Ruri's Followers
レシラム ShopLove
新堂 悠平は、ドバイ生まれの韓国とオーストラリアとカンボジアの国籍の娯楽人。備考:サイシャット族系韓国人。父はプノンペン生まれ。母は神戸市生まれ。エキゾチックで、仮面ライダー×スーパー戦隊 超スーパーヒーロー大戦で本人役で出演。2011年、17歳で電人ザボーガーを連載した。母方の祖母は、日本人。父祖母方の曽祖父は琉球民族系イギリス人。父祖母方の曽祖母はアイヌ系イギリス人。父方の祖父と母方の祖父は混血。父方の祖父はシドニー生まれ。母方の祖父はサンフランシスコ生まれ。両親の仕事の都合で、両親が住んでる時にドバイで生まれた。ポケットモンスター ベストウィッシュ エピソードNにて、本人役で出演。中国語が話せる。英語も日本語も出来る。所持しているコミックスや、ゲームソフトやDVDやCDの数は様々。仮面ライダードラゴンナイトに出演。中国、香港、台湾の名義は朱 貞昌。日本の名義は、新堂 悠平。それである
Henri HenriMarasigan
Mommy's Spaghetti (•3•) *Mama mia* (•>•)
Zach……………… noswal1990
hello i been gaming since the nes/SNES era, enjoy my post and have a good time.
Sebastian PurpleGuyzGrapez
mehhhh im not intresting.uh i like fnaf black butler anime and other pretty quiet other acc:Ciel
Kyapi KingKyapi
Dark Soul~ ElleIsLife
Celeste inuyasha1078
Hello im Celeste and now that your on my profile you have to follow me Jk↑↑↑↑ Things About Me: -Im very very single -Im not a fan of annoying others -I love cookies -I also love looking at the stars★ -When im bored i like cooking for everyone. -My age _ _ -My true friend is Ninja [real name sam] \(0~0)/ -I love meeting new people -Im ok with rping its something i like to do ★Anime is Life★
LANDON chocolatechippo
Who else is exited for CHRISTmas Happy birthday JESUS ♪happy birthday to you happy bitrthday to you happy birthday dear JESUS happy birthday to you♪ :)
Warryl warryl-san
I am Warryl the Conqueror read my latest Comic:(favorite post & play journal) Current Goal: Conquer Miiverse Current Mode: Lazy in Conquering things 3,500 followers Warryl Keynes P. Belga 28 years old Filipino Manga Artist (in miiverse only) FOLLOW ME!!! you can Yeah bomb me, I wouldn't even feel it I post everyday so always check me out "I don't Take Request"
jason gamming101
hey im gammer101 i like all games. im ’’Determind’’that we will be friends
Ally DarkAlchemyLab
Since miiverse is ending soon(November 7/2017) After some serious thinking, its time for me to move on as well, I hate making this choice but I hate good byes more. Thank you all for your friendship and for the good times we had. Ally has retired from miiverse and online gaming. farewell everyone.....I wish you all the best.♥♥♥♥♥
biot BioChannel
ぞくせい:でんきタイプ 絵を描く事は魔法。絵を描ける人はみんな、魔法使い Miiverseで出会った素敵な魔法使いの人たちと、未熟な私を応援してくれた素敵な人たちに、心からの感謝を。 今までありがとうございました♪ またいつか、どこかでお会いしましょう^∀^
GH05T ^¬^ Brink12Con1080p
Yo! GH05T is my name, And Drawing's my game! Well... So is Monster Hunter, Fallout 4, Pokémon, and other games.. BUT! Drawing is what I shall do for all my friends! :Friends: LaDarion Electro JammyOtaku Shadowfang Smolkitty Golden Boy ★Karamatsu★ ★Totty★ :::::::::::::::: Anywho, Thanks for checking out my file, Cya! ^¬^♭
Sigles Seasonal_Mint
Greetings. Have a free Mint Candy! They restore your MP. Currently looking after a Eevee egg.
SP♪RG☆chlœ redapple123
Kai so123n
im single -_- i have a 100 subs on utube LOVE ME addicted to mhg i have no followers why u no cooperate 3 posts a day 3 chat posts a week ↑ma costume im 17 baby fav anime:attack on titan fav game:soon to be mhxx personell:nice chill lonely forevah
GamingNeko Gaming_NekoNum.1
e w e thnx for poking Meh face.. *Gives chu a cookie* Their really isn't a lot to know about me.. xD So Yee ._. Baii How does 1 crave a person? 🤔🤔 ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° Still here huh? XD
Prowler bc QKZANEQK
This user's profile comment is private.
Shadow godzilladovah
I've been playing video games for as long as I can remember. I enjoy getting tips for games such as Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate and other similar games. Long story short I like games, wolves, dragons, lizards, drawing, anime, and the moon.
M14 TherealM14
I'm just an average everyday guy who likes to play Video Games, Watch NBA Basketball and listen to Hip Hop. Also a Real person who speaks his mind. I'm a Huge fan of Sonic the Hedgehog and Legend of Zelda games. Games i currently own for Wii U and 3DS Are displayed on my favorite communitys list. I also own a Nintendo Switch 8244 5001 0935
Alex Ninja56311
hi my name is Alex Alexander so if you want to follow me then i follow you back and friend request me if you want to and i do play games alot splatoon,super smash bros, mario kart 8, sonic boom thats all for today guys and this ninja is out see ya and NO WII U CHAT! and i'm single
°☆★Raph RaphaelBulger
why would you cause problems when there are so many people suffering out there. if youve got the power to make a difference, why not put it to good use? go help people! and dont be afraid to stand up for whats right!! mhgen monsters soloed: guild furious rajang event savage deviljho event alatreon event hyper gore magala high rank guild amatsu event hyper rajang event double savage deviljho
Korg Vaprack
''I am the Hammer.I am the Sword in His hand.I am the Gauntlet about His fist.I am the Bane of His foes and the woes of the treacherous.I am the End'' Sic Semper Tyrannis
Emil :3 aideniscool12345
follows are apreciated! thank you for 300+ followers. i am looking for freinds to game with! please take a look at my stuff and follow!!!
M4th Theveryrealm14
Bring in the New Year correctly by cuffing a bad female. Happy 2017 homiez
Jim ImageSC
Just existing in the moment and enjoying what I can
stephen hoofedclock4
good news my account is up again the service will work again I will start accepting friend request again and wii u chat calls as well so everyone will start seeing my post again im sorry i havent posted anything since a year ago that will change you will start seeing post again on my account but if I want to wii u chat with you you need to send me a friend request hoofedclock thanks everyone by.
Yadawoman Yadaman
Hayo, Yadaman heraaaa! o/ I'm an experienced gamer that enjoys a variety of challenges as well as the company of mah peeps. I'm mostly into Fighting/Action games, like Super Smash Bros, Monster Hunter, and yada, yada, ETC.! :P That doesn't mean that I don't enjoy a strat game here and there ;) That being said, Yadios and stay coo! Yes I am a brony and I take requests for drawings! \o/
Reuel rraull
Hello. I'm basically dead here, you can find me on CV with the same name. From now on I'll pretty much just be posting PAA stuff
Brad Agent_two
Hi! I'm Brad, and the Wii U is awsome! I like anime and manga, I like to draw, I'm a christian, and I also don't wii u chat. My favorite game series are Legend of Zelda, Monster Hunter, Super Smash Bros., Mario Kart, Uncharted, Soul Caliber, Fire Emblem, and Marvel vs. Capcom.
Shyguy25 Isaacle625
Hello. Why are you here. There is nothing to do. Besides follow me.Anywho my name is Shyguy25. I am a guy thats 13 years old and in 8th grade. I am the leader of the leader of the mischiefous mercanaries™. Anyways you should follow me and tell your friends because i'm a very nice person! Mischiefous Mercanaries ShyGuy25 (The Leader) Takeo LlamaJam (Co Leader) Scarlett ★TR★Steven Erik
G-sword12 gamingsword12
Ike felipezu
Oh? Expecting me to say hi? Nah, this place is a walking trash. Bye miiverse, I'm retiring in here :y So long, Smash Brethren and Shepherds Facetome - Felipe Zuniga Cord - Felipezu426#2339 Umblr - Ike Gawain
Mecha Leo Mecho623
I JUST WANTED TO HUUUUUUUUUUUUG *explodes* I be Leo, the robot cat thingy or whatever my design is meant to be. I go around, playing games and drawing. Cause wynaut. I love monster hunter with a passion, so you can contact me if you wanna get together and, well, hunt stuff? Draw stuff? Whichever.
★SCScizor◆ zaonypr
Hello, i'm ★SC Scizor▼: *Top 5 favorite game series: 1. SonicTheHedgehog 2. TheLegendOfZelda 3. Pokémon 4. Metroid 5. Splatoon BestFriends:Clara★♂,Dan▲˛▲,Jack,^,^ Favorite game:TheLegndOfZelda:Majora'sMask Top 5 favorite games: 1.TheLegendOfZelda:Majora'sMask 2.SonicRush 3.FireEmblem:Awakening 4.TheLastOfUs 5.Metroid:Prime Follow:Clara,Dan,Jack Online-* Offline-
Rahsheen Flame244
Hi, my name is Rahsheen. I'm 13 years old, and I'm the leader of Team BlazeBlue, allied with Team Accel, against Team Dragma.
AshKetchup angeldaria
wut... #TomxTordshippingftw Bendyxsans wat mor 2 say im Ash ketchup from mallet town >:3 ya wanna know something...DEAR STARBOY MADE MEH CRI ONLY 1 WEEK, HOW MANLY IS THAT??!!!!!!! im at camp 4 about a week so baye
~Shae~ Shaeiee
Hey Friendly-Friend-Friends its Shae, or Saanen. Just depends. I'm 14 and I'm not always online because Im trying to focus on School work. Im a Rp-er deal with it! Love to all my fellow Rp people, not to the hatters people. People I think tolerant my crazy: Malka, Dark Ark, Cole, Matty P, and Nova Delta.^^ Follow4Follow Out of posts No[X]Yes[] ↓↓As Of 10/10/16↑↑ Sleeping Yes[]No[]Meh[X] ☆Bye★
Zack Jetainga
^w^ ~
TheWispGuy TheWispGuy
Hi there! Welcome! :D I like to draw here! Feel free to browse, but try not to carouse! WA-HAHA! ^v^ I have another account: VolcanicWisps! It's shared with my sibling, who - by the way - also have their own account: VolcanicFires! Why don't you go check both of them out? PS: I don't Wii U Chat.
ビクトリーヒノタ urutor
ポケモン好き女子です。皆さんよろしくお願いします!! 絵を描く事が好きです。 好きなもの、ポケモン・ウルトラマン・仮面ライダー・(歌い手)アンダーバーです。 好きな色 水色。 投稿・コメント連続共感OK!!
Well, miiverse's end draws near...
It was fun talking/drawing here. Made many good friends here, ...
Well, miiverse's end draws near...
It was fun talking/drawing here. Made many good friends here, many drawings here as well. Regret not drawing much here but I guess that happens when you have an old model ds.
Miiverse has been a great time. And I am glad to have the friends I made here.
Wish you all the best.
This is not a good bye.
This is a see you soon. :)