Morowensa's Followers
Milo supermilobro
Oh man, I can't believe the end of Miiverse is already here. We've had a good run and its been great getting to meet you all. I hope to see you all again soon. Thank you all for the support and may God bless you!:)
*☆Lydia☆*☆ megarocker911
Kenta sekaino-kenta
Hello. Let's talk about Team Kirby Clash.
Lunaris Anje777
Hi i'm lolinuni i love super smash bros and yeah.. i'm autistic so plz be nice to me also kampingo i blocked you! LOL! :)
Crystal rdash369
Hey, I'm Crystal and,14 yrs, I like art a lot! And I love Splatoon SO MUCH! I'm friendly, I won't bite. God bless you all. :3 Please, I don't accept blank friend request. I have the Switch. :P
Leire Leirotta
Ohayo ma betches,soy Leire!.Si te gusta Yo-kai Watch y Pokemon,¡bienvenido! Mi youtuber megafavorito es LuzuGames. :D Los yo-kais son Darknyan,Hovernyan,Aracnio,Kyubi e Injustio Y los pokemons son Latias,Latios,Raichu,Snivy,Flareon,Weavile y Lucario. Metas: 100√ 150√ 200√ 250√ 300√ 350√ 400√ 450 500 550 ¡Adios! Saga fav de pkmn:Pokemon Negra 1 y 2. (los tng en la DSi)
イカッチュー pia-0621
ale alexandro-2088
hi!! I'm alex and you can call me alex. I would love everyone who are going to follow me!! enjoy!!!!!!
★Panda☆ koryc73
#TeamCallie Dear Callie, You are the best squidsister ever! So I hope you win, for one time I wish Marie was evil and not you I hope you come back!!! so I need you to know I love you Callie! Love, Agent 4 ♥♡♥♡♥♡ Callie: Wow! *Sob* I-I love you too, forever and ever!! Agent 4 you are like Marie you guys care about me! Marie: We love you!
Sal Coldsteel6r
I love Legend of Zelda!!!!
sg~Jesse☆★ Manar_Monarch
˙ˇ˙ ˙˘˙ ˙^˙ ▲▼i'm just a normal person that likes drawing ill maybe post every once a week or more▲▼ ˙ˇ˙ online : idk do you know? who knows?
Matthew Z.E.R.0_6
Hi my name is matthew and i... do nothing ·_· soooooo i usually play with my Wii U because something is wrong with 3ds i can't hear anything
antoine Guillian56
hola amigo
かりん gomennnasai410
ミバがある限り此処に居ると思うので・・・騎士様?ミバがなくなりますよ 二年間本当に、いっぱい支えてもらいました、沢山の絆が出来ました 同じ事は繰り返したくない、でもまた繰り返すのでしょう・・・ この絆を持って、青い鳥に引っ越します 永らく自戒を込めてフレリクを受けない設定にしていましたが解除してます 相変わらずフレンドさんと上手く付き合える自信はありません、御免なさい それでも良ければヨロシクです、出来たら相互さん以上絡みのある方で そんな物好きな方、無言は怖いので何かメッセお願です m(_ _)m あと、太古の昔に成人済み! ゲームは下手くそです!
teresina10 ottawa66
cari amici coniglietti visto che molti di voi mi conoscono e altri no sono teresa (questo é il mio vero nome) oggi ho voluto chiamarvi così perché mi sembrava molto carino come voi (ovviamente) ma se non vi piace oppure ho copiato qualcuno diventate miei amici e ditemelo approposito seguite la mia amica shira(ID clarissa02002 e possiamo raggiungere i........200 followers? grazie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
スゲワカメ kafe_kimu
miiverse *フレンドs、メッセで話してくれてアリガト。 *フォローしてくれてアリガト。 *レギュラー、プラベ、タグマに合流してくれてアリガト。 *アリガト話してくれて。 ミバのbgmを聞くたびにあなたの事を思い出す。 メッセ見るたびにあなたの事を思い出す。 本アカmiiverse開始日 2017年5月 サブアカmiiverse開始日 2017年9月 []--------------------キリトリ------------------------[] もう一週間くらいで終わってしまう・・・。 最後にミバの親友を言います・・・。ちぇぽ(ミズ)ちぇぽと呼んでいます。 ·'΄こんなのと話してくれてアリガト·'΄ 多分これ以上は投稿しないと思いますが、なるべく、投稿するようにはします。共感も。 []-----サヨナラ-----[] サヨナラmiiverse・・・
Moochie GeneMoochie
Hey! You can call me Gene or Moochie. I love Zelda games, RPGs, puzzle games, & Mario. Splatoon! Get fresh, bro! Friend me & we'll play together! I'm a huge baseball fan - let's go, Giants! I like working out, hiking, reading, playing guitar, & writing. Sloths are my favorite animal. They're just so awesome! I'm Catholic Christian. I don't Wii U chat. Thanks for stopping by! :D
Crispy swagmaster297
Profile comment hidden by admin.
Jacob Jvoss62000
Hello... It's been an absolute pleasure fulfilling most of your requests, and I would like make a personal shout out, before I say goodbye, to quite possibly my greatest supporter and miiverse friend; Montana... Goodbye Miiverse...
0(ΟωΟ)0 legomasty
HI this is sangle and i love to draw, definitely play games, comment, etc. And this is when you start to think why am i still reading this?!?!?! lol (^U').Well see ya later and have a good day/night!!!
A7 victini09
Hi I Love Minecraft & Splatoon My life Is About Video Games Since I Was 4 Yrs Old 1/28/2007 Is My B-Day So If You Want To Play Minecraft Splatoon & Smash I Will! I Have Dustin lawilson Riley Jon Lucy Pacoto Tess And More Friends (100) I Have A 2DS & Friend Me To Play Minecraft Splatoon & Super Smash Bros 4 WiiU With Me! I ♥ You All My Best Friends+Followers! My Line Is: #Im HeroKitty!☆★♥ \(^.^)/
janito luchito_79
Soy un jugador tranquilo y alegre fanático de los video juegos,amo mucho a mi familia . Me encataria jugar : Zelda:Breath of the Wild.
izzy joannaisthebest
hey yall just your local flop,lmao 15 y.o~ wii u is litt~ series/shows are litt too~ memes are my life!~ leo~ les~ fangirl~ lazyaSs~ i love black nail polish ik its emo but so am i~ and i absolutely love making new friends,so make sure to hmu :`)
Dekux2 Joelswag420
Splatoon is the BEST! Hello everyone. I like playing games. I like drawing a lot i'm pretty good at it. I draw stuff on Miiverse mostly in Splatoon I will like to make friends and play online games with people around the world. Also, Rock Music is Awesome!
B U G G O LillaKnight
あんこ 1929ayuto
はい。どうも。あんちゃんです。 僕はスプラをしています。 好きな武器は、カーボンローラーとスシコラとスプラスコープです。 苦手な武器はリッター3Kとかハイドラントとか色々です。 ウデマエはSです。 あとフォローなどよろしくです。
ňĺğħł☆βφγ★ aidendox
hi guys ilke to play splatoon minecraft and youtube or sometimes mario kart 8 and my name is aiden and if u follow me i'll follow u and my birthday is not the 11/22 its the 12/17
Mati_64 Pencastudios
Hola soy Matias! me gusta dibujar,ver cartoons/anime leer comics y los juegos de Nintendo. ◆Santiago,Chile ◆Wii / Wii U/ 3DS ◆age:15 ◆I speak english too :^) ◆Juegos favoritos: Smash Bros y Yoshi Island S E E Y O U S P A C E C O W B O Y ... que wea estas leyendo
orenji machinaorenji
Hi there! It's dangerous to go alone! ;) I am a fan of all things Legend of Zelda. Also enjoyed the Super Mario Galaxy series. Lately you can catch me inking up the place in Splatoon. See you at the splat zone!
logen RubixCube16
hi im SS★logan loywl member of SS lets play im 10 im a boy
A Loser Dap_God
lalala♪ -ya -Pan -that's all I love them all! (not in order): -Jamie (˙˘˙) -Rachel (>:7 ) -Jacob (;-;) -Roana (>~<) -Danny (>v<) -Shy Max (ó-ó) -Cameron (^_^) -Kendrick ('~') - Jman (^˛^) Splatoon squad ♥: Amaya (Jamie) Anna (Danny) Sunny (Roana) Neon (mine) personal favorite: Yui (Adam) ♥♥ they're all mineee >:7 jk but like seriously don't hurt em. lalala♪
shaneo mac deanambroseandro
name is shaneo mac 13 years old born 12th may in love with wwe. I want to become an actor and a wrestler thinking for singing too and i want to be selena gomez future boyfriend friends~CHRIS.J,kody and connorjr$$,★harriet★X..and follow my gf nikita thx favourite singer~lucy hale,selena gomez,taylor swift,ed sherran. favourite wrestler~dean ambrose,seth rollins,roman reigns,john cena etc.
●ßσ • eи● Artgirl2021
P I N K S E A S O N F R I E D N O O D L E S (If you don't know what those two phrases above mean, it is not your time yet.) Please ignore my old cringy posts..(they're h o r r i b l e)
KingAce255 KingAce256
I'm nice an I'm also a grown up also friendly once u get to know me.Love making new friends were ever I go.So if u enjoy gaming as much as I do lets play to make friends and have fun and if u do add me as a friend please follow me and ill follow you thanks.READY TO GAME P.S. JUST A REMINDER I DON'T VIDEO CHAT SO IF U WANNA CHAT WITH ME JUST PUT IT IN MESSAGE
Sapphire FrizzRizz
Thank you, i'll say goodbye, soon... though it's the end of the world, don't blame yourself, now. And if it's true, i will surround you, and give life to a world. that's our own. I COULDN'T HELP IT I HAD TO
Hello! I'm going to use Miiverse until the BITTER END, and I'll wear black because I'm in mournin...
Hello! I'm going to use Miiverse until the BITTER END, and I'll wear black because I'm in mourning. I try to draw what makes me laugh, and I hope it works for you. Please check out who I'm following!♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥