J-Wolf's Followers
gold sonia money_mon11
m y n a m e i s s o n i a n a m i a sisters : happy mask salesgirl raven from teen titans dat users bullying me i block you thanks for 600+ followers H E L P M E wiiU [X] active [] nonactive 3DS [] active [X] nonactive ( ._. ) also follow sid , hash , peach , and others i have followed.
Sonic letsdosonicspeed
hey guys im sonic and i draw sonic pictures trying to make you laugh so have a super sonic day. You can follow me. If you like roleplaying alright.
яøßłδxΐάΨ★ 123dogD123
hi :3 i like roblox minecraft my name on roblox is 123dogD122
Mario SUPERsonicguy123
Hey guys. It's a me, Mario. Here are some things about me: Likes: Mario and Harry Potter, Thomas and Friends. Dislikes: Roblox, Jake Paul, Mario + Rabbids, Thomas WOOD. Favorite Youtubers: Mr YK Animations, Tripolar, Logan Paul Vlogs, SuperMarioLogan, Turtles&Thomas, ThomasWoodenRailway, and Nintendo! Favorite Thomas Character: Edward. Fav Nintendo Characters: Mario, Luigi, Mr L, Yoshi Bye Peoplz
VicorίαBPR Victoriacece81
G 13 ans et mon but dans la vie c'est d'avoir ☆★380★☆ ABONNER.Abonner VOUS sur ma chaîne miiverse Funny acnl est mon cousin allez-vous abonner a Funny acnl c'est sur youtube pas sur miiverse Mes personnes préféré sont DynaBPR, et vous R.I.P MIIVERSE
ポテトマン oreganngi11
今回でミバの投稿はやめます! あまり投稿ができなかったけど1ヶ月でフォロワー300人も増えとても幸せでした! これからもスプラなどは続けていきますのでよろしくです! 自分を作ってくれたこの場所、皆さんに感謝あるのみです! 皆さんが素敵な日々をお送りすることをねがっています。 ありがとう(^o^) さようなら! そして、、 「また会う日まで」(^_^)
.:RETRO:. RetroTechno
*Insert edgy self deprication* .:I'm Retro Techno, but you can call me Retro, or Jocie! I'm a 14 year old girl with a love of video games, writing, and composing!:. .:STAY EPIC:.
Jelly Cat~ XxFancycatxX
Hello everone my name is Angelica but my friends and family call me jelly. I'm 14. I love anime and drawing. I also LOVE SPLATOON2. I'm kinda sad and REALLY MAD at nintendo for releasing their new system a few mounts after I got my 3DS XL. Thanks for poking my face~ And here's a cookie~ And yes I'm emo~ Could you tell
JonRetro retrog97
† Welcome to my profile! Not much time is left for Miiverse... So let's the most of these last days!
~Dana~ danastarr02
Awesome people I'd like to thank: Tanna, Mercedes, Luma, Puff, Alexandra, KidProdigy, Λndısıt, GOOM, ‡Shy guy‡, Sarah, RoadRaven, RK, RunneR, Bowsergirl, Theresa, Betty, Jilly, Hamza, Sir, ShelbyYuki, Luigi-GS, Bluepanzer, Kevin, Logan, √Alex², A.J, Kitty, BJCC, Jack, Peacock, Lumy, Steven, Shadowolf, and Artisquid.
nina serenity200512
hello, im nina. i love anime, my fave anime is Tokyo Ghoul. i like pizza. i am 14. i am lazy. and i like minecraft. B Y E
Shadow koopantoad
I'm Shadow The Hedgehog Sonic's Rival. I have 4 play-throughs. I play Sonic Generations on Fridays. My Favorite Ride Is Rock N Roller Coaster. I'm Gonna Miss You Guys.
diego diegogabriel2017
hola soy diego ami megusta ayudar alas pobres y me gusta aser amigos se qieren aser mi amigos seria una amistad buena bueno los qiero mucho y tambien puedo controlar el agua solo un poquito pero estío apendido a y tambien puedo hablar en todos los idomas como chino y ítalano en ect tengo 8 años megusta viejar y amar mi comoda favorita es pizza,tacos,ensaladaypollo con papas me despido los amo
Anto 74 anneneto74
salut bienvenue sur mon profil j acsept les demande d ami . je vais tout les jour sur miiverse
Pipe starfalconshy
Adam ajbrycee
Sasuke SonSasuke17
Stuff I Like: Pretty Much Almost All Nintendo Franchises (Mainly Legend Of Zelda) Sonic Kingdom Hearts Anime (Dragon Ball,Naruto,SAO,Bleach,Soul Eater,Inuyasha,Heavens Lost Property,RWBY,Fairy Tail,Deadman Wonderland,Rosario+Vampire) Drawing Youtube(Markiplier,Jacksepticeye,TheGamersJoint,Lord Frieza,Girku,Prince Vegeta) Horror Games (Slender-Man,Fnaf,Batim)Thats All K O K Bye ^^
Freddy FreddyFazBear250
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ash Ashwielder
hey i'm ash. i know we have a few days left here and i met great people and i made awesome friends and i made awesome memorys. i hope you guys never forget me. btw this was my first social media. it's time for a new chapter for ash's team with friends new and old.
sore link iceraizer
I IM A MEOWSTER HUNTER!! meow meow meow meow meow btw palicos will rule
javier Reivaj890
Hi everybody!!! Heres javier!!! Anime and videogames are my world Favorite animes: .Dragon ball super .High school of the death .Death note .Watamote .One punch man .HunterxHunter(1999) .Bleach .Jojo´s bizarre adventure. .Saint seiya My favorite miiverse artist: .ZEBRA .Oscar .Amako/mona .Robocop™ .The driz .Shmeepy .Ukato .ºRayDangoº .Cheese .Cudlsworth i love draw ^w^ welcome to my profile.
☆L.SONIC☆ deonm12
Hi i'm Light Sonic i'm back from my vacation i was fighting with the Legendary Blue Luigi amiibo we've team up to fight the Noid for some reason with power of the Steen Retrospective: Lime Soul. enough about that hope you guys have a awesome day.
Jasmine CMFBtheFirst
Wassup my boi . It seems i came to mv really late. welp here's some facts about meh/me age:12 friends on mv: Trinity,Cheli 2 ,Carmel,Nin★Noah family on mv:samanth ,Destiny May,and Maria also im hispanic If your still here your a freak XD BF:none so ask while you can 3 post left so i'll talk through this love ya bye
PB and J PeetaBread2212
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アシストゆうと tkyjoni
Pitch*~* SYDNEY34611
Hi *hisses*im Pitch i guess Please save Miiverse Nintendo You probably wont change your mind though.... Fav Animal:Giant squid Fav food:Corn flakes Fav thing:Her cloak Shoutouts: Trudru[amazing friend] LeifAlmighty [The creator of Darkside] SS☆Arrow:[BFF:3] Dit:awesome artist Crush:Coolest MV dino i know[also the ONLY mv dino i know M^®!O:PONKEYS! My goal is 600 Follows!
Gil TheOfficialGil
Hey boys #SAVEMIIVERSE I have 13 years old. I love lego and Formule one. I practice Triathlon. And I am French...Yes French... Like my draw and follow my. 😎
Janaye Jazmin2345
Name:Janaye the Hedgehog also I like making new friends on miiverse and doing rp's one more thing,I am great Artist also I make my characters out of pipecleaners and tin foil also and I make Youcou shorts on this profile be sure 2 see them all!more coming soon!
Neko :3 Hobbies11
Well todays the last day .......ill miss you all and im so grateful for all my followers Happy Early Thanks Giving :3
Zorua emanuel1987
HELLO LOVELY Friends PLEASE FEEL FREE TO FOLLOW OR SEND Friends Request I LIKE ever oasis DRAGONS KIRBY FOXES pokemon UNDERTALE GURREN LAGANN dorumon chibisuke FLAMMIE (secret of mana) O.CS/pokesonas/fursonas COLE THE DRAGON♂ climax THE Dutch Angel Dragon♂ (wip) nexus the Zorua/dorumon/dragon♂ lighting horns♀ (MLP) FRIENDS/need to follow NOAH THE ANTHRO ZINORGE Dark★Umbry Quirk Wolfstar
rush dog☆★ Blackrose5911
♪its only magic is it amzing when you now♪ every part you see of me is 24 coneted pieces thank you for coming thank for you stay thank you for watching the show♪ um.... thats it leave oh um... here have love★☆★☆ ^_o bye have a cookie ★
ρнΘεБε Pho343
Hallo du hast mich erschroken! Ich bin Phoebe(=Fibi) und ich liiiiebe creepypasta! uh... kannst du es übrehub-ü-b-e-r-h-a-u-b-t so! *kichert* kannst du das überhaubt lesen, endlich! Pah! Ich bin 12 jahre alt und nyah-PEEP- Ich bin 12 jahre alt und male sehr gerne!(jede zeichnung ist auf 2ds) Wie ihr es glaubich mitgekrik-MITGEKT *lacht leise* MIT-GE-KRIGT habt kann ich nicht richtig reden *Lacht*
M. Simpson davdim
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вrandoп™ Pikaagoonn36
katelyn katelyn1119
hi im katelyn. i love cats and pugs. splatoon is my favorite game but i also play other games to. i also like pokemon i like snivy and charizard best. science is my favorite subject. i like all my friends and everbody else to. so thats it thanks for seeing my profile bye! also recruiting members to my SS☆clan where we defeat woomy! our motto: if woomys try they DIE.. bye miiverse!!
•☆Sugar☆• paprri
Steen ShinyStarKat
Hi it's Steen (check out my final thoughts) thank you all so much I'm glad to have been a part of Miiverse, even at least for a bit I met some really cool people here glad to have entertained you all with my little doodles see you all real soon remember to appreciate Pikango Sam entrusted me with the Steve Fan Club "My journey...is on the horizon..." -Pikango Her name is Shiny
Well, this is it. The very last day. I honestly thought it wouldn't come so soon but I guess thin...
Well, this is it. The very last day. I honestly thought it wouldn't come so soon but I guess things happen... I'm glad I got to meet all of you on my journey and I've improved in my art. Thanks for everything guys, have a good life and I hope we'll meet again. This message has been Jan-approved. Love you guys <3