hey guys, I'm Matthew. I'm a huge Nintendo fan, although I do play other series and on other systems. My favorite game series include but are not limited to The Legend of Zelda, EarthBound/Mother, Pikmin, Donkey Kong Country, Fire Emblem, Splatoon, Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney; and Metroid: Prime, with The Legend of Zelda being my favorite. Enough about me, enjoy my profile!
Nintendoer Nintend0er
ATTENTION: It’s the end of days; please contact me if you wish to stay in touch! My top 10 games (in no particular order): LoZ: Majora's Mask LoZ: Wind Waker Final Fantasy X Fire Emblem: Blazing Sword Final Fantasy VI Dark Cloud 2 Pheonix Wright: Ace Attorney Trials and Tribulations Kid Icarus: Uprising Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn Xenoblade Chronicles
Stagger Lanayru79
LoZ fanatic since 1987 at age 8. Between releases I break mini-game world records. Search for high scores and you can find my top marks. I've 100%ed every LoZ title w/out consulting a guide and also heartily enjoy minimal runs. I work as a journalist when the mood strikes. I enjoy helping novices and discussing LoZ with vets! Sorry, I don't Wii U Chat and no longer accept random friend requests.
Blake LegoGamerYOLO
My five favorite games are LoZ: Wind Waker, Xenoblade Chronicles, Final Fantasy VI, LoZ: Breath of the Wild, and Super Paper Mario. My current gaming goal is to find enough games I like to turn that into a top ten list without looking dumb because I have four Zelda titles on it. If you have any recommendations for games likely to land on that list, I'd love to hear them!
Jen Jen129
Hello, I'm Jen. Everyone at my school thinks I am insane and have lost my mind. Thats why people call me crazy Jen! and that also why I really don't have friends. But anyways. I am fifteen and go to high school. I am shorter than most people my age and am very thin. Just because someones eyes are big like mine doesn't mean they are crazy. Life lesson. We done Ok. See you later. I read alot btw;)
Carsten Jewkester2.0
White Jedi msmaq321
Hi I'm Ashleigh, I'm 14. Bday 9/10 Favorite games: Mk8, swbf and coc. Thanks for the 430+ followers! Follow 4 a follow I DON'T WII U CHAT. I'm a christian. Likes: Animals, horseback ridding and nice people. Dislikes: mean\rude people and yogurt. Mood: sad :( Relationship status: noyb ;) ♥ Crush:________ Kind ★★★★☆ Caring ★★★★☆ Hot ★★☆☆☆ sporty ★★★★☆ smart ★★★☆☆ shy★★★☆☆ mean★☆☆☆☆ Online
Carson thefewtheproud96
Hi Im Carson here is some things bout me im a country boy i love guns and hunting im 13 and single and in 8th grade im a big military fanatic i play the alto and bearitone sax i do wii u chat im a christian favorite band is skillet future marine oorah!
BlueDude87 BlueBomberFan87
What's up, Miiverse? I'm a Mega Man fan that has been a gamer since 1989! I enjoy many different genres like action games with the Mega Man games being my favorite ones to play! I'm a big Zelda fan too that has been playing since Ocarina of Time. I play some JRPGs as well with the Xenoblade Chronicles series being my favorite JRPG series. Also, I'm a Christian & I enjoy making new friends!
DO NOT FOLLOW THIS ACCOUNT. This is the new alt. of Edward_Wetter used to get an extra thirty com...
DO NOT FOLLOW THIS ACCOUNT. This is the new alt. of Edward_Wetter used to get an extra thirty comments. Miiverse screwed all my 3DS alts.