Morowensa's Play Journal

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User's Nintendo Network ID: Morowensa



10/30/2017 12:44 PM

I can't do this game without my pattern: get on Splatoon, "yeah" posts in the plaza, get on Miiverse within the first few minutes, draw, and actually play never...



09/11/2017 7:49 PM

Sorry for my inactivity! I've been rushing to do a whole week of homework so I don't have to do homework on my vacation! Stay fresh! XP



07/04/2017 4:21 PM

That's right-- It came early. This fellow is referring to the annual vanquishing of the beast that all US citizens must participate in. We can only use our bare hands or guns. That's why people in ...



05/10/2017 1:45 AM

Fest was bigger, was bigger. And you, you are not me. The lengths that I have gone to, the teams that I have joined-- Oh no, I've said too much. I set it up. That's me in the plaza. That's me in th...



05/09/2017 12:21 PM

I can't prove it, but I was riiiight... Game Theory on YouTube demonstrated that we are squids, not kids! Here is a request Diddybound did for me based on this screenshot, a maniacally laughing squ...



04/22/2017 7:07 PM

Anyone care to share the "woomy" with a young artist doing a drawing contest? He needs more entries! Feel free to take a dive and make me look good! I mean, what would the Great Zapfish do? Well, i...



01/19/2017 5:34 PM

Don't worry, kid. Even if you started believing in equality, I'm sure you would still manage to be awful. Really, your whole awful is ahead of you. These are small matters compared to the awful tha...



12/13/2016 1:35 PM

Let the sniper trio here be a sad reminder to the eldersquid, a warning to the newblings. Playing as a sniper in Turf War is shellfish. You don't want to be shellfish, do you? *gazes into an uncert...



12/06/2016 9:25 PM

♪ Cellophane, Missus Cellophane Should have been my name, Missus Cellophane Senpai can look right through me Walk right by me and never know I'm there! ♪ *wiggles diamond-studded bowler hat*



11/27/2016 4:57 PM

Don't look now. Perp 1 is explaining to Perp 2 how to bend Splatoon stages with lag. The White Coat Ghosts have been a notorious Inkopolis gang for many minutes. You can't splat what is already tel...



11/20/2016 12:31 AM

Shout-out to this group for giving me the worst, most one-sided match I've ever had. You guys really outdid yourselves. I'd like to thank the folks on my team for inking 100, 200, and 300-something...



09/26/2016 2:52 PM

Shellcome to my soon-to-be clawterly fundraiser ball for puns! Our porpoise here is to dig deep and get as much as we clam so that underserved jokes whale have a chance in Inkopolis.



09/06/2016 7:25 PM

This is too funny. You can't throw a traffic cone in my plaza without hitting three inklings who are upset about being students. Being of the teachery persuasion and fond of cooking, I'm making a d...



09/06/2016 1:41 PM

What happens to a dream deferred? Does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? Or fester like a sore-- And then run? Does it stink like rotten meat? Or crust and sugar over-- like a syrupy sweet? Maybe...



09/01/2016 6:18 PM

I must pay tribute to this Japanese squid kid who was an excellent teammate and Miiverse artist. Not the strangely yet intensely fresh one on the left, but the squid girl. He might've been good too...



08/31/2016 7:49 PM

Captain's log, star date 1NK-3R: Half the crew has taken ill with an insidious infection known as Squid Partying. The other half is suffering from severe strain from repeated eyerolling. I'm afraid...



08/16/2016 8:23 PM

I must say, man, you let me down. I expected this "got tested for allergies" to be a setup for a joke, but you gave me no "turns out I was allergic to cold hands," or anything. Disappoint, sir, dis...



08/04/2016 7:49 PM

Agreed. I want to be so good at this game that my team looks at me the way my cats look at a moth circling a light fixture. "There used to be a greying tower alone on the sea./ You became the light...



07/31/2016 10:00 PM

I suggest not using this song with the word "ink" in this manner, ma'am. I propose a general refraining of inkifying this line. *COUGH* "I want to be... your ink splatter... Why don't you 'Booyah' ...



07/28/2016 10:01 PM

Splat-splat, I was playin' Splatoon./ I should've been doing work./ Splish-splash crammin' ink down their throats./ Taking turf and ignorin' work.



07/25/2016 11:34 PM

IKR, Dawn? Team Dog is enjoying another win, but I have a question for them: Are your dogs this entertaining? My female cat somehow took an empty trash bag out of a bin upstairs, loudly ran/fell/sp...



07/23/2016 11:43 AM

Played for an hour with (probably one-sided) bff Ralle, Sonniku''), and Chouxfleur, and only lost to a Callie team! A good roller, a good marksman, and hideous button-grinding revenge against the e...