Users Ruri Is Following
Linka Deedrick
Hello, I'm Linka♪ I like to play games that allow me to build, explore, and help others. I like to draw, but unfortunately my art posts on US-region Miiverse will be limited. :( 私も現在日本語を勉強していますが、私にとっては遅いプロセスです。人々が理解してくれることを願っています。 I'm not particular to Wii U chat, and I review friend requests and player profiles. Blank FRs will be ignored. Thank you♪ Please enjoy your stay here in Miiverse!
エムた emuemu_emuta
「早くG級シャガルに会いたいです」 高校を推薦で合格できたM太(エムた)です。 モンハンはXから、ポケモンはサンムーンから始めた初心者です。 ↓MHXX↓ メイン HN:M太 【女】 サ ブ HN:M次郎 【男】 フォロバはその方の投稿でしたりしなかったり…? 暇なときとかに絵を描いたりしています。 3月21日更新
IKAさま ikachiyo
自由気ままにお絵描きしたり、イカしたりハンターだったり雀士などをしております 共感、コメント、フォローを励みに日々精進(・・出来たらいいなあ) 特にコメントは返して無いときもございますが頂けるとニマニマしながら眺めるほど嬉しいです。 フレンドに関しましてはリア友と今まで絡んでくれたイカをプレイしている人とさせて頂いております。 フォローはするも外すもご自由にどうぞ
エアリー re-ufo
なんとかなります、きっと! だから明日も明後日も大丈夫なのです Please forgive me if I say anything rude as I do not understand forign language very well. フォロウされてもおおよそ返事はしないと思います。だって恥ずかしいじゃあないですか。←ダメという意味ではありません。私も無言でしてますし。 私は出先や、就寝前、出勤前に投稿することが多いので、せっかくいただいたコメントですが、即レスすることはまずありません。時間はあきますが、直近の投稿のコメントであれば可能な限り返事をさせていただきます。いただいたコメントは全てありがたく拝見しております。
Gregguru Gregguru
On hiatus. I'll post more when things on here will get better. That most probably means never.
Lonely Roy LonelyRoy
(Archdan's Alt Account) i post on occasion now.. im busy with the comic and getting a switch check out my yeahs for all the comics listed in order! Archdan's potd drawings? check out Archmask's yeahs list (Archdan's 2DS account)
biot BioChannel
ぞくせい:でんきタイプ 絵を描く事は魔法。絵を描ける人はみんな、魔法使い Miiverseで出会った素敵な魔法使いの人たちと、未熟な私を応援してくれた素敵な人たちに、心からの感謝を。 今までありがとうございました♪ またいつか、どこかでお会いしましょう^∀^
Thanks for 780 followers! There's also a Defenders of Darkness Discord, I'm the current leader/owner. *I am* Defenders of Darkness Leader PokeSmash Dark Gym Leader 'Reigning' King of the NSLU Community Big Brother of NSLU's Queen Leader 1 of the Feline ξclipse Furry Greece Community is shared between Freege and Defenders of Darkness #SILVLEY Until next time...
Clive KingBloodHunter
I think it's time, for a pe-pe-pe-pe-pepperoni pizza! Don't talk to me unless you have pe-pe-pe-pe-pepperoni pizza, I have been waiting ALL DAMN WEEK!!
タコベー takobe
E&E! スプラトゥーンと絵心教室に時間を奪われる日々 絵柄が安定せず、人間キャラを描く度に顔が変わってたりします フレリクを頂くことが多いのですが、自分がフォローしている方以外はお断りさせて頂いているのでご了承ください フォロー・フォロー解除はご自由にどうぞ 絵のリクエストは基本的に受け付けておりません
GH05T ^¬^ Brink12Con1080p
Yo! GH05T is my name, And Drawing's my game! Well... So is Monster Hunter, Fallout 4, Pokémon, and other games.. BUT! Drawing is what I shall do for all my friends! :Friends: LaDarion Electro JammyOtaku Shadowfang Smolkitty Golden Boy ★Karamatsu★ ★Totty★ :::::::::::::::: Anywho, Thanks for checking out my file, Cya! ^¬^♭
Lil Vixen AkeyaThePrincess
Hey I'm 22 years old, you can also call me Akeya and I love to play Super Smash Bros and Monster Hunter MH4U rank: 999 MHGen rank: 999
Warryl warryl-san
I am Warryl the Conqueror read my latest Comic:(favorite post & play journal) Current Goal: Conquer Miiverse Current Mode: Lazy in Conquering things 3,500 followers Warryl Keynes P. Belga 28 years old Filipino Manga Artist (in miiverse only) FOLLOW ME!!! you can Yeah bomb me, I wouldn't even feel it I post everyday so always check me out "I don't Take Request"
Lalo Faire21
Welcome to my profile! Have a look around Currently Playing: →Super Smash Bros WiiU →Fire Emblem →Black ops 3 →Pokken →Fallout 4 ☆Master Hunter☆ ☆Smash Titan☆ ♪And if I ever got another chance, I'd still ask her to dance♪ ‘‘Your friends... What kind of... people are they? I wonder... Do these people... think of you... as a friend?’’ Have a nice day, stranger ♪
Raymundo RayDangoVago
[RayDango] Nos vemos!!. Yucateco fan de Nintendo,Animación,Juegos,Pizza,Musica ochentera,Musica Vocaloid y Frikieadas,Solo publico dibujos,Me gusta el dibujo a pesar de no ser muy bueno. In English ;D I like Cartoons,Anime,Nintendo,Games,Pizza,Vocaloid and 80s Music,etc Age/Edad:2?. I only post drawns,My english is bad®. saludos.
M4th Theveryrealm14
Bring in the New Year correctly by cuffing a bad female. Happy 2017 homiez
Yadawoman Yadaman
Hayo, Yadaman heraaaa! o/ I'm an experienced gamer that enjoys a variety of challenges as well as the company of mah peeps. I'm mostly into Fighting/Action games, like Super Smash Bros, Monster Hunter, and yada, yada, ETC.! :P That doesn't mean that I don't enjoy a strat game here and there ;) That being said, Yadios and stay coo! Yes I am a brony and I take requests for drawings! \o/
Reuel rraull
Hello. I'm basically dead here, you can find me on CV with the same name. From now on I'll pretty much just be posting PAA stuff
Connor Zoreer
An RPG enthusiast with only a handful of DS and GBA games to revisit and complete. Just Completed: Final Fantasy IV, The Dark Spire, Bionicle: Maze of Shadows Currently playing: Disgaea DS, Riviera: The Promised Land Hyped for: Etrian Odyssey V, Metroid Samus Returns
ういっちー frankki-84
皆さんこんにちは。家事や仕事が暇なとき、ラクガキ目的でmiiverseしてます。よろしくです。 フレンドリクエスト下さる方々、ありがとうございます。なにぶん人見知りなもので、突然のフレリクにはお応えできない場合があります。徐々に仲良くなってくださると助かります。 Hello everyone! my name is witchii. I am glad to see you!
TheWispGuy TheWispGuy
Hi there! Welcome! :D I like to draw here! Feel free to browse, but try not to carouse! WA-HAHA! ^v^ I have another account: VolcanicWisps! It's shared with my sibling, who - by the way - also have their own account: VolcanicFires! Why don't you go check both of them out? PS: I don't Wii U Chat.
Arakawa ArakawaMusic
22, Musician & Artist Hello Miiverse! My name is Arakawa and I: - Like to draw - Create music - Cosplay (kinda) - Play a lot of video games (PC and 3DS) I have the New 3DS and I play - Monster Hunter Generations - Monster Hunter 4U - Super Smash Bros. 3DS - Animal Crossing - Mario Kart 7 - Tomodachi Life - Pokemon: Y, Alpha Sapphire - The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask Thank you for stopping by!
Weiss KarpyKrusader11
Hiya fellow miiversians! In this account i'll mainly just be foolin around in smesh bruhs. So mainly smesh bruhs stuffz here. My favorite fighter is currently Corrin. :3 Roleplays are fun. An alternate me plays Monster Hunter and Pokemon. :3
P Tenn88
Annoyed about tomorrow being the final day of MV & that it's getting shut down just to try & push the switch onto customers....yeah that's my opinion. :/ And their "claims" of them still planning on supporting the 3ds family of systems I'm gonna need pretty darn good proof of that to 100% believe that.
Senpai Elaine_Riddle
Strength: ★★☆☆☆ Stamina: ★★★★☆ Defense: ★★☆☆☆ Intellect: ★★★★☆ Faith: ★★★☆☆ Sanity: ★☆☆☆☆ I am an eccentric transwoman who enjoys intellectual discussion over a nice relaxing hack n' slash. With tea, of course.
Gojirito AkuRyu9000
Hello, folks, the name is Gojirito I am Miiverse's very own Gojira/kaiju artist, poet writer, pug lover and the coolest loser ever! =) I don't accept blank FRs nor Wii U chat, nothing personal. I'm grateful for the awesome feedback you guys give me, know that each one of you are awesome in your own way! ''Whatever else has been said about me personally is unimportant. When I sing, I believe.'
★Payido★ Payido12
Hello! I'm Payido! Welcome to my profile! Things about me: I am 23 in human years! :3 I love anything Alice in Wonderland! The Cheshire Cat is my spirit animal! <3 Green is the best color in the whole wide world! <3 I love scary movies with lots of gore! I'm not human and I also "Don't Speak Human" (only a few of you might get that ;) ) That's all for now! :D
Aronis Blade-of-Ignis
Hello everybody! My name is Aronis! It's an honor to meet you. I Love to draw, enjoy playing Yu-Gi-Oh! and always like to play a wide variety of video games. I'm a kind guy to talk to and a huge Pokémon fan! If you ever want have discussions about MHG, Pokémon, Yu-Gi-Oh!, ETC, I'd be more than welcome to chat! Favorite Pokémon: Charizard Current age: 18 RL Yu-Gi-Oh! deck: Synchrons
Raz mosghari93
hello i'am mosghari
Mr.Bloo Bluejoe
imagine a world where taking appart a dollar will turn it into 4 quarters... if you manage to break the quarter it becomes 5 nickles and so on until you reach a penny, then the penny is indestructible because you cant separate it further.. i imagine in this world pennies are the hardest known material. and would be used for armor
Anna.EXE fullmetalpowers
Hey, I'm Anna.exe! I like Megaman, Cave Story, Earthbound, Professor Layton, Zelda, and everything in my favorites list. I am an animator! Masked man and Quote for smash anyone? I also love puns! Follow me if ya want~! .... I've lost my stylus. I have failed.... No seriously I cant find a single stylus i thought i had like 20. Okay who stole my stylus?
☆★Andrew★☆ Goldenfire3
Welcome to my Miiverse profile! My name is Andrew, and I love video games. You can read this, you can look at the profile, but if you touch it, I will find you. Favorite Game: Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate I am a 15 year old Gamer. Feel free to challenge me in video games, I'm a real Challenge to beat.
CrazyBeast Gameboy25
Yo what's sup! Im CB and i love playing video games! Currently playing: Chaos Child Utawarerumono: Mask of Truth Bad Apple Wars Naruto Storm 1 (PS4)
ΩPwner pwner122
Gtoda4 Gtoda4
Mine is the drill that will pierce the heavens! Who the heck do you think i am?!? I'm me, Hunter of Monsters and watcher of anime! Name:Garrison [not really] Level:1900 Class:N/A Skills:Seasoned Hunter Temperment:Friendly Equipment:3DS,Wii U, PS3, among others Our friends are a reflection of ourselves in that we are drawn to qualities of ourself. ~Garrison
Iceman92 Iceman92
Incase I run out of comments, just know that you all are Miiverse, the very spirit of this place. I hope to see you all again. With the end in sight, thank you all for the support you've given me, you're all awesome. ;) See you all again someday soon. :) One last time, Goodnight Miiverse.
Nyax BonumDiemMori
Hello everynyan! I'm Val! \(^ω^)/ Curious about me? Well, I have a extremely silly disposition, and a borderline crazy obsession for Video games and Anime. I play Monster Hunter, Sm4sh, Project M, Splatoon, Poke'mon, Animal Crossing, Dark Souls and the occasional FPS. Also, I sorta do art... :/ Love these guys. ↓ Great artists and friends: <3 -Dovahkiin -Wolfmars^^ -HarryStyle -Eliyah -Thu
Well, miiverse's end draws near...
It was fun talking/drawing here. Made many good friends here, ...
Well, miiverse's end draws near...
It was fun talking/drawing here. Made many good friends here, many drawings here as well. Regret not drawing much here but I guess that happens when you have an old model ds.
Miiverse has been a great time. And I am glad to have the friends I made here.
Wish you all the best.
This is not a good bye.
This is a see you soon. :)