What is your favourite weather?
Mr. G&W's Yeahs

Can you imagine a world where were all represented by a font? What font would I be? Hmmm, no, not Arial, that's too straight. No! Not in that way! Just, straight, as in unexciting. Too uh, deadpool...

- 3 days of high school 3 days of college But I take 1 day to look around the hive. - So are you going to James' funeral? - No. Every bee knows: You sting, you die. Such a hothead over a squirrel.

"Spongebob! Take this pile of filth out with ya!" "Mr. Krabs, you shouldn't talk about Squidward like that!"
Just 'cuz I'm 2D doesn't mean I can't make dank memes.