Users J-Wolf Is Following
★Kittycat★ Snowbelle96
Hello strangers it's nice to meet you ^¬^ I love anime, drawing and music. I'm a huge DeepSeaPrisoner fan. Ivlis is my favorite ^o^ ( ) Occasional drawing requests. For more details just ask I'm usually pretty friendly.
Tyler(Bye) TylerGoodbyeMV :^( TylerZ1184 Goodbye
gold sonia money_mon11
m y n a m e i s s o n i a n a m i a sisters : happy mask salesgirl raven from teen titans dat users bullying me i block you thanks for 600+ followers H E L P M E wiiU [X] active [] nonactive 3DS [] active [X] nonactive ( ._. ) also follow sid , hash , peach , and others i have followed.
я¢м★Trist pkfantristan1333
Hello everyone, I'm Tristan. (On Switch.) I'm 16 years old and autistic. I really enjoyed Miiverse, and hope you had a great time. Tw!tter: @TristanGroff Inst@: tristan.groff
C.J. adventureshock24
Hiya everyone! im C.J. A.K.A Adventureshock24! I love Pokémon, Kirby, Minecraft, gaming in general, Thanks for reading this, and remember..ADVENTURE ON!!! <(^˛^)′(Are you happy now?)
Adventure on! hiya. im C.J.! this is my 2nd profile. im way more active on my 3ds one. so if you are interested, go to my other profile! i also have a youtube channel!
ggk3 ggk3george
Hi, I'm ggk3! My real name is George. I'm from Greece. I play MK7 online and post teasers! You could check them out! I am also a great Ace Attorney fan! :D If you like my posts, feel free to follow me! This is my MK7 community code: 66-5591-3272-3372! You could join!
Red RedShiny
Hi there!(そこにこんにちは!)(๑•́ ω •̀๑) I love to play Pokemon! (私はポケモンをプレイするのが大好き!)(ノ^∇^) I like to draw Pokemon and other things as well! :) (私は描くのが大好き!) ~ *Currently Studying!(*私は現在、勉強しています。) Reading "ハイキュー!!" (私は読んでいます"ハイキュー!!") Bye then! (さようなら!) +Thanks for reading my Profile, too! :D *"I love to Yeah-bomb you b/c you're interesting!"* -Red (~赤) 自分の日本語は少し悪いです。ご理解下さい。(^_^;) {私は手書きの日本語を読むこ}
Chelsea Mewsea
For lack of better words to say, hi. :D My name's Chelsea, but some people call me Chels. I tend to draw on here, so expect a lot of cute, Pokemon-related stuff. Yeahs/comments/follows are not necessary, but are always greatly appreciated, thank you. :) And remember: being popular does not make you a better person/artist/whatever. I see too many good people forget about that. Makes me sad. :c
Charlyn nancycoach
Sara leopard20
piece of haikyuu and osomatsu-san trash man my old posts are cringey af im working on deleting them
evan bigtiger215
i love sports and playing video games especially on my 2ds.
©®© bmstars565
【11/7追記】 今まで共感&フォローありがとうございました 他のSNSは多分しないのでここでお別れです ちなみにお気に入りの一枚は好みのポケモンです 主に1990年代のゲームをプレイしてきました その当時のゲーム音楽が好きでよく聴き特に 植松伸夫氏、伊藤賢治氏、桜庭統氏の曲が好み
★200投稿になったら、初期化にします ←理由は、通報されたからです。 自分本意で本当にすいません。私をフォロしている皆さんには、大変迷惑おかけしてしまいますが見かけたら、必ずフォロしますので、どうか宜しくお願いします。 正確のハンネは、ともK!ですがほとんどの人がこの!←ビックリマークが見れてない気がしますοΟΩωΩΟο大泣き。。。 コミュニケーション力は今は全くないですが、皆さんが不快な気持ちにならないよう気をつけていきたいと思います!! 只今コミュニケーション力錬 成中ですБ>Д<Ъ筋トレ。。。 これからも皆さんと仲良くそして楽しくミーバースをやっていきたいので、宜しくお願いします^^ゝよぉろぉしぃ9ー!!。。。
Joshi Donutkoopa
Blue, blue. Hullo, I'm Joshi! The random bi Everyguy and Amateur voice actor with a liking for F-ZERO, Mega Man and BIONICLE (Yeah, anyone remember them?) I like drawing, if you couldn't tell by looking at my posts, even if I can't draw at all. Please, if you send me a friend request, please include a reason. A good one. I also Wii U chat.
Otaku DangoDaikozaku
Hmm, spelled Daikazoku wrong Clannad fans, you may now kill me ; ^; SUMMER, SO NOT IN COLLEGE FOR NOW, BOIYYYZZZ~ Requests: - empty... for now, mwahahahaa, or so you think! *Yume- Luka and iii *Evan - Genderbent Princess OC Alex - Smiling Marshad Leave comments, follow if u want, and schtuff σuσ 2600+ Followers!?!? Other NNID:ArcanaTheFool
Matt Yoshi-Arceus
ウルトラしゅんしゅん shun0328
【好きな物】東方、マリオなど 【ミバ友】Ryua#さん、デージーさん、オウガさんなど 【ミバ家族】Ryua#さん、オウガさん、ゆうたさん、ピノさん [お知らせ] フォロワーを550人突破!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [自己紹介] こんにちは!スーパーしゅんしゅんでーす! フォローしたら、返しますので、フォローお願いします!! ぜひとも、フォロー、コメントよろしくお願いします!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(\^∀^/)
ササエタマエ gonzarez
I love Nintendo sooooooooooo much!!! I have almost games released by Nintendo! I can speak most of Nintendo Games! 任天堂を心の底から愛してます。 メジャーマイナー関わらずファミコンから現在までの任天ゲーほぼ10割プレイ。 色々お話できると思います。 ハピナス道場とかニンテン村とかマリオメーカーとかで何やかんや名前が広まってしまったのですが、本人は至って普通に楽しんでるつもりです。 ミーバースもマイペースで投稿しているので、あまりご希望やご期待には添えないかもしれません。 ちなみに、名前とMiiの由来はMOTHER3の敵キャラクターです。 他のSNSやゲームでは違う名前(ゴンザレスとかニンテンとかカルタとか)でやっております。
makya makyaannfranklin
Chynobi Alphorason
You guys can ask me anything Pokémon related, including drawing requests, Pokémon science, and even about the amazing card game! I've been a Pokémon fan since Generation I; what about you? :) Just to let people who are curious know what I like. Pokémon: Mega Mewtwo Y/Terrakion Band: The Beatles Vocaloid: KAITO/Len Kagamine Colour: Deep Majesty Blue Hobby: Artist/ Composer/ Linguist Type: Psychic
YaGirlRuby TeamSkullRuby
Who's the girl who'll beat ya down without mercy? Ya gurl Ruby of course! It's pretty funny seeing weak pokemon shiver when Kommo-o's out on the field! Make sure to join Team Skull! And follow @Guzma, @Leith, @Cage, @Kally, @Yami and @Ondine! @Kally is the dark maid of Team Skull and @RileyRiolu is our strongest grunt yet! HeartofBug is me X Guzma... He's just too cute! >//v//<
papyrus sphaghetti985436
NHEH HEH HEH!! IT IS I THE GREAT PAPYRUS HELLO HUMANS! favourite food: spaghetti favourite hobby:mettaton (mettaton: :o ) worst thing: sans' jokes I HOPE SHE MADE LOTS OF SPAGHETTI!!!
½ H.B Yes_this_is_H.B
~H.B's (WolfAmongRoses) backup account~ This account is fairly inactive for the most part, do keep that in mind. This account is mainly used to draw O.Cs, mainly from the pokemon manga I sorta drew and is currently unfinished on my main. Old and new pokemon manga are at the top of my yeahs for easy finding. Enjoy looking through my drawings~ Thanks for reading! n_n
Red jbh777
Hi, I'm Red, a gamer who loves Pokémon! I love playing Pokémon and sharing my experiences! Most people don't read past this part so how about a history lesson. Boss Ross was an army Sergeant before he started painting. After serving, he taught himself how to paint and adopted a very zen lifestyle. He also adopted many injured wild animals and raised them as pets. He sadly passed away in the 90s.
Jetheart Ω AceofTempest
With Miiverse ending soon, I want to cover some of my favourite feats and give some thanks: Most Popular post: Book Dragon (Drawing) Favourite Review: Xenoblade Chronicles Favourite Drawing: Johnny Cash Geodude Favourite Anime Analysis: De@th Note Thanks to Joules, Silvereye/Gp Silver, H.B and her friends, JohnnyTLP and everyone who gave me a yeah, for making miiverse worthwhile.
Dumbo DumboK
"Apples rule. If it weren't for a conspiracy of the fruit manufacturers, we'd all have apples." ・ Sorry, I can't follow anymore (1000 limit). ・ May get lost in notifications/activity feed. ・ May run out of 30 comments. ・ May not manage to keep track of all yeahs received. ・ May not accept random friend requests. ・ May often not be on the Wii U. ・ May like April May. ・ Thanks for the support!
Swindle SoManyMegaStones
"Expect betrayal and your friends won't disappoint you". ~Slugfest As the NNID implies, I have tons of Mega Stones. To be specific: - 342 XY Mega Stones - 204 ORAS Mega Stones - 546 Total Mega Stones - 10 Orbs Not much to say about myself. I like solitude and quiet, and despise basically everyone I don't know, or should I say, don't want to know. Sorry, not sorry.
Sonic letsdosonicspeed
hey guys im sonic and i draw sonic pictures trying to make you laugh so have a super sonic day. You can follow me. If you like roleplaying alright.
яøßłδxΐάΨ★ 123dogD123
hi :3 i like roblox minecraft my name on roblox is 123dogD122
Scrafty☆ KatBowser
I'm going to miss you Miiverse. Thanks to you, I found good friends. I appreciate all of them. ☆ Hecc Rip in peace Miiverse ☆ :^)
OmegaBrawl smashking342
OmegaBrawl here. Im just a guy who likes SSB and more stuff than that. Age: 17 -I do stuff :P, I laugh at memes (I laugh at most things) this... yep, soo -Im not much of a talker and I can be a bit shy at times. I don't really understand much things but no! Im not duuuh -Anyone challenges moi, your on! -Favorite youtubers: Markiplier, Dashiexp, H2O Delirious, more. -Yee Welp, good day :3
Deed.Daise Daise611
Heya its me! *Fnaf reference intended I am puns main child: Łμçú§ Aaaany-ways im a youtube addict and so im absolute trash. My main o.cs are: Fluffy *just call him that Stitches *the edge bae-by And me Kill me I have insomnia and crippleing depression I hate doctors and puppeteers Done DON'T SHIP ME WITH BEN DROWNED! ENOUGH!
Mario SUPERsonicguy123
Hey guys. It's a me, Mario. Here are some things about me: Likes: Mario and Harry Potter, Thomas and Friends. Dislikes: Roblox, Jake Paul, Mario + Rabbids, Thomas WOOD. Favorite Youtubers: Mr YK Animations, Tripolar, Logan Paul Vlogs, SuperMarioLogan, Turtles&Thomas, ThomasWoodenRailway, and Nintendo! Favorite Thomas Character: Edward. Fav Nintendo Characters: Mario, Luigi, Mr L, Yoshi Bye Peoplz
VicorίαBPR Victoriacece81
G 13 ans et mon but dans la vie c'est d'avoir ☆★380★☆ ABONNER.Abonner VOUS sur ma chaîne miiverse Funny acnl est mon cousin allez-vous abonner a Funny acnl c'est sur youtube pas sur miiverse Mes personnes préféré sont DynaBPR, et vous R.I.P MIIVERSE
ポテトマン oreganngi11
今回でミバの投稿はやめます! あまり投稿ができなかったけど1ヶ月でフォロワー300人も増えとても幸せでした! これからもスプラなどは続けていきますのでよろしくです! 自分を作ってくれたこの場所、皆さんに感謝あるのみです! 皆さんが素敵な日々をお送りすることをねがっています。 ありがとう(^o^) さようなら! そして、、 「また会う日まで」(^_^)
.:RETRO:. RetroTechno
*Insert edgy self deprication* .:I'm Retro Techno, but you can call me Retro, or Jocie! I'm a 14 year old girl with a love of video games, writing, and composing!:. .:STAY EPIC:.
Jelly Cat~ XxFancycatxX
Hello everone my name is Angelica but my friends and family call me jelly. I'm 14. I love anime and drawing. I also LOVE SPLATOON2. I'm kinda sad and REALLY MAD at nintendo for releasing their new system a few mounts after I got my 3DS XL. Thanks for poking my face~ And here's a cookie~ And yes I'm emo~ Could you tell
★ρσкεήεгd☆ vannie2005
Meloetta used Relic Song! A beautiful melody flows with the wind~ Meloetta transformed! Meloetta dances along with the melody~ Hoi! im a pokemon nerd (as you can tell) and i pretty much just draw pokemon. And YES, even tho Im, like, the BIGGEST pokemon fan, I also like Yo-Kai Watch. STAHP JUDGING ME DANGIT. Go follow my bro! He goes by Jacoob. :> Follow me if you want... K bai~♪
nina serenity200512
hello, im nina. i love anime, my fave anime is Tokyo Ghoul. i like pizza. i am 14. i am lazy. and i like minecraft. B Y E
~Dana~ danastarr02
Awesome people I'd like to thank: Tanna, Mercedes, Luma, Puff, Alexandra, KidProdigy, Λndısıt, GOOM, ‡Shy guy‡, Sarah, RoadRaven, RK, RunneR, Bowsergirl, Theresa, Betty, Jilly, Hamza, Sir, ShelbyYuki, Luigi-GS, Bluepanzer, Kevin, Logan, √Alex², A.J, Kitty, BJCC, Jack, Peacock, Lumy, Steven, Shadowolf, and Artisquid.
Well, this is it. The very last day. I honestly thought it wouldn't come so soon but I guess thin...
Well, this is it. The very last day. I honestly thought it wouldn't come so soon but I guess things happen... I'm glad I got to meet all of you on my journey and I've improved in my art. Thanks for everything guys, have a good life and I hope we'll meet again. This message has been Jan-approved. Love you guys <3