NCG's Friends
Nate nate.rochawk
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Noya OmfgElliott
アルバート(2nd) Albert99999_2nd
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Penguin smashpower62
********** forthewin381
hi, here are a few things about myself im a ♂ likes:mario kart 8,mario kart 7, Splatoon, Super mario maker, super smash bros 3DS, pokemon alpha sapphire, minecraft for wii u Clan im in: R&Y RIP miiverse bye!
Gerius gmasterpern
Danjab danieljabra
hi my name is Daniel im 15 years old im from sweden and i like super smash bros 3ds mario fire emblem fates Pokémon moon
Paul Hammy0390
Smash bros and mario kart 8 :)
woomyVick sugamama327
Shay Shay188
Hello, my name is Mr Cooltrump and i love to play super fun games! BEFORE YOU LOOK AT MY PROFILE PLZZZ Give Me A Follow Enjoy MK8 Splatoon and loads Others If Play Mario Kart You can join : ηω Clan So come along and join ηω Clan
linkmaster amiibo0
who else but peter
WKæBeyonce 6to16charecter
Orton582 Orton582
Hey guys, Welcome to my profile. The games I have:Mario Kart 8 and Super Smash Bros for Wii U My SSB4 Mains: Pacman, Shulk, Greninja, Duck hunt dog, and Mega Man If you wanna play me in any of these games online you can just go ahead and send me a friend request and I will add you as a friend and I will play you. P.S. I don't do Wii U chat. See you online if I added you. Bye.
yungkrysis kollinz
im krysis become a friend, get to know me dont be shy. Age:16 injustice A.C , etc is the best i draw and write poems here and there
mini alex mimidee
Rainbows are a number not a colour
kj rideyboy78
Megaman557 aswartz2011
if anyone has questions about terraria just ask!
Founder3 founder3
Professional freelance illustration and branding artist. I love to relax to a good game and talk with current and aspiring artists of any medium.
La RANA perritaritzi1234
Que Show! Me dicen La Rana:3 hablo español<3 mi grupo musical favorito son The Beatles<3 Mi Danza favorita es el Bellydance:))-los juegos que tengo son Donkey Kong,New super Mario Bros.wiiu,Just Dance & Nintendoland! Bueno agreguen!:3 acepto wiiu chat & me encantaria ser su amiga espero & les guste mi perfil & que jueguen conmigo dn lineac: Sale bay!
Sovari Sovari
Host of a youtube group called the grid gamers and co owener, otherwise known as the grid, just here to be here and have fun, and to find us go look for grid gamers on youtube, love anime, cooking, books, manga, and gameing with friends. ^^
Blugrave Blugrave
Slice and Dice'm
imBATMAN aesopunk
parker pjspeed24
im very curious i have friends witch are sam ninja ray ray tom chili grim smily and tor i like marble tracks so if you have an idea for a marble track please write a picture on the comment that says the week you can draw a picture please give me a main idea for a story! i like warriors and please draw some warrior names and pics
yazzy yazzy00
Caleb CalebCox
Just TRY to beat me in a video game! I'll always win... unless I unexpectedly lose. Anyway, I'm a huge Nintendo fanatic. Need tips on a level or want info on upcoming games? Just ask. *Interesting things about me* • Collected over 80 in the box amiibo. • Submitted a winning entry in the final Smash Bros. photo contest. • Thinks Ridley should be in Smash Bros. • Nursing student.
Daniel92 gamersan
I've been a HUGE Nintendo fan all the way back to the Super Nintendo. My favorite game to play at the moment is Splatoon. Would like more friends so if you want to add me go ahead. I also play Smash & MK7
heron cruzfamily88
plz look at our youtube vids (Heron cruz) plz we love a new addition to the Gamer clan so plz check it out
Archie mind_combatant_0
Hello, I'm the Owner of Waluigi's Waabsite, he doesn't like commercials or own an organization, so he settled for a network. However, he doesn't know what to put on it yet, so it just goes through to mine currently!
Corentin Nolcolem
Salut j'ai 22 ans, j'ai la Switch, Wii U, Nintendo 3DS, Wii, la Nintendo DS et la Game Cube.
KingPanda awsomecool
Squidmark Skidmark
Welcome Earthling. For many years now I have lived amongst your people, watching, waiting, blending in, observing your customs and rituals, but most importantly - learning your weaknesses. It is clear to me that I can only rule this planet through conquest. Therefore it is my intent to defeat each and every one of you in the noble art of digital combat. Let the battles begin.
Kirbycool Kirbycool
Thought provoking comment!
Hi, welcome to my page. I love playing my Wii U games from Super Smash Bros. to Monster Hunter!
Hi, welcome to my page. I love playing my Wii U games from Super Smash Bros. to Monster Hunter!
Let's make Nintendo Great Again!