NCG's Followers
zachary zman9651
Wanna have a pic-a-nic? That was my first profile comment. See ya later, Miiverse. :)
wazzup larrytiny
InstantBan OhlookabanTS1
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Re.make!!! GIRATINA09
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SilverFire MrSilver66
Hello i'm Silver and I like playing Splatoon :). I'm open to being friends with people who like having fun. :)
º•Jenny•º★ JennyIsDabbin23
SuperKamek WhiteFreak12
Name: Kamek Mood: Glad he could fix a horrible mistake
Naruto AustinDuve
Hello, my REAL name is Austin. I live in Grand Blanc, Michigan, in the USA. I am 22 years old, and I am a big Nintendo fan. If you see any of my posts, be sure to Yeah or comment. If you are playing a game that I have played, I can help you out if you need it. I will get along with anyone younger or older than me. Best of luck with gaming! By the way, I don't play online.
#MNGM Medinaguillen
Hablo Español Hello I'm Nicolle Gomez !!
Brandon BrainyKong
I'm back everybody, and do you guys like my new look yeah I look awesome now with these new glasses
Mac Mac28101
what's up
Megaman557 aswartz2011
if anyone has questions about terraria just ask!
heron cruzfamily88
plz look at our youtube vids (Heron cruz) plz we love a new addition to the Gamer clan so plz check it out
£Ðãякмăй£ Keldeoiscool
Hi people my name Darkman and im 14 years old like to play↓↓↓↓ Steeldiver:Sub wars,Super smash bros,lugi mansion ,pokemon and legend of zelda
hello Respected1
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Angel A. soccerfan000
My name is angel.I LOVE youtube, super smash,mario,netflix,call of duty, pokemon,and... My hobbies:drawing,sports,TV,games I will take any friends and sometimes I do giveaways/drawing contest
Gamepsych Gamepsych
If you're curious enough to check this then you should just message me. I'm not difficult to talk to
Kannayashi Raymanimad
(Wii U is sold. Rayman Legends Wii U and Splatoon is over for me. I'll see you guys on the Switch!) Hi. My name is Imad. A semi-competitve Splatoon player. Oh, the games I play... anything Mario, Rayman, Splatoon, Shantae related. Have a good day.
GameKing GameKing724
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Eddie ealcala
I love playing games never played bad one yet but if you want to play head on head.Then give it all you got
Franchess Unhearted55
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oreon LurchingDread3
Hi! Sou o Dan e vivi os melhores momentos com o meu SNES e N64 perdidos, gosto de ser eu mesmo☆. Thanks Mr. Iwata ☆┌─┐ ─┐☆ │▒│ /▒/ │▒│/▒/ │▒ /▒/─┬─┐◯ │▒│▒|▒│▒│ ┌┴─┴─┐-┘─┘ │▒┌──┘▒▒▒│◯ └┐▒▒▒▒▒▒┌┘ ◯└┐▒▒▒▒┌
Roy ZRoy626
Currently playing: Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Super Mario Maker, Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright Currently Anticipating: Nintendo Switch! Roy's My Boy May the Force Be With You, Always.
Sethy ZeldaGamer27
Hello there. My name is Seth and im a big fan of Nintendo. From Zelda, to Kid Icarus, to Xenoblade, im your commenter you want to talk to. Happy to answer questions and give input, DIRECTLY, to you.
bre bre bre2014
andrew bigdre_210
Josh StormHunter55
I can't think of anything to type here.
[STG]Melon cjthelegend19
Hey Guys Its [STG]Melon. I once was A guy named Superman. But im A change man. Come And join my Squad For Splatoon With My Other Squad. Were All Really Good Gamers Also I Might be Gone For Awhile In February. If You Wanna Know What STG Means, It Means Salty Troubled Gamers. :-: Derp. Well Thats All Guys Bye. Dude! Perfect!
Kenji♪ Indoor_Voice
⇔ºYoshira™ Yoshifan95
I'm an awesome guy who just loves to play games. I've been a gamer for quite some time now. My first console was a SNES and ever since then I've been quite the Nintendo enthusiast. I also enjoy watching anime with my favorite being One Piece. Feel free to recommend me some anime though
awesomeguy supermarioman200
I am the ultimate Mario, Sonic, Kirby, and Smash Bros. Fan. I know everything about them. I am awesome. I'm just an ordinary shy guy whose also a nerd/geek but an awesome guy. I don't that much from other than Nintendo with the exception of Sonic. I can Wii U chat anytime. My favorite characters are Mario, Kirby, Sonic, Rosalina and luigi. My favorite game is Super Mario Galaxy.
ŃσναŚțαгχ™ Mario2501
Hello, I'm ŃσναŚțαгχ™! •Only online occasionally »——« Clans I Joined: •SDSW: ™/Member •MK7: ъъ/Leader Current SDSW Speed Run World Record Holder: Mission 5 Speed Run Attempts: •Level 1: 01:07:60 •Level 2: 01:08:47 •Level 3: 01:10:46 Gaming Stats: MK7: 5608 VR SDSW LV.99 »——« ★TNES© RP: "One of the Mushroom Kingdom's greatest adventures in history!" •Directors: 6 •Founders: 3 •Artists: 1 »——«
★Dronagon★ Dronagon
Hello! My name is Luna, also known as Dronagon. I love gaming, especially Nintendo, my favourite game series being Legend Of Zelda and Fire Emblem, and ofcourse, smash, mario, and many more. (TRPGs / RPGs ftw!) I know Dutch, English, French and currently learning Japanese, too. Feel free to add me if you play activily online! Looking for people for Mario Kart 8 and Smash.
yungkrysis kollinz
im krysis become a friend, get to know me dont be shy. Age:16 injustice A.C , etc is the best i draw and write poems here and there
carolyn123 923876
ptopvids2 ptopvids2
Become a Subject! Follow! This king always loves his people! I do drawings. I also have a Zelda series called Know your enemy. However I will block you if "yeah" all my posts. Rock On!
Royal_XooX Princess802
Why u so basic.I'm really into gymnastics.I'm also an all star cheerleader.Not that u care but u came to my profile. Also don't send me blank friend request.And if I don't trust you I wont Wii U Chat soo...... yeahh...... *Fifty shades of don't care about yo feelings*
Jamar SparosX12
Getting reported is fun because it only takes away from the community.
nia Dawalke0616
Aschen MarioMatrixMan
Welcome to my wonderful lair, please, make yourself at home ^(^o^)^ →→→I DO NOT WII U CHAT←←← My favorite games are: Nintendo land Paper Mario- Sticker star Megaman 9 Mario Party LM-DM Project X Zone Xenosaga my favorite pokemon is Spiritomb, but he's insanely hard to find! >___< I also really like to draw enjoy :3
{ObeyThis} mrcoolguy619
iam15 and A Swag Pro Smash Player on Twitch/Tv. My Mains in order 1.Sonic 2.Mario 3.Lucas Brawl was my first smash game.
Emilio Emilio742
Hehehe. I love Fire emblem, Zelda, Mario ang getting followers. It makes me feel special. I WANT TO BECOME AN AUTHOR WHEN I GROW UP.
Evan polarbears2
Wassup buddies? My name is Evan Powers, also known as polarbears2, I don't suspect to be Miiverse™ famous ever but I want to make it my goal to have fun and brighten your day in the process. I'm friends of two great people: my sister, Erika also known as starjaguar and Aidan Deverna, a.k.a. enderbender. Please follow me and yeah me also and I will try to yeah you. Thank you and have a nice day Bud
Hi, welcome to my page. I love playing my Wii U games from Super Smash Bros. to Monster Hunter!
Hi, welcome to my page. I love playing my Wii U games from Super Smash Bros. to Monster Hunter!
Let's make Nintendo Great Again!